Llangunnor School PTA

Minutes of the Winter Fayre planning meeting held on 11thOctober 2016


Sylvana Sauro,Sharon Thomas, Nia Griffiths, Aled Davies, Hilary Jones, Wendy Davies, Eirith Morris, Tracy Thomas, Michelle Llewelyn

Re cap over this term’s fundraisers

School Disco/Own Clothes Day – Thursday 21st October

The disco will be held in the school hall from 1.30pm.

Letters will go out to parents asking for cake donations and volunteers for the afternoon.

There will be a charge of £1.50 per pupil to include a cake and a drink. Extra snacks will be available for purchase during the junior session.

Christmas Cards

The PTA will receive £1.25 per pack of Christmas cards (designed by the pupils) sold in school.

School Christmas Dinner

Pupils will be allowed to wear Christmas themed costume or clothing for the day of their Christmas dinner on Friday 9th December. They will pay £1 for this.

Guess the Score

The letters have been prepared for this and will be sent out before half term

Winter Fayre – Tuesday 8th November at 6.00pm

The entrance fee will be £2.00 per person (free entry for primary school pupils).This will include refreshments oftea/coffeeor mulled wine, and a mince pie/biscuit.

Raffle tickets will be on sale at £1 a strip as well as Santa tickets for the children at £2 each.


Tea/Coffee mulled wine, squash, mince pies etc –Sylvana Sauro & Mags Wilkins

Cookie decorating, lucky dip- Cylch Meithrin

Cake stall–

Tombola – Hilary Jones

Flowers – Wendy Davies

Christmas Crafts – Catrin Reading

Water/Wine – Hayley

Hot dogs – After School Club

Tattoos/face painting – Staff

Various Christmas crafts/gifts - Holiday Club

Various stalls/games/competitions – Year 6

Santa’s Grotto/ Santa letters–Tracy Thomas

Welsh books – Eirith Morris

Photo Booth/Dress up – Staff and Year 6

There will be a fixed rate of £20 charged to all independent stallholders not running a stall directly for school.

Mr Davieswill arrange use of the school kitchen and facilities for the evening. Sylvana has arranged for Pibwrlwyd College to provide 300 homemade mince pies.

Nia will order tattoos/face paints.

Letters will go out to parents asking for donations for the tombola, cake stall and the raffle.

We will ask the school to send texts asking for volunteers for the Christmas Fayre.

Any other business

The next PTA meeting will be held on Tuesday 17th January 2017 at 7.00pm. All are welcome.