Minutes of Salisbury Road Patient Participation Group


3rd February 2016

Present: Heather Applegarth(Chair), Dr Kristian Hampshire, Roger Groocock, Katie Baker, Julie Herbert,Geoff Baier,Audrey Goodale, Pam Brooks,Jean James (Secretary).

Item 1Apologies:Martin James,Helen Petley, Melissa Samee, Yvonne Pargin,

Nigel Powers.

Not present:Luke Watson, LawrenceAlexander.

Martin to write to members who are having difficulty attending to see if they would like

to step down to make room for some from the Virtual group who have expressed an

interest in joining. MJ

Item 2Minutes of Meeting 2nd December2015wereagreed as correct.

Item 3Matters arising:

(Item 4)Hampshire County Council have resolved the problem of the puddle outside the surgery.

Item 4Surgery Update:

Dr Olive Fairbairn will be retiring from the surgery on 31st March. The meeting extended their best wishes and thanks for all her involvement with the Group.

Dr Alice Earl will bejoining the partnership and will take over most of Dr Fairbairn's patients, working5 sessions a week.

Dr Suzanne Marshall has joined the Practice and will be in all day Mondays and Tuesdays

and mornings on Wednesdays and Thursdays.

New nurse Sarah, a fully qualified nurse, is presently on a Foundation Course for Practice Nursing following which she will be responsible for diabetic patients.

Chris Patterson is currently coming in twice a month to see diabetic patients.

The surgery is to have a CQC assessment next week. Martin, Audrey and Roger and Jean

will attend.

There is a box in reception for patients to give feed back to the team.

The TV in reception is still not working - an engineer is due to come. If it cannot be

repaired there is another, older TV but it will need a different bracket. KB

The PPG poster has gone missing. Jean to liaise with Julie. JJ/JH

Item 5Date for Fund Raising:

This has been agreed - 21st May in the Surgery car park; set up 8.30am

for 9.00am -approx 12.00. ALL

The following have volunteered - but more are needed!

Books: Roger (tables + books)

Cakes: Heather

Plants: Jean (staging, table, plants)

Tombola: Audrey (table, prizes)

Fliers:Jean has master copy.

It is hoped more help will be given this year by Virtual Group members; this would be

a good opportunity to ask if they wish to continue being part of the Group. Martin to write. MJ

Item 6Vanguard:

Roger will attend the meeting on 23rd February.

Item 7Newsletter KB

Katie, Julie and Jean to liaise on subject matter and production. Hopefully this will JH

be ready to go out before Olive's retirement and to publicise the fund raising event. JJ

Item 8North East Hants and Farnham CCG.

No one from the Group was available to the attend the last meeting. Pam and Geoff

hope to attend the next one.

Item 8AOB:


Item 10Dates for 2016 (6.00pm at the Surgery)

Weds 6th April

Weds 1st June

Weds 3rd August

Weds 5th October

Weds 7th December

(Should anything urgent occur an extraordinary meeting may be called)