Feedback is provided for each component (a,b,c…) according to the following scheme:

  • 3 The requirement is fulfilled in entirety
  • 2 The requirement is partially fulfilled
  • 1 The requirement is minimally addressed
  • 0 The requirement is missing

BACKGROUND INFORMATIONThe background information provides sufficient content to the reader so they can understand the purpose of the experiment, the design and the interpretation of the results. The writer must research the background information and properly cite (APA documentation) all sources used. A brief summary of the purpose and the experimental design should be included at the end.

In your background information the:
a. Content is clear, focusedand provides sufficient background information to understand experiment
b. Background information is supported by relevant and accurate details.
c. Scientific ideas are confirmed with reliable source(s) and cited

PROBLEM/PURPOSE STATEMENTA problem statement describes what is being investigated and identifies variables and conditions being held constant.

In your problem statement the:
a. Problem/Purpose of experiment is accurately stated
b. The independent and all dependent variables are accurately identified
c. Conditions held constant are accurately identified

HYPOTHESISA hypothesis uses scientific principles and/or prior knowledge to predict the outcome of how the independent variable will affect the dependent variable.

In your hypothesis include:
  1. HOW the independent variable is expected to affect each dependent variable is clearly explained
  2. WHY this/these effect(s) is/are expected is clearly explained using scientific principles or prior knowledge

PROCEDURE/DESIGNThe design of the experiment provides a plan to investigate the problem and test the predictions made in the hypothesis. It should include enough detail so that the experiment is reproducible. The experimental set-up and measurement techniques must be described.

In your design the:
  1. List of materials is complete and accurate
  2. Relevant sizes, quantities and/or concentrations of equipment /materials are provided
c. Step-by-step procedure for data collection is clear, accurate, logically ordered and includes enough detail to be reproducible. It also includes instructions for collecting multiple sets of data (repeated trials).
d. Method for data collection includes detailed instructions for collection of all relevant qualitative and quantitative data
e. Design includes an appropriate control or justifies its absence
  1. Sequence of steps is in logical order
  2. A detailed, labeled diagram is included if necessary to help understand set-up or procedure

DATA RESULTSThe results of an experiment are a neat, well-organized presentation of observations and measurements.

  1. are presented clearly in well-organized tables with proper labels on rows and columns
  2. includes all qualitative and quantitative observations
  3. includes appropriate metric units for all quantitative measurements

ANALYSISAn analysis interprets the data collected. Relationships between variables are displayed on graphs and/or data are processed using calculations to help the scientist use the data to evaluate the hypothesis.

In your graph the:
  1. Title describes data represented in graph
  2. Independent variable is on the x axis; Dependent variable is on the y axis.
  3. Axes are labeled correctly
  4. Correct metric units are included
  5. Axes are numbered correctly
  6. Appropriate graphing style is used…bar, line, scatter plot, best fit, etc…
  7. At least 2/3 of grid is used
  8. Data points are plotted accurately
/ In your calculation section:
  1. Calculations performed are appropriate for evaluating hypothesis
  2. Each formula used is shown
  3. All work is shown and each number includes an appropriate unit
  4. Final answer is accurate with correct unit

CONCLUSIONThe evaluation of the hypothesis includes specific data, graphical relationships or calculations. The effect of error on the results is analyzed and improvements are suggested.

In your conclusion of the results the:
  1. The hypothesis is restated.
  2. The hypothesis is accurately evaluated(was it supported by data?)
  3. Data from the experiment is used to show why the hypothesis is supported or not supported.
  4. Reasonable sources of error are identified and potential impact on data is discussed.
  5. Realistic suggestions to improve experiment are provided

  1. Clear intro, body, and satisfying conclusion
  2. Thoughtful transitions clearly show how ideas are connected
  3. Sequencing is logical and effective
  1. Tone furthers purpose and appeals to audience
  2. Appropriately individual and expressive
  1. Words and specific and accurate
  2. Language and phrasing is natural, effective, and appropriate
  1. Sentence construction produces natural flow and rhythm
  1. Grammar and usage are correct and contribute to clarity and style
  2. All outside sources used are properly cited. See Writers Inc or library website for APA documentation