NACCAS Pre-Visit Survey

Please review/complete/scan documents via email to:

or mail to Cassandra Billups at NACCAS, 4401 Ford Avenue #1300, Alexandria, VA, 22302

Date(s) of School Visit: / Date Form Completed: / School Ref #:
School Name: / Contact Person:
Contact Person Phone #: / Contact Person Title:
Address of School: / School Phone#:
Additional School Contact Person: / Type of Visit:
Email Address: / School Web Address:
Total # of students enrolled in past 12 months: / Total # of students currently enrolled:
Last Workshop attended: / By whom:
Designated Accreditation Liaison (s) for visit: / Workshop Attendee?  Yes No
Year of Standards Used for ISS / ______ / Time Admin Staff Arrives / ______ / Time Classes begin / ______

Programs Offered:Complete the table below for each program (attach additional pages if needed):

Program Names: / # Clock Hours, Credits or Competencies / # Students currently enrolled / Name of Instructor(s) for each program / Specify all language(s) programs are taught in
Total # Instructors:
Please attach a copy of the institution’s schedule of all classes and/or clinic time for the date(s) of the on-site evaluation.
List Types of Financial Assistance offered:
Did you Receive Pre-Visit email from Travel Office with the addresses to send the ISSes (if applicable)? Yes_ No

Reminders to School Officials to prepare the following prior to the team’s arrival on site:

1. A list of all currently attending (active) students with each student’s start date, program enrolled, and approximate number of hours completed. This includes students on a leave of absence.

2. A list of all graduates in each program from twelve months prior to the visit date to the present, with each graduate’s start date,

scheduled graduation date, and actual graduation date.

3. A list of all students whose enrollments have been terminated and/or withdrawn (either by the student, or by the institution) from

twelve months prior to the visit date to the present, with each student’s start date, last day of attendance, and withdrawal

determination date by the institution and actual hours clocked and scheduled hours at the time of termination and/or


** Identify students on those three lists who are currently on a leave of absence, ATB students, and transfer students.**

1. Please describe the space the team will work in:
2. Is Ample Parking available? Is there a cost for Parking? / (Please specify )
(Please describe, if applicable)

Are there any other relevant issues and/or concerns the team should be made aware of prior to the visit?School Comments/Notes:

Please note that the NACCAS team usually arrives about 15-30 minutes prior to the time that the school opens and/or classesbegin