Year 7 Indonesian
Assessment Task – Indonesian Animal
Due: Friday 20th September
A student will:
4.UL.4 Applies a range of linguistic structures to express own ideas in writing.
4.MLC. 2 Student explores the diverse ways in which meaning is conveyed by comparing
and describing structures and features of Indonesian. (Collecting and
interpreting electronic information, with consideration of its ethical use.)
Description of Task:
Using the ‘Mindomo’ App or similar iPad/Android App, create a mind map for an Indonesian animal. Your information should be in Indonesian sentences. Use the structures you have learnt in class.
Information should include the following Indonesian sentences;
1. A Description of animal including its size and colour.
2. Where the animal lives in Indonesia.
3. The environment the animal lives in. e.g. forest, river.
4. What the animal eats.
5. A comparative sentence - comparing your chosen animal to another Indonesian Animal.
6. A description of the photograph of your Indonesian animal.
EXTENSION; Include some interesting facts about the animal in English.
Include a picture of the Indonesian animal.
Mind maps should be emailed to Mrs. Robins () or printed on A4 paper by the due date. Include your name and class on your mind map.
DUE DATE; Friday 20th September
This Technology based Assessment has been produced by Brooke Robins at Belmont Christian College with funds provided by the Australian Government through the School Languages Program.
Criteria / Mark / Range / A student in this range:Content / 10 / High
(8 – 10) / · Presents a detailed and accurate description of an Indonesian animal including information on all sections.
(6 – 7) / · Presents an accurate description of an Indonesian animal including information on all sections.
(0 – 5) / · Presents a simple description of an Indonesian animal including information on all sections.
Presentation / 10 / High
(8 – 10) / · Excellent presentation, layout and effort.
(6 – 7) / · Good presentation, layout and effort.
(0 – 5) / · Fair presentation, layout and effort.
TOTAL / 20
Example Marking Sheet – You will receive a sheet like this when your
Assessment is marked.
Assessment: Indonesian AnimalCriteria / Possible Marks / Marks
Content / 10
Presentation / 10
TOTAL / 20
Teacher Comments: