The Town Board of the Town of West Point will hold their regular monthly meeting on Thursday, February 9, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. at the West Point Town Hall, N2114 Rausch Road, Lodi, WI 53555.

The regular business agenda is:

1.  Call to Order - Roll Call – Certification of Compliance with the Open Meetings Law

2.  Pledge of Allegiance

3.  Approval of Agenda

4.  Citizen Input on non-agenda topics. The Town Board welcomes citizen input on any agenda or non-agenda topic, but will not discuss or take action on any topic that is not on the agenda. The Town Board has the right to limit the duration of citizen statement and will not engage in a debate with a citizen presenter.

5.  James Malmberg – Candidate for the Sauk Prairie School Board

6.  Approval of Minutes from January 12, 2011

7.  Treasurer's Report

8.  Approval of Payment of the Bills

9.  Correspondence


10. Resolution for Supporting Proposed State Purchase of Certain Land for the Ice Age Trail

11. Application for Permit to Use Town Property from Peter Gilbertson at N2120 Smith Park Road

12. Agreement and bill for Columbia County Humane Society for 2012

13. Fish, Crystal and Mud Lake District/Pumping

14. Consider putting in a Mail Slot a the Town Hall

15. Consider forming a committee to study a Utility District

16. New Contract for Building Permits/Inspections

a.  Interim Engineering Firm

b.  Bids for Building Permits/Inspections

17. Town Roads

·  Pulvermacher Road

·  Reduce Speed Limit from Golf Course to State Highway 60 on Golf Road

·  Possible change at intersection of State Highway 60/Golf Road/State Highway 60 to make shoulder lanes to Right Turn Only lanes

18. Committee Reports

19. Next Meeting Agenda – March 8, 2012 at 7:00 p.m.

20. Adjourn

Dated this 8th day of February, 2012

Edith Kay Eberle, Town Clerk