Jan. 29, 2015


Tyler Bettin, Producer Education Director

(800) 372-7675,

For Immediate Release!

Greene Co. father and son earn Master Pork Producer Award

(CLIVE, Iowa) —Father and son hog farmers from Jefferson in Greene Co. have been named recipients of a 2014 Master Pork Producer Award by the Iowa Pork Producers Association.

IPPA presented Lynn Hardin and his son, Travis, with the brass belt buckle, emblematic of the award, at the Iowa Pork Congress Banquet in Des Moines last night. The honor included a brief multi-media presentation of the Hardin’sfarming operation.

Lynn owns and manages Lynele Farms, Inc. He isa contract producer for Murphy-Brown and barn ownership, management and labor is shared equally with Travis. Lynele Farms owns and manages two 2,500-head, power-ventilated buildings.

The elder Hardin has a long history in swine farming. He owned a small farrow-to-finish farm for many years with outside gestation and barn farrowing facilities. Then he transitioned to contract farrowing for local customers and later to a Berkshire operation selling value-added product. After a period of time, Hardin returned to contract production.

Lynele Farms is powered by a 50kw wind turbine.The hog manure is used to provide nutrients for the 1,400 acres of corn and soybeans that the family raises each year.

Lynn and Travis are strong supporters of their community. Lynn serves as a trustee for his local church and is chairman of the stewardship committee. In the past, he served on the Greene Co. Pork Producers Board of Directors and is active now with the Iowa Farm Bureau. During the winter, he assists in tax preparation in the Jefferson area. Travis has been active with the church and 4-H. He looks to become more involved in association efforts moving forward.

Nominated by their neighbors and peers, Master Pork Producers are recognized for their innovation, attention to quality, efficiency and production records within their farm enterprise. They are considered industry leaders who are committed to producing the highest quality pork products. Their operations are environmentally sound, they care about the livestock, are good neighbors and active in their community.

IPPA and Iowa State University havecarefully selected Master Pork Producers every year since 1942.
