May 14, 2017

I hope all of our Crusader Moms are enjoying this beautiful Mother’s Day.

We have much to celebrate! The second group of 2nd grade students celebrated their first Holy Communion this weekend. We also celebrated Confirmation for our 8th graders last Wednesday and Thursday. Our church was filled with our Lord for these holy sacraments. Alleluia!

Our Walk-A-Thon was such a success! I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your support of our school. Together, we raised over $22,000. This money will directly benefit the students. Once we have decided exactly how to spend these funds, I will communicate it to you. Thanks to the many volunteers who helped to make this day happen. Our 2nd annual Color Run was also a success for our junior high. Students who won gift cards took them home on Friday. On Wednesday, students will receive OOU passes correlating with the prize level they earned.

June 1st 1 day Out of Uniform

May 30, 31, June 1st 3 days Out of Uniform

May 25, 26, 30, 31, June 1st 5 days Out of Uniform

A separate e-mail went out to Junior High parents for those who earned OOU for the rest of the school year.

Today is the last day to order the Summer Solution Books online. Please see visit the newsletter page on our website if you need specific information on ordering.

Please plan to attend the Night of Reflection this Wednesday. This is such a nice way to enjoy time with your child and review all he/she has accomplished this year. The Band and Strings will also be performing at 7:00pm. It is such an amazing feeling of accomplishment for our students to showcase all they have learned.

The Spring Musical is happening THIS WEEKEND in our school gym. Tickets for Shrek the Musical will be sold during lunchtimes on Monday and Tuesday.You can also still order them using the form in the newsletter or purchase them at the door. I know the students have been working hard for the past few months to prepare for the musical. I hope we have a sell-out crowd.

On Monday and Thursday of this week, we will welcome next year’s kindergarten students to our school for their entrance assessment. On Monday, the 3rd grade students will have their retreat. There will be musical practice after school.

On Tuesday, we will have New Student visit day. The students will have their last Christ Communities for the school year.They will learn about the Glorious Mysteries. There will be musical practice after school.

On Wednesday,there will be musical practice after school. Please plan to attend the Night of Reflection beginning at 6:00pm and our Band and Strings program at 7:00pm. The PTO will hold their Used Uniform Sale and we will have the end of the year Spirit Wear Sale. Schoolbelles and Lands End will be here for measurement.

On Thursday, we will celebrate all school Mass led by 5H. Our 4th grade students will attend their stewardship field trip to A Child’s Hope International. Our first showing of our Spring Musical, Shrek, the Musicalwill be at 7pm in the school gym.

On Friday, it is IHM Spirit Wear day Our second showing of our Spring Musical, Shrek the Musical is at 7pm in the school gym.

On Saturday, our final showing of our Spring Musical, Shrek the Musical is at 7pm in the school gym.

May God continue to shine His blessings on all of you!

Mrs. Devine