Introduction to International Channel of the 3rd China College Students’ "Internet +" Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition

1)Overview of the International Channel of the Competition

China College Students' “Internet+” Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition is initialed and organized by Ministry of Education, China, which has been successfully held in 2015 and 2016. The finals of the third competition will be held from 21st September to 24th September 2017.

Chinese University students participated in the third competition around China. The competition received more than 370,000 submissions, which becomes the largest Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition in China as well as the worldwide. Many influential winning projects have sprung up in the first two competitions. Many projects also obtained investments and market focus through the competitions. During the competition, the concept of innovation and entrepreneurship led more and more young people to open their minds and firmly take the way of entrepreneurship. We believe that the concept of innovation and entrepreneurship are crucial not only for young people in China, but also for young people all over the world.

The final of the third competition will be held in Xi'an, the ancient city and the starting point of the Silk Road hosted by Xidian University, which is famous for Science and Technology specialist subjects. This year we will open the international channel. Many innovation and entrepreneurship teams from different countries will be invited to the competition. 18 outstanding projects will be selected to the final, and 4 gold award projects will be selected in Xi'an. We all hope the competition could not only be a demonstration platform for outstanding projects created by Chinese college students, but also contribute to the innovation and entrepreneurship of young people from other countries. For those who intend to expand Chinese market, the competition will provide strong support and more opportunities of being invested and looking for local excellent partners.

Let’s work together, take the third China College Students' “Internet+” Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition as the platform, and promote the global young people to build human future of collaboration and common growth with innovative ideas and entrepreneurship courage in the era of rapid development of the society and technology.

2)Strategic Partners Requirements of the International Channel

Strategic partners should have superior resource in the field of innovation and entrepreneurship, and organize the primary selection of the submissions in their countries and regions. The relevant work and costs in the primary selection period should be borne by the strategic partners. At most 20 submissions shall be entered into the competition.

3) Eligibility for Entries of the International Channel

Entry Requirements and qualifications: the main team members of the international Channel should be current students or students graduated no earlier than 2012, the basically referring to the qualification requirements of the competition in China. Submissions had better be the projects that can be applied and developed in China in the future. Competition focuses on the evaluation on the comparative advantage and technological innovation of the joint projects between international resources and Chinese resources, but these will not be the qualification requirements for participation in the competition.

Competition Organizing Committee will select up to 72 bronze award projects and 18 projects qualified for the finals via on-line evaluation. Competition Organizing Committee will be responsible for the local living expenditures during the finals. At most two participates of each team can apply for international travel expenses (no more than RMB 15,000 per person, that is around 1,700 GBP) for the competition.

This competition is a public interest event that helps dock with investment institutes. The competition does not give out substantial bonus.

4) Schedule for the Finals of International Channel

Time / Events / Remarks
21st Sep 2017 / Registration
21st Sep 2017
20:00-21:30 / Team leader meeting / Draw lots for order of competition.
22nd – 23rd Sep 2017
13:30-17:00 / International Channel Finals / 4 Gold Awards will be selected from 18 finalist projects.
The other 14 finalist projects will win Silver Awards.
24th Sep 2017
9:30 -11:30 / Awarding Ceremony
Closing Ceremony

5) Review Rules

Evaluation Index for The Projects of Unregistered Companies

Review Items / Review Contents / Points
Innovation / To highlight the value of original creativity, and imitation is not encouraged.
To emphasizes the use of Internet technology, methods and thinking to seeking breakthrough and innovation in sales, research and development, production, logistics, information, human resources, management and other aspects.
To encourage projects to be combined with the transfer and transformation of sci-tech achievements. / 40
Situation of
The Team / To investigate the education and work experience, values, specialized fields of all team members, as well as division of labor and business complementariness between team members.
To investigate whether the organizational structure and personnel arrangement of the company are scientific.
To investigate entrepreneurial consultants, main investors and shareholdings of the teams.
To investigate the relationship between the strategic cooperation enterprises and the project, whether the team has the concrete scheme and the possible resource foundation to realize the breakthrough. / 30
Commerciality / In the business model, to emphasis on the integrity and feasibility of the design, completely describe the business model, evaluate its profitability, and infer the rationality of the process.
To investigate whether it is feasible in the aspects of opportunity identification and utilization, competition and cooperation, technical foundation, product or service design, funding and personnel requirements, and existing laws and regulations.
In the field of investigation and research, to examine the extent of industry research, and whether the research of the project-based markets and technologies can form the first-hand materials. Literature search is not encouraged. It emphasizes field research and actual operation testing. / 25
Promote employment / To comprehensively investigate the rationality and feasibility of the project development strategy and the scale expansion strategy.
To predict whether the project can promote employment opportunities. / 5

Review Index for The Projects of Registered Companies

Review Items / Review Contents / Points
Commerciality / In terms of operation performance, to focus on project duration, project operating income, taxation, sustained profitability and market share, etc..
To examine whether the project can create healthy business profits, total asset income, net asset income, income growth and investment and output ratio, by developing appropriate marketing strategies according to the features of the project.
In terms of growth, to focus on market size and scalability of the targeted market, and whether the project has feasible plan of human resources, capital, technology and other aspects, to support high-speed growth in the next 5 years.
In terms of the business model, to emphasize the feasibility and integrity of the project design, and give a complete description of the business model as well as the feasibility in the aspects of opportunity identification and utilization, competition and cooperation, technical foundation, product or service design, funding and personnel requirements, and existing laws and regulations. In terms of financing, to focus on the financing demand and capital utilization plan. / 40
Situation of the team / To investigate the education and work experience, values, specialized fields of all team members, division of labor and business complementariness between team members, as well as the organizational structure, personnel arrangement and leadership of the company.
To investigate entrepreneurial consultants, main investors and shareholdings of the teams, and the relationship between the strategic cooperation enterprises and the project. / 30
Innovation / To highlight the value of original creativity, and imitation is not encouraged.
To emphasizes the use of Internet technology, methods and thinking to seeking breakthrough and innovation in sales, research and development, production, logistics, information, human resources, management and other aspects.
To encourage projects to be combined with the transfer and transformation of sci-tech achievements. / 20
Promote employment / To investigate the increased laborer share, the rationality of the development strategy and expansion, closeness and efficiency of industrial chain, and other social benefits. / 10

6) How to Register

All teams shall send documents listed below to

Deadline of Register: 23rd August, 2017 23:59 (GMT Time)

Part 1: Registration Information (required)

Mobile phone Number:


2: Personal Information (required)

ID Photo
(only support JPG, GIF, PNG format, size should be less than 3M, please send to specified email address as attachment)

Full Name:


Mobile number:

Highest Education(Diploma, Bachelor, Master and PhD):

Current University:

Time of Enrollment:

Time of Graduation:

Course Name:

Part 3:Project and Team Information

Name of the project:

Name of the team:

Location (where the project is actually operating):

Introduction to the team (team structure, advantages etc., no more than 800 words):

Introduction to the project (Advantage of the product and targeted users, no more than 800 words):

Progress of the project (Creative planning phase, and the operation of registered company):

Information of registered company

a. Name of company:

b.Legal representative:

c. Registered capital:

d. Registered time:

e. Registered place:

f.Organisation code or Business Registration No.:

g.Business scope (the one when the business registration is made):

Business plan / Project Plan
(Word, PDF, zip, the size is no more than 20MB, only one file is required, please send to specified email address as attachment)

Project presentation PPT
(ppt、pptx、zip, the size is no more than 20 MB, please send to specified email address as attachment)

Privacy (select one from three options: confidentiality, open to investors, open to public)

Team members
(full names, mobile phone numbers, E-mail address, highest education, universities, time of enrollment, time of graduation, majors, team roles, 3 team members required (including the project founder):

Part 4: Optional Information

Obtained patents (patent name, patent category (invention patent, utility model patent, design patent), patent number, time of award)

Obtained investment (name of investment institution, financing phase (seed round, angel round, A round-E round), amount (please indicate currency unit, such as RMB, GBP, etc.), obtain investment time)

7) Contact details:

Vivian Chan

Tel. 0044-1785 472666 (Ext.1012)