
(tenable January–March 2018)

APPLICATIONS SHOULD BE SENT TO THE REGISTRAR at TO ARRIVE NO LATER THAN WEDNESDAY 17MAY 2017. For information on how to submit visual material (if applicable), see below and the information sheet.
Please ensure that the pagination matches the indicators for the end of each page. The form is available as a Word document at
1. / Surname / 2. / Address
3. / Tel.
4. / E-mail
5. / Nationality / Country/countries of residence since February 2014
6. / Names, postal addresses, telephone numbers and e-mail addresses of three referees who are familiar with you and your work.
1. / 2. / 3.
7. / Title of the project that you would propose to undertake in Rome
End of page 1
Name / Surname
8. / Can you speak and/or read Italian?
9. / Have you already visited Rome or Italy? Please give details.
10. / Where did you hear about the Henry Moore Foundation–BSR Fellowship?
11. / Please include with your application
a curriculum vitae of no more than three sides A4
a project proposal of no more than two sides A4
a completed monitoring form(see page 3)
12. / For practice-based researchers only. Please delete or circle one of the underlined options in the first two sections
I am submitting images / a show-reel as part of my application.
The material is being sent on a memory stick/CD/DVD / by WeTransfer
I include with my application a completed form describing the work (no more than one side)
13. / It is anticipated that interviews will be held in late June/early July. You will be notified of the date when we acknowledge receipt of your application.
I confirm that, if shortlisted, I shall be available for interview and can cover all my travel and other interview expenses.(Candidates resident in the UK will be required to attend an interview in person in London. Those resident outside the UK may be interviewed via Skype (but should note that this has implications for showing any work.)
I confirm that the information given in this application is, to the best of my knowledge, complete and accurate.
Submitting this form constitutes your acceptance of all the terms and conditions contained in the announcement of this Fellowship.
Signature / Date
End of page 2

The British School at RomeMonitoring Form

As part of the BSR’s commitment to equal opportunities, the age, gender and ethnic origin of people who apply is monitored. We should be grateful, therefore, if you would complete this form. Any information that you give will remain confidential. The form will be detached from your application, will not form any part of the selection process, and will be used only for the purposes of monitoring.

Please do not sign the form, or give your name.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy) / / / /  /

Prefer not to say

 /


/  /


/  /

Prefer not to say

Please show which group best describes your ethnic origin or descent by ticking ONE of the boxes below.

The groups are as recommended by ACAS.

Asian or Asian British

 / Bangladeshi /  / Indian /  / Pakistani /  / Any other Asian background, please write in box

Black or Black British

 / African /  / Caribbean /  / Any other Black background, please write in box


 / Chinese /  / Any other, please write in box

Mixed heritage

 / White and Asian /  / White and Black African /  / White and Black Caribbean /  / Any other mixed background, please write in box


 / British /  / English /  / Irish /  / Scottish /  / Welsh /  / Any other White background, please write in box

Other ethnic group

 / Any other ethnic group, please write in box

Prefer not to say

Do you consider yourself to have a disability or a long-term health condition? /  / No /  / Yes /  /

Prefer not to say

HMF 2017–18End of page 3

Practice-based researchers: please complete EITHER page 4 OR page 5

List of images submitted in support of application for:

Henry Moore Foundation–BSR Fellowship

Name of candidate: ......

You can submit up to ten images of at least five pieces of your recent work. You should take note of the aims of this particular Fellowship when you select the images. They should be saved in RGB JPEG digital file format, at a screen-based resolution of 72 dpi, with maximum dimensions of 1024 × 768 pixels. Please ensure that JPEGS and CD/memory stick are PC-compatible. The files should be named as follows: first four letters of your surname, first letter of your first name, number corresponding to the image list (e.g. Gill Clark’s third image — clarg03).

Stills from video or performance works should not be included as images. If you work with film, video or performance, you should submit a show-reel (see page 5).

The files may be sent on a memory stick or CD/DVD to The Registrar (HMF), British School at Rome, 10 Carlton House Terrace, London, SW1Y 5AH; or via WeTransfer to . See the information sheet for further instructions.

no. / Title of work / Size (in cm)
Height Width Depth / Year of
completion / Medium

End of page 4

Practice-based researchers: please complete EITHER page 4 OR page 5

Show-reel submitted in support of application for:

Henry Moore Foundation–BSR Fellowship

Name of candidate: ......

You should submit one show-reel of your recent work, lasting five minutes. You should take note of the aims of the Fellowship when you select the work. The following file formats will be accepted: .mov, .mp4, .qt and .vob. If sending a DVD, it must be PAL (Region 2/Europe-compatible) and should contain only the five-minute show-reel you would like the selectors to view. The DVD, memory stick or file should be clearly marked with your name and surname; and if you are sending a file by a sharing service, please ensure the message includes your name, surname and postcode.

If you feel that it is important that you show some images in addition to your film, video and/or performance work, you may include some still images on the showreel, but should adjust the length of the moving image section of the show-reel (each still image counting as 30 seconds).

The files may be sent on a memory stick or CD/DVD to The Registrar (HMF), British School at Rome, 10 Carlton House Terrace, London, SW1Y 5AH; or via WeTransfer to . See the information sheet for further instructions.

Title(s) of work(s) / Year of completion
Brief description of the extracts in your show-reel, and details of how the extract relates to the whole work:

The viewing of this DVD will be strictly limited to five minutes.

End of page 5