Earth Science Class Requirements

Ms. Ginneh Lewis – Room 118

Montbello High School

Earth Science is a year-long course which will emphasize the following topics:

●Bedrock Geology


●Plate Tectonics


●Water Resources

●Energy Resources




INTERACTIVE…draw a tree map including all the topics we will cover this year. Brainstorm with your group what these topics may include…

Textbook:EarthComm, Earth System Science In the Community


For this class, you will need the following materials everyday:

✔pencil and pen

✔notebook paper

✔Science notebook (spiral one subject)


Classroom Values

These are the “Warrior Expectations”, to be valued anywhere in the Montbello High School building.

  1. Be prepared for the 21st century.


  1. Give something back to make your community, your world a better place.


  1. Respect yourself and others.


  1. Be responsible for your own learning and behavior.


  1. Have a plan for after high school.


INTERACTIVE…on the lines above, write down one thing YOU will do to follow each expectation in our classroom…

Classroom Policies

In addition, there are many rules that have to be followed to maintain a safe environment, especially in the science classroom.

1)All assignments are to be turned in at the beginning of class (first 2 minutes) with the proper heading.


First Name Last Name


Earth Science – Period

Day Month Year

2)My desk, cabinets and drawers are off limits unless I ask you to help with class materials.

3)Plagiarism/Cheating: You are expected to do all of your own work! Plagiarism and cheating in any form will not be tolerated. Copying someone else’s work whether it is a friend’s or from a book or Internet is considered to be cheating. Cheating will result in an automatic referral and all students involved will receive no credit for the assignment.

4)Everyone must be on their best behavior during labs. We handle dangerous materials, as well. A lab disruption of any kind compromises the safety of everyone in the classroom. Therefore, inappropriate behavior is not tolerated. If at any time a student misbehaves during lab, he/she will be removed from the classroom and receive a zero for participation for that day. If a student commits more than one lab disruption, he/she will lose lab privileges for the semester.

Student Discipline Ladder

If a student chooses to misbehave, there will be consequences and the following are but not limited to:

1)Verbal Warning (What rule/value did you break?)

2)Will meet with Ms. Lewis individually and after school

If misbehavior progresses…

We will follow Montbello High School's set of consequences for misbehavior…

Level One: Ms. Lewis (and other ELA teachers if appropriate) will meet with

student after school

Level Two: Ms. Lewis will contact parent/guardian.

Level Three: Ms. Lewis will write student a referral.

Level Four: Student will meet with Assistant Principal/Principal.

*Teacher will also provide rewards/incentives for positive behavior

Grading Policy

Participation and Preparation 30%

• Willingly participates in class activities.

• Brings materials required and with a positive attitude.

Exams/Quizzes 30%

• Unit exams and weekly quizzes.

Science Notebooks 30%

Do Now’s

Activities in the textbook

Notes and drawings

Exit Tickets


District-wide midterm and final exam 10%

Total 100%

Make-Up Work

Students who miss class are to have make-up work completed within 2 days of their return to school. All work that is late or turned in after this date will be deducted by 10% each day.

It is the student's responsibility to discuss and/or schedule make-up work at a time convenient to both the student and the teacher.

I will do everything I can to help you be successful in this class because your success is important to me. Earth Science can be a difficult class so you need to ask for help when it is needed. I will be available after school. Please let me know ahead of time if you plan on meeting with me so I can make sure that I am available.


School Phone Number: (720) 423-5841

Success in this class will depend on your effort. Every student is expected to do their best and ask for help when needed.


Guardians and Students:

Please read the earth science class requirements together and sign here, showing that you agree to the expectations of the classroom.

Guardian Name:Signature:______

Student Name:Signature:______

Guardians and Parents…

Best phone # to reach you at: ______

E-mail (if you have one): ______


Phone #______

E-mail: ______

Students, you will receive 100 points toward your participation and preparation grade when you return this packet, completed on time and signed by you and your guardian!