AFC Ryan White CARE Act Request for Proposals

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Friday August 14th, 2015

The following is a compilation of questions posed by applicants at Bidders’ Conferences and via email and phone. AFC responses are provided for each question. An updated document will be posted by September 4thas additional questions are submitted. No additional questions will be accepted after Thursday September 3rd 4:00pm.

Standard Operating Procedures

Question 1: Updated Standard Operating Procedures

We would like a copy of the current Case Management Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs).

AFC Response:

Agencies should submit email requests for the Standard Operating Procedures.

Send your requests for this document to Bashirat Osunmakinde at

Question 2: Forms and Templates post RFP Awards

How will agencies access reporting templates and other forms to be utilized after awards have been granted?

AFC Response:

TheStandard Operating Procedures Appendices will include all the necessary forms and templates funded agencies are required to utilize.

Request for Proposal Submission & Proposal Organization

NOTE: Proposal Submission Format

As you review the RFP document and prepare your proposal package, please take notice of an error in the Proposal Organization section Table 7 (page 13).

Table 7 includes a reference to a Project Abstract as Section 1. However, the Project Abstract IS NOT included in the RFP Narrative Workbook. Unfortunately, the Project Abstract was not removed from Table 7.

Please do not include a Project Abstract (as Section 1) in your proposal. Please follow the RFP Narrative Workbook when constructing your proposal. Please note, if you inadvertently include the Project Abstract in your proposal it will not be evaluated or scored. Sections should be numbered following the numbering in the Narrative Workbook. Section numbering can start with the Title Page as Section 1 as referenced in the RFP Narrative Workbook.

On page 13 the line spacing is referenced as 1.5". This is incorrect. Please use 1.5 as the spacing from the MS Word document formatting/line spacing window.

AFC reposted a revised version of the RFP Narrative Workbook on the AFC website.

Question 1: Applying for Multiple Service Categories & Proposal Package Submission

Are we allowed to submit a single proposal for multiple service categories?

AFC Response:

No. For each service category requested, a single proposal package is required. Do not combine multiple service categories in a single application. Doing so will disqualify the application for review. Applicants must submit one MS Narrative Workbook and one Forms Workbook for EACH category being requested. A single category requires two file uploads to the DropBox® folder. Please see RFP, page 14 “Proposal Submission Guidelines”for instructions.

For common narrative sections like “Agency Experience” or “Cultural Linguistic Capacity,” applicants may usethe same narrative for multiple services categories. This can be done by copying and pasting the content into the appropriate section for each service category proposal. Do not “reference” other service category proposal sections. Each service category proposal should include narrative for each section even if the narrative is the same across all proposals. Refer to page 12, “Proposal Preparation Guidelines”; and page 14 “Proposal Submission Guidelines” section.

Use only one Intent to Apply form to indicate interest in multiple service categories.

Question 2: Intent to Apply & Proposal Title Page

What if our agency isn’t sure which services we are requesting funding for? Which services should we select on the Intent to Apply form? Which services should we submit a final proposal for using the Proposal Title Page form?

AFC Response:

If your agency anticipates pursuing any of the funded service categories, select these service categories on the Intent to Apply form. AFC strongly recommends selecting any and all possible service categories, regardless of what proposals are eventually submitted. Agencies are prohibited from submitting proposals for service categories NOT initially selected on the Intent to Apply form.

Question 3: Agency with several locations

Can an agency submit one application although they have several locations in different counties?

AFC Response:

Yes. Please make sure all services are selected in the intent to apply form for all locations.

Question 4: MS Workbooks Formatting

If our agency cuts/pastes narrative from another documents into the RFP Workbooks will the formatting change? Do we have to make sure that the formatting is consistent with the RFP Workbook?

AFC Response:

The RFP Workbook and RFP documents are formatted in Cambria 10 font with a 1” margin. When cutting/pasting narrative into the RFP Workbooks, ensure that margins, font sizes, etc. adhere to RFP specifications. Agencies should use MS Word functionality to ensure that the final submitted documents meet requirements. This means that the RFP Workbook may have to be “adjusted” to ensure that formatting requirements are met. Refer to RFP page 12, Proposal Preparation Guidelines section.

Question 5: RFP Narrative Workbook and Forms Workbook Page Numbering

Are we to paginate across the two files of each category for the table of contents? So, for instance, the narrative file would be pages 1 – 40 and the forms/appendices file would pick up at 41. Or should we start at page one in each file?

AFC Response:

Start at page 1 in the RFP Narrative Workbook and start at page 1 in the RFP Forms Workbook. Page numbering between workbooks does not need to be continuous.

Question 6: Target Population Template / Client Demographics Template

The RFP references a target population template in the narrative; however the actual form is titled Client Demographic Template. Are they the same?

AFC Response:

Yes, these terms are interchangeable. Agencies should use the Client Demographic Template included in the RFP Forms Workbook.

Question 7: Target Population Template / Client Demographics Template

In the demographics worksheet in the RFP Forms workbook, what is meant by “affected patients”? Would you please define this population?

AFC Response:

The table in the Client Demographic Template form allows applicants to indicate when services reach “affected” populations. Language in the RFP, on page 10, states that Essential Services can be delivered to HIV-affected individuals, including partners or family members of HIV-positive persons when the service supports a health outcome for the HIV-infected client. Affected individuals may qualify for services under this RFP if those services link, retain, or re-engage the HIV positive individual (e.g. spouse/partner/parent/household member) in primary care services. Agencies should submit demographic information for any affected individuals (partners, children, guardians, etc) of service recipients who also receive services at the agency. The information can be left blank for any agencies who do not provide services to individuals who are not living with HIV.

Question 8: Client Demographics Template

For the demographics worksheet, should we only be reporting on the demographics for the clients utilizing a specific service type or can we report on the demographics of our HIV patients in total for all applications? For example, for mental health would we only list the demographics for those HIV patients utilizing mental health services or the demographics of the entire HIV population? Similarly for Case Management, would we only list the demographics of those who are case managed?

Using the “Client Demographics Template,” please report demographics for clients utilizing the service category for which you are applying. Agencies may refer to the total number of patients living with HIV receiving services in the “Agency Experience” section of the narrative.

Question 9: Uploading additional Documents

Can an agency upload documents that may be helpful supportive documentation, for example, can a payer of last resort policy be uploaded?

AFC Response:

Only required documents and appendices can be included in this RFP. The Payer of Last Resort Policy is a required appendix. Refer to RFP page 13, Proposal Organization section Table 7. If a document or appendix is not listed as required in Table 7, it should NOT be included in submissions.

Question10: DropBox® Proposal Submission

Does DropBox® require software activation? How will AFC share their folder with our agency?

AFC Response:

When you activate your DropBox® account you can download software to any computer that will access drop box. Downloading the software creates a drop box folder on your personal computer. However, downloading the software is not necessary. You can access the DropBox® website from any computer or mobile phone using your login password.

When an agency submits an Intent to Apply form, AFC will send a link that shares a DropBox® folder to all the email addresses listed on the Intent to Apply form. The link will provide access to your specific agency’s folder and sub-folders for each service category listed on your Intent to Apply form. Later when your proposal package is finished, you will upload your proposal package to the specific to DropBox service category folders created by AFC.

If after you send anIntent to Apply form, you do not receive an email from AFC, check your Junk/Spam folder for the AFC sharing link email.

IMPORTANT NOTE:DropBox® Account & the Intent to Apply Form

Ensure that the email address used to create your DropBox® account is the SAME email address on the Intent to Apply form. This is the email address to which AFC will send a DropBox® sharing email and link. Multiple email addresses can be included on the Intent to Apply form. All email addresses listed on the form will receive a DropBox® invitation link.

Co-Location of Services

Question 1: Colocation of services

Is there an expectation that Medical Case Management be colocated at an Ambulatory care site?

AFC Response:

No. A primary care site or a community based organization can apply for medical case management funds.

Case Management Services

Question 1: Case Management Model / Start Date

When does new Case Management model begin?

AFC Response:

Aspects of the new case management model are still under development and will be shared with awardees. Refer to RFP page 6, Revised Operational Standards section.

Question 2: Case Management Model Required Activities

Are agencies applying for medical case management required to conduct both medical and supportive (essential) case management services?

AFC Response:

Yes. It is widely accepted that both Medical and Non-Medical Case Management services are necessary to move through the continuum of care. Refer to RFP page 5, Changes to the Case Management Model; and pages 8–9 Funded Service Category Requirements sections for activities expected of the service categories.

Question 3: Case Management Services

Does an agency have to provide all activities defined under each service category?

AFC Response:

For Case management services, all activities must be provided. For non-case management service categories, NOT all activities must be provided.

Question 4: Levels Case Management Services

Will Medical and Non-Medical Case Management provide the same level of case management services?

AFC Response:

Yes, the activities will be similar, but the collaborations will be different. Medical Case Managers will work collaboratively with Early Intervention Services and RW funded Ambulatory Care providers, while Non-medical Case managers will work collaboratively with outreach workers, bridge workers and non-RW funded Ambulatory Medical Providers.

Question 5: Service provision vs funding source

Will Medical Case Managers be able to provide case management services to both Part A and Part B clients?

AFC response:


Question6: Agency Eligibility for Ambulatory/Outpatient Medical Care

Our agency is not currently funded for Ambulatory/Outpatient Medical Care Part A. Are we allowed to apply for medical and/or non-medical case management funding?

AFC Response:

Yes. Agencies must meet agency eligibility requirements and demonstrate that they can provide any of the funded service categories as per expectations outlined in the RFP. Refer to RFP page 4 Eligible Respondents; and page 10 Ambulatory/Outpatient Medical Care service category table. Applicants are not required to be a currently funded Ambulatory/Outpatient provider to be an eligible medical or non-medical case management provider.

Question 7: Agency Eligibility Medical and/or Non-Medical Case Management

Can any type of agency apply for medical and non-medical case management?

AFC Response:

Agency qualifications are outlined in the RFP on page 4 of Eligible Respondents section.

Question8: How to Apply for Part A and Part B Medical Case Management Funding

Will agencies need to submit a separate application for Part A and Part B medical case management?

AFC Response:

No. Agencies must submit a single proposal package for each service category being requested. Agencies applying for Part A/B medical case management can submit a single proposal package for “medical case management”. AFC will determine which Ryan White CARE act “part” will be allocated to agencies. Refer to RFP page 12 Proposal Preparation Guidelines; and page 14 Proposal Submission Guidelines sections.

Question9: How to apply for Case Management when delivering services in Cook and Collar counties.

We are contemplating applying for case management for our Cook and Lake Counties programs in one application. Would this be acceptable? Are we also able to submit one letter of intent for both programs?

AFC Response:

The RFP does not ask agencies to submit separate Intent to Apply forms or proposals by county (Cook or Collar). Agencies are required to submit separate proposal packages for each service category being applied for regardless of the county in which services are being delivered.

Question 10: Case Management Budget forms

The budget template for Case Management Services states, “Note AFC applies a standard 5% to the fringe rate upon a successfully awarded contract.” Does this mean 5% will be allotted for indirect expenses? Or does it actually mean you’ll apply an additional 5% of fringe?

AFC Response

AFC applies a flat 5% for any agency that does not delineate the costs related to the fringe rate. Whenever possible AFC attempts to cover all fringe related expenses based on the percentage requested for the case manager.

Question11: Non-Case Management & Case Management Service Costs

Are Administrative/ Indirect Rate Costs allowed? If IRC costs are not allowed, what can be provided to agency administrative offices [by AFC] as confirmation that these costs are not allowed?

AFC Response:

An indirect cost is referred to as “non-allocated programmatic” cost and is included as a line item on the Unit Cost template. Non-Case Management Unit Cost Calculation - All costs that are “part of” / “included as” the cost of delivering a service should be included in the calculation of unit cost i.e., program and/or administrative costs. Use the “Unit Cost Template” in the RFP or utilize your agency’s template. Refer to RFP page 19, Unit Cost section. Also refer to the following resource:

Case Management Budget Justification – Refer to all allowable costs outlined for case management services. Refer to RFP page 19, Budget Justification section.

Question12: Case Management Model / Non-Medical Case Management Client Profile

Who is considered a non-medical case management client?Are non-medical case management clients only clients who are referred by CDPH Bridge Workers? Or can non-Ryan White in-house clinic affiliated clients be considered non-medical case management clients?

AFC Response:

A client who is not currently or did not recently receive medical care as a part of the Ryan White program is eligible for non-medical case management. Agencies will determine the most appropriate case management service type (medical versus non-medical) based on the clients’ source of HIV primary care as outlined in the request for proposals. AFC will work with currently funded agencies and newly funded agencies to ensure that there are no gaps in case management services for any client. All current clients will be re-determined for the appropriate level of case management and a supportive transition will be made for clients who will transfer agencies. Any clients who are currently receiving care at non-Ryan White funded clinics can continue to receive or be transferred to non-medical case management services.

Questions13: Case Management Model / Clients that Receive Supportive Services

Where would a client who historically received supportive case management services “fall” in the new case management model?

AFC Response:

The appropriate level of case management will be determined based on the source of HIV primary care. Current medical case management clients may be transitioned in to non-medical case management and vice versa. For example, if a client has been engaged in non-medical case management services and receives medical care from a non-Ryan White provider, the client can continue to stay in non-medical case management. However, if a client has been engaged in non-medical case management services and receives medical care from a Ryan White provider, under the new model, the client will be transferred to a medical case manager.