Please refer to Selection Criteria and examples in the Grant Guidelines document (part 6) to assist you with your submission.

Personal Details

Name of school / childcare centre / business:


Contact person:

Role of contact person:





Is your organisation incorporated?

ABN number:

1. Project Information

Name of Project:

Goal of project:

Project description: (Please describe your project in detail. You may like to refer to the guidelines for example submissions to assist you).

Amount of funding requested from Council: (Up to $3,000) $

Are you willing to accept partial funding for your project?

2. Current level of support

Has your organisation previously received a Council subsidy / Grant / Donation? / Yes / / No

If YES, please give details including the year(s):

Does your organisation receive any other forms of support from Council (eg rates assistance, provision of premises)?

If YES, please provide details:

If you received a grant under the Small Grants Program last year, will you be able to spend the funds and acquit that grant by the submission date for this application?

If NO, please provide details:

3. Project Details

Please refer to Selection Criteria and examples in the Grant Guidelines document (part 6) to assist you with your submission.

1. How was this project identified (eg. through an environmental management plan, audit etc) What is the need for this project?

2. What is the environmental benefit / improvement of this project?

3. What Waverley Council Environmental Action Plan (EAP) targets will this project help deliver, and how?

Council’s Environmental Action Plan (EAP) outlines its strategic environmental vision for the Waverley community, and sets ambitious targets in the areas of waste, water use, greenhouse gas reductions, biodiversity, and transport. For more information about the EAP and to access a copy, visit

4.How does the project encourage further action aimed at protecting and enhancing the environment (eg. education and behaviour change etc)?

5. Does your project have wider community reach or benefit?

6. What are the environmental goals of your project and how will you measure the project’s success?

7. How will this project be maintained when the grant funding has been spent?

8.Explain briefly how your project can provide a demonstration case study for replication by other schools, child care centres and/or businesses in the Waverley local government area.

9. How does your organisation support this project? Please describe any contributions either in-kind or financial.

10. What are the start and end dates of this project?



Note: Grant projects will not be able to commence before notification of successful grant funding has been received.

Schools and Childcare centres

1. Does your school or centre have an Environmental/Sustainability Management Plan (SEMP)? If so, please describe how your project complements this plan:

2. Please identify how this project will be linked to the teaching programs within the school or childcare centre:

4. Project Budget

Please provide an indicative break-up of the costs associated with this project and quotes when available.

Service providers – eg. tutors, trainers, tradesmen, artists costs and number of days
Documentation and promotion
Other – please specify

5. Assessment

Applications will be assessed against the following criteria:

  • Project’s demonstrated potential to deliver at least one EAP target (30%).
  • Project's potential to deliver tangible environmental benefits (20%).
  • Project's capacity to encourage further action aimed at protecting and enhancing the environment (education AND behaviour change) (20%).
  • Long-term project sustainability including applicant's ability to support and maintain the project (in-kind contribution, volunteer hours and sponsorships) (20%).
  • Project’s potential to benefit the broad community (10%).

6. Application Submission

Applications may not be eligible for funding if:

  • previous grant works/programs/initiatives were not completed or implemented
  • applicants are trying to compound funding from previous grants received
  • projects have already been completed. Funding cannot be applied retrospectively.

Please attach or provide any other documentation in support of your application that you feel may help the grant assessors evaluate your project submission.

This grant application, and any additional documentation, should be submitted in one of the following ways:

Executive Manager
Caring Waverley
Waverley Council
Environmental Grants Program
PO Box 9 Bondi Junction, NSW 1355 / BY EMAIL
  • Waverley Council Chambers reception:
    Corner of Paul Street and Bondi Road,
    Bondi Junction
  • Waverley Council Customer Service Centre:
    55 Spring Street, Bondi Junction
Attention: Executive Manager, Caring Waverley
Environmental Grants Program

For further information or advice, please contact Council’s Sustainable Communities Officer on 9083 8045 or email .