

______1. In the male reproductive system, the essential organs of reproduction are called:

a.  seminal vesicles

b.  testes

c.  vas deferens

d.  Cowper’s glands

______2. The accessory organs of the male reproductive system include all the following except:

a.  epididymes

b.  vas deferens

c.  urethra

d.  gonads

______3. Which of the following is not a function of testosterone?

a.  spermatogenesis

b.  promotion of “maleness”

c.  regulation of metabolism

d.  inhibition of secretion of gonadotropins

______4. To be capable of fertilizing an ovum, sperm must undergo a process called:

a.  epiphyseal closure

b.  ejaculation

c.  capacitation

d.  gonadotropin secretion

______5. Each of the following is a duct in the male reproductive system except:

a.  vas deferens

b.  urethra

c.  epididymis

d.  inguinal canal

______6. Which of the following structures does not secrete a substance that makes up seminal fluid?

a.  testes

b.  seminal vesicles

c.  bulbourethral glands

d.  ductus deferens

______7. All of the following structures are female accessory organs of reproduction except:

a.  ovaries

b.  uterus

c.  vagina

d.  vulva

______8. Which of the following structures is not classified as internal genitals of the female reproductive system?

a.  ovaries

b.  uterine tubes

c.  vagina

d.  vulva

______9. From which layer of the uterus is tissue sloughed during menstruation?

a.  endometrium

b.  myometrium

c.  parietal peritoneum

d.  perineum

______10. The process of egg formation is called:

a.  ovulation

b.  oogenesis

c.  fertilization

d.  germination

______11. Which of the following is not a function of the vagina?

a.  serves as a receptacle for semen

b.  serves as the lower portion of the birth canal

c.  transports uterine tissue shed during menstruation

d.  secretes hormones essential to female sexual development

______12. Each of the following structures is part of the vulva except:

a.  mons pubis

b.  labia majora

c.  perineum

d.  clitoris

______13. How many days before the next menstrual cycle begins does ovulation usually occur?

a.  7

b.  14

c.  21

d.  30

______14. What is the name of the so-called “ovulating hormone”?

a.  estrogen

b.  progesterone

c.  luteinizing hormone

d.  follicle-stimulating hormone

______15. Shortly before menstruation

a.  blood levels of estrogen and progesterone decrease

b.  blood levels of estrogen and progesterone increase

c.  blood levels of FSH stabilize

d.  the corpus luteum secretes progesterone

______16. The average age at which menopause occurs is

a.  40 years

b.  60-65 years

c.  45-50 years

d.  55 years

______17. Human egg and sperm are similar in that:

a.  About the same number are produced per month

b.  They have the same degree of motility

c.  They have the same number of chromosomes

d.  They are about the same size

______18. The testosterone-producing cells of the testes are called:

a.  Sertoli cells

b.  Granulosa cells

c.  Spermatogonia

d.  Leydig cells

______19. The rounded region of the uterus superior to the entrance of the uterine tubes is the:

a.  Ampulla

b.  Fundus

c.  Corpus

d.  Isthmus

______20. The corpus luteum secretes progesterone which negatively feeds back and inhibits the release of:

a.  ABP and ICSH

b.  LH and ICSH

c.  LH and FSH

d.  FSH and TSH

______21. Spermatogenesis BEGINS in the:

a.  Epididymis

b.  Rete testes

c.  Seminiferous tubules

d.  Seminal vesicles

______22. Which of the following would be the most likely site of fertilization?

a.  Ovary

b.  Uterine tube

c.  Fundus of uterus

d.  Cervix

______23. The hormone responsible for the development and maintenance of male secondary sexual characteristics is

a.  ICSH

b.  FSH

c.  Testosterone

d.  Gonadotropin-releasing hormone

______24. The female structure that corresponds to the male penis is the

a.  vagina

b.  clitoris

c.  vestibule

d.  labia minora

______25. The hormone mainly responsible for the development and maintenance of female secondary sexual characteristics is

a.  estrogen

b.  progesterone

c.  androgen

d.  luteinizing hormone

______26. The tubular portion of the uterus that extends downward into the upper part of the vagina is the

a.  ostium uteri

b.  cervix

c.  perimetrium

d.  endometrium

______27. Meiosis occurs during

a.  spermatogenesis only

b.  oogenesis only

c.  both spermatogenesis and oogenesis

d.  neither spermatogenesis nor oogenesis

______28. The cells in the testis that produce male sex hormones are called

a.  spermatogenic cells

b.  interstitial cells

c.  germinal epithelial cells

d.  seminiferous cells

______29. In spermatogenesis, meiosis results in the formation of

a.  one sperm cell with 23 chromosomes

b.  two sperm cells with 46 chromosomes each

c.  four sperm cells with 23 chromosomes each

d.  four sperm cells with 46 chromosomes each

______30. In the female reproductive cycle, menstrual flow occurs when the concentrations of

a.  estrogen and progesterone are low

b.  estrogen and progesterone are high

c.  estrogen is high and progesterone is low

d.  progesterone is high and estrogen is low

______31. The tightly coiled tube that leads to the vas deferens is the

a.  seminal vesicle

b.  prostate gland

c.  epididymis

d.  inguinal canal

______32. Androgens are

a.  male sex hormones

b.  female sex hormones

c.  releasing hormones

d.  all of these

______33. Which of the following can be fertilized to produce a zygote?

a.  primordial follicle

b.  mature follicle

c.  primary oocyte

d.  secondary oocyte

______34. The endometrium is the inner layer of the

a.  uterine tube

b.  uterus

c.  vagina

d.  labia minora

______35. The movement of an egg cell down a uterine tube is aided by

a.  ciliary action

b.  peristaltic contractions

c.  both ciliary action and peristaltic contractions

d.  none of these

______36. Testicular cancer is most likely to originate from

a.  connective tissue cells of seminiferous tubules

b.  epithelial cells of seminiferous tubules

c.  intestinal cells

d.  mediastinal cells

______37. Women athletes sometimes experience disturbances in their menstrual cycles because of

a.  increased secretion of adrenal androgens

b.  decreased secretion of adrenal androgens

c.  increased synthesis of estrogens

d.  decreased synthesis of estrogens

_____38. Enzymes that help the sperm cell to penetrate the ovum are found in the

a.  acrosome

b.  head

c.  midpiece

d.  flagellum

______39. Puberty begins when which hormone is secreted by the hypothalamus?


______40. Ovulation is induced only when there is a peak in secretion of which hormone?

A)LH B)FSH C)estrogen D)progesterone


+ true

o false

______39. The secretions of the prostate gland function to neutralize acidic semen.

______40. The movement of an egg down a uterine tube is aided by ciliary action.

______41. The amount of testosterone produced is regulated by a positive feedback system.

______42. FSH stimulates a primordial follicle to start the maturation process.

______43. An ovum develops in a follicle and is released during a process called menstruation.

______44. Sperm are produced in seminiferous tubules.

______45. Ovulation normally occurs around Day 14 of the Ovarian Cycle.

______46. Human sperm are haploid; that is they carry 23 (instead of 46) chromosomes.


47. The primary sex organs of the male reproductive system are the ______.

48. Sperm cells are produced by the germinal epithelial cells that line the ______.

49. Following ovulation, the follicular cells of the ovary enlarge to form a structure called ______.

50. The hormone that stimulates female breast development is ______.

51. In the testes, male sex hormones are produced by the ______cells.

52. The female’s ______glands secrete milk.

53. ______is the process by which egg cells are formed.

54. Finger-like projections that are at the end of the uterine tube, over top of the ovaries are called ______.


55. Explain how negative feedback works in the reproductive system.

56. Explain the process of sperm production from testes and the path it travels until it is ejaculated out of the penis.

57. Explain the process of egg production from the ovaries and the path it travels until it is sloughed away during menstruation.


