Section 1: Lead author contact details
Surname / First name
Telephone / Include international dialling code (e.g. +99-123-456-789). /
Email address / @
Position & organisation name
Type of organisation / Click here to select from the drop-down list. /
If you selected “Other”, please use this space to specify. /
Contact address line 1
Contact address line 2
Town/City / Post code
State/Province/County / Country
Do you plan to write the article on your own? / Yes / ☐ / No / ☐ /
If you answered “Yes”, please proceed to Section 3. If you answered “No” please complete Section 2.
Section 2a: Co-author 1 contact details
Surname / First name
Telephone / Include international dialling code (e.g. +99-123-456-789). /
Email address / @
Position & organisation name
Type of organisation / Click here to select from the drop-down list. /
If you selected “Other”, please use this space to specify. /
Contact address line 1
Contact address line 2
Town/City / Post code
State/Province/County / Country
Section 2b: Co-author 2 contact details
Surname / First name
Telephone / Include international dialling code (e.g. +99-123-456-789). /
Email address / @
Position & organisation name
Type of organisation / Click here to select from the drop-down list. /
If you selected “Other”, please use this space to specify. /
Contact address line 1
Contact address line 2
Town/City / Post code
State/Province/County / Country
Section 3: Proposed topic – please select ONE topic only
The impact of inclusive insurance on achieving Sustainable Development Goals:
☐ / 1: No poverty / ☐ / 2: Zero hunger
☐ / 3: Good health and well-being / ☐ / 4: Quality education
☐ / 5: Gender equality / ☐ / 8: Decent work and economic growth
☐ / 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure / ☐ / 10: Reduced inequalities
☐ / 11: Sustainable cities and communities / ☐ / 13: Climate action
☐ / 17: Partnerships for the Goals
Innovations in micro (inclusive) insurance[1]
☐ / Technological / ☐ / Organisational (business models & partnerships)
Have you published work on this topic elsewhere? In which journal?
Working title(10 words maximum)
Please provide a working title (no more than 10 words). /
Summary/outline (150 words maximum)
Please provide a summary of the article, including information about the project, programme, product, service or initiative you plan to evaluate, and why you think it matters. This may include a formal outline with section headings. /
Proposed methodology (150 words maximum)
Please explain how you plan to evaluate the impact of the project, programme, product, service or initiative. /
Section 4: Supporting documents (PDF files)to be submitted for each author
☐ / Curriculum vitae
☐ / Two references
☐ / Two examples of previous work

Once completed, please send this form and the supporting documents to with the subject “State of Microinsurance 2018 – proposal”no later than 15 January 2018, 12h00 CET.

If you do not receive an acknowledgement of receipt within two working days, please contact us.

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[1]Submissions for these topics are open exclusively to (individual or institutional) members of the Microinsurance Network. Information about membership is available at