Mad King Ludwig Memorial History Tournament

Chicago Open 2006 History Doubles,July 28, 2006

Questions by Chris Frankel

Tossups, Round 4

1. When these people tried to promote Olybius as successor to Libius Severus, Leo I sent Marcellinus and Basiliscus on a failed campaign against them. One general who was sent by Honorius to fight them at Rhaetia, Flavius Stilicho, was actually one by birth. They expressed tolerance to Catholics when ruled by Gunthamund and Hilderich, but these people, who were originally split into Siling and Asding tribes, mostly practiced Arianism. During the reign of Gaiseric, they controlled most of North Africa, and their fall occurred under the rule of Gelimer, during which they were crushed at Ad Decimum and Tricameron by Belisarius. FTP, identify these barbarians who sacked Rome in 455 AD and became synonymous with wanton destruction.

ANSWER: Vandals

2. Lesser members included a former army major and leader of the Volunteers, and a future minister to Prussia who would also go on to lead the negotiations for the annexation of Texas and serve as the Know-Nothing Party’s only vice presidential candidate. Beyond William B. Lewis and AndrewDonelson, thisgroup had a strong media presence through men like former New Hampshire Patriot editor Isaac Hill and United States Telegraph editor Duff Green. Two prominent members were Kentuckians: one being Washington Globe founder Francis Blair, the other being Amos Kendall, who influenced its leader’s policy supporting state banks. Losing its influence after some drama involving Peggy O’Neill’s marriage to John Eaton, this is, FTP, what group of informal advisors to Andrew Jackson?

ANSWER: Kitchen Cabinet

3. Peter Langtoft claimed it was his servant John Short who betrayed him to John Menteith, leading to his trial and execution in Smithfield, where he claimed he was not guilty of treason since he never swore loyalty to the king. It is uncertain whether the execution of Marion Braidfute motivated him as legend tells, but he killed William Heselrig in Lanark, and soon met up with Andrew de Moray, who became his major ally. The poet Blind Harry is the primary source of stories about this man, who was motivated to take arms by the overthrow of John Balliol and crushed the English at StirlingBridge before being defeated at Falkirk in 1298. FTP, identify this antagonist of Edward I, the Scottish rebel depicted in Braveheart.

ANSWER: William Wallace

4. An encounter here began with the breaking of an unpopular four month treaty through a march on Tegea. Aristocles and Hipponoidas were banished for showing cowardice during this battle, where the initial surprise of the attacking forces’ being ambushed at the Temple of Heracles wore off as the ensuing hoplite battle was won by the invading Lacedaemonians under Acis II. Boeotian forces led a left wing charge here and stunned Agesilaus II and his allied Spartan and Athenian army in a battle 56 years later, in which, despite repeating the earlier success at the Battle of Leuctra, the Thebans entered a decline from power because their commander fell in battle here. FTP, name this area near Argos, the site of a 418 BC Peloponnesian War battle and the site of the 362 BC battle that saw the death of Epaminondas.

ANSWER: Mantinea

5. In recent years it has been rendered irrelevant due to the loss of its coalition partner Freedom Union and the formation of the Civic Platform as a splinter group. One of its early programs cited a segment of the Catholic Social Teaching of John Paul II, and its leaders often wore black Madonna buttons. It rose directly out of the KOR, while its rural branch was led by Jan Kulaj. It continued as an underground organization after being declared illegal by the Sejm, and after teaming with the PUWP, Tadeusz Mazowiecki became his country's first noncommunist premier in forty years. FTP, name this union formed out of a strike at the Gdansk ship yards, which, under Lech Walesa, was able to break Soviet power in Poland.

ANSWER: Solidarityor Solidarnosc

6. Venenago, Ouitanon, and Presque Isle were three of the eight sites to fall during this conflict, which was planned during a council at the EcorseRiver. One of the forces called in to fight it was Roger’s Rangers, whose namesake leader later wrote a one act tragedy about it. The Devil’s Hole Massacre was one of the bloodiest of its encounters, and despite preliminary treaty negotiations with John Bradstreet, it would only end three years later through a treaty with William Johnson. The British defense of its initial target was successfully led by Henry Gladwin, and after an encounter at Bushy Run, Henry Bouquet was able to defend FortPitt, leaving it and FortDetroit the two main forts not to be captured by the allied tribes under this conflict’s namesake. FTP, name this 1763 Indian rebellion centered on the Great Lakes.

ANSWER: Pontiac’s Rebellion

7. This dynasty’s second ruler passed laws forbidding the shaving of beard and heads and the use of ghats for bathing, and only came to power after winning a succession crisis with his older brother Barbak Khan, whom he placated by giving him the Jaunpur territory. Niamatullah was the primary chronicler of this dynasty, whose first leader, Bahlol, took the throne after the voluntary abdication of Alam Shah, thus ending the preceding Sayyid Dynasty. Its third and final ruler had his popularly supported brother Jalal killed to keep his own throne safe, causing Alam and Daulat Khan to betray him and seek outside intervention from a Turkic invader who would crush his forces with cannon artillery in an epic 1526 battle. FTP, identify this Islamic Afghan dynasty that ruled in North India until Ibrahim was killed at Panipat.


8. After a stint as a professor at Tours, he joined the French army, and in 1940 was captured and imprisoned in Amiens for two years. Lamine Gueye recruited him for the SFIO, though he later split with Gueye and joined Mamadou Dia in forming his country’s Democratic party. Initially elected Mayor of Thies, he helped found the Party for African Reunion and worked with Modibo Keita of the SudaneseRepublic in forming the Mali Federation, from which his nation would secede in 1960. In 1980, he retired and passed the torch to his prime minister, Abdou Diouf after serving four terms as president. Also the author of the treatise On African Socialism and Shadow Songs, a poetry collection, this is, FTP what man who joined Aime Cesaire in founding the Negritude movement and ruled as the first president of Senegal?

ANSWER: Leopold Sedar Senghor

9. The firm of Boring and Tilton was given the contract to rebuild its facilities, which were largely destroyed in a June 1897 fire. Functioning mostly as a detention center during World War II, it was closed down after the release of its last occupant, Arne Peterssen, in 1954. Once the site of FortGibson, it was overseen by such commissioners as William Williams, Robert Watchorn, and Joseph Senner, and was chosen to replace the facilities at CastleGarden. Its first commissioner, Colonel John Weber, famously placed a golden eagle coin in the hands of Annie Moore, the first person to pass through this location. Sometimes called the “Land of Tears,” this site slowly grew obsolete with the 1924 passage of the National Origins Act, which drastically reduced the traffic flow of people being processed here. FTP, identify this island in New YorkHarbor that served as a stopping point for millions of immigrants to the United States.

ANSWER: Ellis Island

10. In 1838, Edward Robinson and Eli Smith first used a telescope to observe the ruins of this site, which is said to have first been built up by Alexander Janaeus. Alfred Domaszewski and Adolf Schulten led early 20th Century archaeological expeditions here. A “Snake Path” serves as the primary means of access to this site, which was most thoroughly excavated by Yigael Yadin. Controversy exists over whether it was captured by Menahem and used by the Sicarii as a base for violent raids on Ein Gedi, but it was eventually besieged by the armies of Lucius Flavius Silva while under the command of Eleazar ben Yair. Once the site of a palace of Herod, this is, FTP, what Israeli mountain fortress, where in 73 AD, hundreds of Jewish Zealots killed themselves to avoid capture by the Romans?

ANSWER: Masada

11. He counted football as one of his oft-quoted “three F’s” and based his economic policies on the Rerum Novarum of Pope Leo XII. A former economics professor himself, he was appointed finance minister after the coup of Antonio Carmona, whom he succeeded. Though his nation had long since abolished the death penalty, he used the island prison of Tarrafal to suppress dissenters, who were rounded up by the PIDE. His successor, Marcello Caetano, was deposed in the Carnation Revolution, and this Catholic ruler’s own late struggles suppressing rebellions in such colonies as Guinea and Cape Verde foreshadowed the collapses of his Estado Novo. FTP, identify this man who, from 1932-1968, acted as dictator of Portugal.

ANSWER: Antonio Olivera de Salazar

12. Joseph Stillwell was recalled to the U.S. in exchange for Albert Wedemeyer after a series of heated arguments with this faction’s leader, while Claire Chennault once served as an advisor to its air force. This organization once made a strong defensive stand at the Battle of Kuningtou to maintain control of Quemoy, spread propaganda through the “Political Weekly,” and was symbolized by the image of a twelve-pointed white sun on a blue background. With the advice of Vasily Blucher, it carried out the unifying Northern Expedition, which saw it defeat the warlords Wu Pei-Fu, Sun Chuan-Fang, and Chang Tso-Lin, and establish a capital at Nanking by 1928. FTP, identify this Chinese nationalist party, whose primary leader was Chiang Kai-Shek.

ANSWER: Kuomintang or KMT

13. Their decline lay heavily in the rise of regents like Aega and Erchinoald and the growing influence of the Arnulfings, and was finalized when their last ruler was sent off to St. Omer and tonsured under the approval of St. Boniface and Pope Zacharias. The Chronicle of Fredegar is a major source of information on them, and their later leaders, such as Sigibert III and Childebert III were typically inept puppets of the Mayors of the Palace, which is why all of their rulers after Dagobert I are known as the “do-nothing kings.” Presiding over a kingdom that would later be divided into Neustrian and Austrasian realms, this dynasty’s last ruler was Childeric III. FTP, identify this dynasty named after the mythical son of a sea creature, who established their rule of the Frankish kingdom under Clovis I, and were succeeded by the Carolingians.

ANSWER: Merovingians

14. An accidental crash that killed 23 members of the 56th SPS marked its first set of casualties. Howard Zinn harshly criticized columnist James Reston’s support for government actions in his New York Times editorials, and firsthand accounts of the events leading up to it came from Charlie Miller. An initial excursion by the Henry Holt revealed that a land evacuation had already occurred, and it was instead the Henry Wilson that would be approached by the boat containing the 39 men at the center of it. Meanwhile, as an American naval bombardment took place at Kompong Som, U.S. troops staged a fruitless invasion of Kho-Tang while the hostages they sought were being released elsewhere. FTP, identify this 1975 incident revolving around the Cambodian seizure of an American merchant ship.

ANSWER: Mayaguez Incident

15. Many of his speeches were collected in The Pathway of Peace, and he examined unethical business practices in the utility industry in his work with the Stevens Gas Commission. For four years a member of the Hague’s Permanent Court of Arbitration, he was appointed to replace David Brewer in another role, which he took after resigning the governor’s office he had won in an election against William Randolph Hearst. He replaced Bainbridge Colby as Secretary of State and chaired the Washington Naval Conference. The late loss of California caused a close defeat of his presidential ticket with Charles Fairbanks, and his most notable position came when Herbert Hoover appointed him to fill the vacancy left by William Howard Taft’s retirement. FTP, name this New Yorker who lost the election of 1916 to Woodrow Wilson and was Chief Justice in his second term on the Supreme Court from 1930-1941.

ANSWER: Charles Evans Hughes

16. “Squire Leech” and “Caged Rats” were two of the poems in the eponymous set of rhymes criticizing them and written by Ebenezer Elliot. George Bentinck was one of their leading supporters, and Edward Smith-Stanley resigned over calls for their immediate removal, while a resolution condemning them was annually introduced by Charles Pelham Villiers. An initial attempt at reform came in the form of a sliding scale proposed by William Huskisson, but eventually a league opposing their existence and led by John Bright and Richard Cobden, as well as the onset of the An Gorta Mor, forced their repeal by Robert Peel. FTP, identify these unpopular 19th Century Britain protectionist measures concerning a certain grain.

ANSWER: Corn Laws

17. This work’s author categorized its major concept in terms of exemplars and disciplinary matrices in the postscript written seven years after its publication. Its eighth chapter outlines the three possible ways for addressing the problem of blurring and is entitled, “The Response to Crisis,” while its fourth chapter describes the process of puzzle-solving. This work, whose introduction discusses the role of history in establishing a set of “received beliefs,” originated from the author’s observations of errors in reading Aristotle’s Physics, and classifies the transition to subsequent Galilean and Einstein models as examples of the titular occurrences. FTP, the notion of paradigm shifts was introduced in what work analyzing scientific progress and written by Thomas Kuhn?

ANSWER: The Structure of Scientific Revolutions

18. He was given access to the Western media during his stay at Neauphle le Chateau, where he had sympathizers deliver his message to his country through smuggled cassette tapes. It was here where he introduced his philosophy of “Governance of the Jurist” that would lead to the creation of an Assembly ofExperts in the constitution he drafted. After the death of his mentor, Boroujerdi, he became a critic of the White Revolution, and was exiled after the pleas of Hassan Pakravan to spare his life, which resulted in the granting of his highest title by Shariatmadari. Upon his return to Qom, he appointed Mehdi Bazargan as interim prime minister after orchestrating the revolution that ended the Pahlavi Dynasty. FTP, name this Shi’ite cleric who ousted the Shah and was de facto ruler during the U.S. hostage crisis in Iran.

ANSWER: Ruhollah Khomeini

19. Spain ceded Santo Domingo to France, who also resolved its conflict with the Prussian states in a set of treaties signed here in 1795. It and Schaffhausen joined the alliance that would form its eventual nation, doing so in 1501, shortly after an earlier treaty signed at this city came two months earlier as a result of the defeat of theSwabian League at Dornach, establishing its people’s independence from Maximilian I. A meeting at Ferrera, and later Florence, was called in opposition of the council held here, which served as a precursor to the Pragmatic Sanction of Bourges and created a schism by electing the antipope Felix V in opposition to Eugene IV. In this city, Pius II founded its nation’s first university, whose scholars included Jacob Burckhardt and the Bernoulli family. FTP, identify this city on the Rhine, which follows Zurich and Geneva as the third most populous city in Switzerland.


20. Situated on the Chersonese Uplands, Pierre Bosquet famously observed this battle, which opened when General Gribbe and General Semiakin led a coordinated charge on redoubts at Canrobert’s Hill, and became the subject of scrutiny due to a breach in communications in the process of having an order from Richard Airey relayed through Louis Nolan. The commander opposing the British was General Liprandi, and British highlights in this battle included a charge by the 5th Dragoons under James Scarlett’s command, and one by the 93rd Highlanders under Colin Campbell, which formed the “Thin Red Line.” The British were commanded by Lord Raglan in, FTP, which Crimean War battle that saw the failure of Lord Cardigan’s “Charge of the Light Brigade?”

ANSWER: Battle of Balaclava or Battle of Balaklava

1. Answer the following about some political intrigue in Italy, FTPE.

[10] This event’s name is somewhat of a misnomer, since Francesco Salviati of Pisa was the one who solicited members of the eponymous family to have Gerolamo Riario installed as a leader of Florence.