Current Class Code/Status:______Next Class Code/Status: ______

UFID#: ______Last Name:______First Name: ______E-Mail:______

Choose TWO of the following courses:

_____ ADV 4800: Advertising Campaigns (Prereqs. Instructor: Treise) 3 credits Applicable to : ____ Major ____ Minor ____ Elective

_____ ADV 4930: Account Planning (Instructor: Weigold) 3 credits Applicable to : ____ Major ____ Minor ____ Elective

_____ ADV 4930: English and Irish Culture and Communication (Instructor: Treise) 3 credits Applicable to : ____ Major ____ Minor ____ Elective

_____ ADV 4930: Nontraditional Advertising (Instructor: Goodman) 3 credits Applicable to : ____ Major ____ Minor ____ Elective

_____ ADV 4930: Happiness (Instructor: Weigold) 3 credits Applicable to : ____ Major ____ Minor ____ Elective

_____ PUR 4932: Strategic Communication in Public Diplomacy (Instructor: Pelfrey) 3 credits Applicable to : ____ Major ____ Minor ____ Elective

_____ PUR 4400: International Public Relations (Prereqs. Instructor: Pelfrey) 3 credits Applicable to : ____ Major ____ Minor ____ Elective

_____ RTV 4930: Travel Reporting (Prereqs. Instructor: Cleary) 3 credits Applicable to : ____ Major ____ Minor ____ Elective

_____ RTV 4931: Ethics and Problems (Prereqs. Instructor: Cleary) 3 credits Applicable to : ____ Major ____ Minor ____ Elective

_____ JOU 4930: Ethics with a UK twist (Prereqs. Instructor: Lewis) 3 credits Applicable to : ____ Major ____ Minor ____ Elective

_____ MMC 6936: Graduate Mass Communication Independent (Instructor: Various) 3 / 6 credits Applicable to : ____ Major ____ Minor ____ Elective

This Summer 2010, I will take ______UFGPA credits overseas; and ______UF credits on campus.

Please note: You must enroll at least half-time (6 credits) to receive financial aid

Student Signature ______Date: ______

For Office Use:

Program Director(s): Mike Weigold, 2018 Weimer Hall, (352) 392-8199,

Study Abroad Advisor: Hernando Zambrano

______Program Director(s) Signature

Rev. 09/23/09 G:\SAS Forms\2010 SAS Forms\Academic Advising Forms\Course Select - England Advertising 2010.doc