Scoring Rubric for the

“School-wide Assessment Tool for an RTI Model”

Use the following scoring system to determine the level of implementation of each core principle indicator:

Score / Level of Implementation
5 / Established:
A variety of examples show that all of the key characteristics of the core principle are practiced on a regular basis. Systematic supports are in place to maintain continuous improvement and effective application of the key characteristics of the core principle.
3 / Emerging:
Examples show that most key characteristics of the core principle are planned but not implemented as a part of the total system of the building. Although significant components related to the key characteristics of the core principle are not yet in place, resources are committed to develop and implement those components.
1 / Not in Place:
Examples show that the building has not yet included practices related to key characteristics of the core principle in its school improvement process or other systemic planning.

Sample Indicator Evidence

The following are examples of the indicator evidence that may be used to establish your district’s implementation of each of the core principles of RTI.

Core Principle / Indicator / Example(s) of Evidence
I – We Can Effectively Teach All Children /
  1. The district uses data to inform instruction and make decisions at the building, classroom, and student level. Staff and resources are used efficiently to meet the needs of all students.
/ Staff schedules that indicate collaborative teaming on curriculum and student issues
Systematic assessment information that is used to make decisions
Data that demonstrates that students are meeting grade level standards
Grade level common assessments are used to inform teaching decisions
Student progress data is posted and used by teachers and students to record progress
  1. All students have the opportunity to initially receive the core curriculum in the general education classroom. Fidelity of instruction is monitored by administrator and data is used to monitor effectiveness of instruction.
/ Core reading program occurs for 60-90 min. per day for elementary students
Specific, qualified staff members are designated to observe instructional methods
Specific criteria are used to judge methods as having, or lacking fidelity
Feedback to instructional staff is useful and facilitates improvement (specify)
A written curriculum is available to all teachers
PD is provided to support instruction of the core curriculum
  1. The district assures that the written core curriculum is aligned across content area and grade levels and that all instructional staff can articulate the GLCEs and HSCEs for their assigned class or course.
/ Data is used as part of the decision making process to match student achievement with benchmark standards
Written documents / framework of the core curriculum showing alignment by content and grade level
Proof of professional development linked to GLCEs and HSCEs
  1. Classroom instruction is provided using research based practices. Instruction is differentiated and classroom accommodations provide access to the curriculum based on student need.
/ Assessments / probes showing progress monitoring of students
PD on different instructional modalities / strategies
Universal design practices are integrated into instructional practices
Accommodations provide access to the curriculum based on student need
  1. Positive Behavior Support (PBS) strategies are incorporated at the building, classroom, and student levels to support and promote safe, orderly, and respectful learning environments.
/ Office discipline referral data
Professional development on PBS
Documentation of specific programs
Behavior expectations are posted, rehearsed, and understood by teachers and students
  1. The district uses student achievement data to make decisions regarding the allocation of resources such as equipment, time, space, and personnel.
/ SIP and associated budgets promote the coordination of all funding sources, programs, and personnel to maximize student learning
SIT creates an action plan that considers staffing and resource needs
The budget allocates resources based upon needs identified from student achievement data
  1. Ongoing professional development is provided to all instructional personnel to ensure that they have the necessary skills to implement the core curriculum using research based strategies and interventions.
/ Data have been collected and analyzed to determine what staff need to know and be able to do
A staff development plan providing multiple levels of activities for ongoing assistance has been implemented
Lasting change in teaching and learning skills, including studentlearning results, have been documented
  1. Parents and families are actively involved in student learning and progress.
/ Parent/ Teacher conference attendance
Parent volunteers
Parent participation on school committees
Parents receive information from progress monitoring data
Written communication to parents regarding RTI
School newsletters / newspapers
School activity nights with attendance data
Evidence of correspondence between teachers and parents
II -- Intervene Early /
  1. The district uses universal screening measures (i.e. DIBELS, AIMSWEB, CBM, SWIS) that are reliable and valid 3 times per year to flag students "at risk" of failure in the areas of reading, writing, and math.
/ The building uses universal screen measures that are reliable and valid, and used 3 times per year in the areas of reading, math, and writing
  1. Data obtained from universal screening measures is analyzed and disaggregated by grade and building-level teams and provides a useful set of implications for instruction.
/ Universal screening data is analyzed by grade-level teams
Universal screening data is analyzed by building level teams
Building screen measures employ multiple disaggregations and present findings, analysis, and implications for instruction
Evidence that the screening measures are given and analyzed 3 times per year
  1. The district has established rigorous curriculum benchmarks to identify students who meet curriculum expectations and those who need additional instruction.
/ Individual data logs
State assessment reports
Local norms for
  1. The district has a core curriculum and supplementary instruction options (Title I, after school / summer programs, tutoring, early intervention) to support students beginning with kindergarten.
/ Core curriculum is delivered to all students in the general education setting
Supplemental instruction is available and implemented for students in need in all grade levels
A variety of research-based programming options are available
III – AMulti-Tier Model of Service Delivery /
  1. The district has designed a continuum of interventions that increase in intensity across levels of student need organized into at least 3 tiers (core, short term, intensive).
/ Multiple interventions are available to support a variety of student needs
Differentiated instruction occurring in each classroom
Data demonstrates progress monitoring exists at an increasing rate throughout the tiers
  1. Decision rules (criteria) exist at each level to move students between tiers. Decisions are based on data regarding student performance and rate of progress.
/ Decision rules are established and communicated in writing
Decision making flowchart
Written decision rules on how decisions are to be made and on what data they will be based
  1. The district has identified scientifically or research based interventions at each tier and aligned them with specific content areas of the core curriculum.
/ Reference on studies showing the particular intervention has a research base
Evidence that the interventions are content specific
  1. Instructional materials and strategies are selected to meet specific student needs. Data is used to match interventions with specific student need.
/ Research-based supplemental instruction is provided
Instruction is provided to small, homogenous groups with higher degree of intensity
Data is used to inform decisions regarding the most appropriate instructional materials and strategies
  1. The district administration and staff have developed fidelity measures to ensure that instruction and interventions are delivered as intended.
/ Use of coaching and collaboration
Academic or behavioral consultants provide necessary technical assistance
Qualified staff members are designated to observe instructional methods
Specific criteria are used to judge methods as having or lacking fidelity
Documented feedback to instructional staff
PD is provided to support instruction and delivery of interventions
IV – Use a Problem Solving Model /
  1. The district uses a problem solving model to evaluate effectiveness of instruction at each tier. The model includes a continuous process to: define the problem, analyze the data, develop a plan, and evaluate.
/ District uses a data-based problem-solving approach to evaluate effectiveness of instruction
Plans are developed resulting from the use of the problem solving model
  1. The district supports the use of the problem solving model by: training all staff, identifying a core team to implement, and monitoring the integrity and effectiveness of the problem-solving team.
/ School staff PLC focused on data and interventions
Building teams used collaborative training time to study intervention model
Every building has a grade level team to review data
Building teams used a fidelity measure to ensure effectiveness of model
  1. The district's problem solving team uses multiple measurements that provide comprehensive data & information about student performance and align student needs with interventions.
/ District has adopted assessments based on core curriculum in reading, writing, math, and behavior
DIBELS is used for universal screening in reading
Use of CBM for reading, writing, and math
Increased number of students reaching benchmark standards
SWIS is used for analyzing student discipline data
  1. The district has established a written process that included decision rules to guide the team in determining when a student should be evaluated for a suspected disability.
/ Evidence of written decision rules regarding referral for a suspected disability
Existence of interdisciplinary team for identification of students for special education eligibility
Record keeping of decisions documents the implementation of the problem solving model used in the school
The problem solving model is articulated
V – Use Scientific, Research-Based, Validated Interventions/ Instruction /
  1. All instructional personnel have a clear understanding of the definition of "scientifically-based research" and implement teaching practices based on this knowledge.
/ The staff is provided with professional development on quality peer review research
PD is based on quality peer review of research
PD focuses on research-based instructional strategies
  1. The district has established itself as a learning community in which time and resources are allocated for teachers to review current research, and for the new learning to be shared.
/ A written practice exists when determining new practices and interventions
Documentation of time allocated for a person to review current research and update staff
Teachers attend PD based on relevance to identified gaps in student performance
  1. Instructional personnel have been trained in the interpretation of research literature. Teachers are able to think analytically about the adoption of research-based practices.
/ School staff are knowledgeable in interpretation of research and share their knowledge
Teams set up to review and implement research based literature
Teams look for replication of research-based models in real school settings
PD is aligned to research-based practices
VI – Monitor Student Progress /
  1. The district uses scientifically research-based assessment tool(s) for progress monitoring that are sensitive to small changes in student growth (DIBELS, AIMSweb, MLPP, CBM, SWIS, etc.).
MLPP analytic rubrics for writing
CBM to monitor progress in reading and math
Data available for behavioral office referrals through SWIS
  1. The classroom teacher monitors student progress as frequently as need indicates to assess growth and adjust instruction based on student performance.
/ Date exists for progress monitoring of individual students
Classroom teacher may adjust student group, materials, time, or instructional methods
  1. Data are displayed graphically to support interpretation and to document decisions about instructional changes based on student performance.
/ Data from progress monitoring is graphed with a narrative explanation
Data charts
  1. The district uses documented "decision rules" to determine when to move students from one tier to another. Decision rules include pre-determined learning targets and rate of student progress.
/ Decision rules include pre-determined learning targets paced to the curriculum and grade
Decision rules include student rate of progress relative to time allotted for instructional units
VII – Use Data to Make Decisions /
  1. The district has an effective and efficient system for storing, analyzing, sorting, and graphing data. All personnel are trained in the use of the system and are able to utilize it to improve instruction.
/ The school is using a web-based program to manage student data
As system exists for recording examples of student progress
A data warehouse tool exists for the generation of graphic representations of data
Teachers are trained and supported in working with data graphs
  1. Personnel are trained in the administration and scoring of student assessments. Checks are in place for reliability and consistency of scoring. Assessments are matched to instruction.
/ Personnel are trained in the administration and recording of student achievement measures
Reliability checks on assessment administration are taken in a standardized manner
Teams verify that student responses are collected and scored with consistency across measures and examiners
The selection of assessment methods assures that the skills being measured are the skills being taught in the classroom
  1. Special education eligibility decisions and decisions to move students among tiers are made by a qualified team of professionals based on objective, reliable, and valid student data.
/ Pre-referral student assistance teams consist of general and special education personnel
Written documentation exists of the roles and decision making process of the team
Multi-disciplinary groups of professionals identify the findings, analyze the data, and review implications
  1. Educational personnel are trained in the analysis of data including discrepancy from peers, learning rate differences, adverse impact, and exclusion factors in order to participate in special education eligibility decisions.
/ The school has written guidance on special education eligibility decisions
Long range PD training schedule exists to plan for increasing knowledge and consistency
Staff are trained in how to read data graphs, analyze data, identify findings and develop a set of implications
PD activities include team analysis of data and guidance in exclusionary factors
  1. Data is collected from a variety of sources and compared to objective criteria (GLCEs, HSCEs, localnorms) when determining the presence of a disability and the need for special education services
/ Multidisciplinary team reports
Teams complete a data profile documenting data sources and findings
Decisions are documented with supports such as rubrics, learning targets, and learning trials
Data are validated by review of multiple data sources
VIII – Use Assessment for Three Different Purposes /
  1. The district has designed a written assessment plan which identifies assessments utilized for 3 specific purposes: student identification, diagnosis, and progress monitoring.
/ Use of curriculum based assessment and evaluation
District has a comprehensive assessment plan that encompasses multiple assessment types
Screening assessments are administered before instruction to target students and skills needing more attention
The school uses common assessments to plan instruction
Student work samples are analyzed for errors by teachers
Procedures exist for the collection of individual student learning measures
Data is available to inform staff regarding behavioral progress of individual and groups of students
  1. The district's assessment plan addresses time allocated to assessment, assessment utility, and assessment content. Procedures are in place for periodic review of assessment practices and alignment of assessment to instruction.
/ Logs which record how long assessments take so info. can be analyzed and adjustments made
Staff surveys regarding usefulness of all district assessments
Periodic review of the utility of current assessment practices for achieving the 3 purposes and the need for additional assessment practices
The district assessment plan aligns content of assessment to content of instruction
  1. The following eligibility criteria are defined and utilized in the district's decision rules when considering special education eligibility: level difference, rate of learning, adverse impact on education, and exclusion factors.
/ District has defined each of the terms and has informed staff of how these concepts are integrated into RTI practice
PD includes working with actual data to learn the district’s decision making process
The district has decision rules in place that are understood by school personnel and parents
Evidence from student file that led to determination of disability