Archivedcopies of the CTE_Network List Serve updates can be located by selecting this link:

Celebrating CTE Every Day!
FY 2011 Perkins Funding Update
[Secondary/Postsecondary] /
  • Funding update…We have received the state funding table from OVAE.Oregon has received a 11.7% reduction in the total state allocation for Carl D Perkins programs. We are working to recalculate local allocations and plan to have those posted to our website and have the CIP Budget Narrative open by Monday May 23.

Basic Grant Reader Opportunity
[Secondary/Postsecondary] /
  • Applications are being accepted for those Perkins project managers and staff interested in reviewing the Perkins Basic Grants this year. Representation from secondary and postsecondary as well as diversity in geographical and program size is important. Compensation is available. For information and application clickhere. Applications due 5/31/11.

CTE Network Meeting
[Secondary/Postsecondary] /
  • CTE Network Meeting Agenda – 6/2/11
  • Regional Coordinators, CTE CC Leaders, Dual Credit Coordinators & CTE Network Meeting June 1 & 2 –NOTE: Time Change Link includes parking permit information. Deadline to register: 5/24/11 at 11 am

CTE Summer Workshop
[Secondary/Postsecondary] /
  • State CTE Network Summer Workshop 20118/3-5/11 Oregon Coast Community College

CTE Data Collections
[Secondary Only] /
  • CTE Data Collections Now Open
  • CTE Data Collections Validation
  • Important CTE Data & Reporting Information
  • Webinar ontheCTE Data Collections

Perkins Operational DatesforallPerkins Grant Participants
Nontraditional Occupations Resources & Strategies /
  • Pacific NW Girls Collaborative (PNWGCP) E-Newsletter

Statewide Literacy-in-CTE Workshops /
  • StatewideLiteracy-in-CTE Workshops

CTE Resources /
  • Five-Year CTE Licenses Will Remain Valid
  • Requests for Qualified Instructors – WestEd
  • Writing Samples from CTE
  • CTE BlogRoundup 5/9-13/11

Webinars /
  • CTE Data Drive Improvement Model (CTEDDI)Professional Development Webinar – free but pre-registration is required. To register, select the "CTEDDI Professional Development Model Webinar" from the dropdown menu to reserve your spot.Space is limited! 5/26/11 12:30 PM Pacific Time; 3:30 PM Eastern Time

CTE Network DatesandUpcoming Events

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CTE Updates — Donna Brant at:

Oregon Department of Education 5/17/2011Page 1