The narrator admits at the beginning of the book that over the summer she had been obsessed with the Rosenbergs and that she had wasted her money on expensive clothing. Her boyfriend Buddy Willard tries to teach her to ski, but she ends up breaking her leg in two places. Her boss, Jay Cee, tells her she ought to study languages if she wishes to succeed in her ambition to become an editor, and a Peruvian woman-hater named Marco assaults her, pushing her over the brink into madness. FTP, name this book, narrated by Esther Greenwood, about a woman and her mental breakdown, written by Sylvia Plath.

The Bell Jar


Answer the following concerning another book in which the main character is in a mental institution, FTPE.

10:This book, a memoir, tells of Susanna Kaysen’s experience in the psychiatric ward of McLean Hospital, and was the basis for a 1999 movie starring Winona Ryder and Angelina Jolie.

Girl, Interrupted

10:Give the full title of the Vermeer painting from which the title is taken.

Girl Interrupted at her Music

10:Angelina Jolie won an Oscar for her portrayal of this sociopath character, who shares her name with the subject of a famous da Vinci painting.



The habañera (ha-bahn-YER-rah) is considered the progenitor of this musical form, whose traditional variety was exemplified by the compositions of Carlos Gardel. Its characteristic instrument, along with voice, is the bandoneon (BAHN-doe-nay-OWN). Popularized in erudite circles by the classical fusion works of Astor Piazzolla (pee-aht-SO-luh), it is extremely popular in Finland and Japan, despite their great distance from Buenos Aires. FTP name this type of dance music, native to Argentina and notorious for the extreme proximity of dance partners, also the phonetic call sign for T.

Tango (accept Milonga on interrupt)


Name these nationalist composers, 5-10-15.

5:This American depicted the frontier spirit of the west in works like El Salon Mexico and Rodeo (roe-DAY-oh).

Aaron Copland

10:This composer of “Summer Night in Madrid,” A Life for the Tzar, and Ruslan and Lyudmila is considered the founder of the Russian Nationalist School.

Mikhail Glinka

15:This Brazilian used the folk songs of his country in his Choros and his Baroque-inspired Bachianas Brasileiras.

Heitor (or Hector) Villa-Lobos


This “Doctor of Journalism” got his doctorate from a mail-order church and is the basis for Uncle Duke in Doonesbury. He began his career writing sports, which he still does for ESPN’s website. His most recent book is Kingdom of Fear; another is Hell’s Angels. FTP, what gonzo journalist is best known for his drug habit and his book Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas?

Hunter S. Thompson


FTPE name these famous American journalists.

10:This colonial printer’s historic trial sowed the seeds for freedom of the press.

John Peter Zenger

10:This early photojournalist’s book How The Other Half Lives chronicled slum life at the turn of the century.

Jacob Riis

10:This muckraker, writing for McClure’s, blasted Standard Oil and Rockefeller, who had driven her father out of business in her childhood.

Ida Tarbell


Pencil and paper ready; you will have ten seconds. Use 10 meters per second squared for g. A block of mass 10 kilograms slides on a horizontal table top, initially at a speed of 5 meters per second. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the table and block is .25. Newton’s second law, F equals m a, is sufficient to determine the time in which the block will stop. FTP, given that the negative acceleration produced by friction on a horizontal surface is the coefficient of kinetic friction multiplied by g, in how many seconds will the block stop.

2 seconds


FTPE, calculate the following for the situation in the tossup. You will have ten seconds per part.

10:Find the normal force exerted by the table on the block.

100 newtons

10:Find the force of kinetic friction exerted by the table on the block.

negative 25 newtons

10:Find the distance traveled by the block before it comes to rest.

5 meters


Although it is landlocked, it maintains the world's highest-altitude navy, and its

government calls some provinces "littoral" even though it lost its Pacific border to Chile

in 1884. The province of Acre (AH-cray) was lost to Brazil in 1903, and the Chaco

region to Paraguay in 1935. Today most of the population lives in the Altoplano region,

where this country's two capitals, Sucre and La Paz, are situated. FTP, what South

American nation is named after the unifier of much of Latin America?


Identify these former leaders of South American countries FTPE.

10:He seized power as part of a military junta in 1973, commanding the Chilean army until 1998, during which time he was responsible for some 3100 deaths.
Augusto Pinochet Ugarte

10:Elected president of Argentina in 1946, he held power until he was exiled by a 1955 coup. He returned to power in 1973, but shortly died. He is most famous, however, for his first wife, Eva Duarte, who died of cancer in 1952.
Juan Perón

10:He was elected president of Peru in 1990, 1995 and 2000, when the Peruvian Congress removed him from office while on a visit to Japan.
Alberto Fujimori


It has 30 known moons, the outer 12 of which are thought to be remnants of 3 or 4 larger ones. First fully studied by Cassini, who discovered a majority of its moons in the late 1600s, its density is so low that it would float in water. A large ring system, composed mostly of ice, is the most recognizable feature of, FTP, which 6th planet from the sun?



Identify these moons of Saturn from a clue about the origin of their name 5-10-15.

5:Named after a race of huge beings in Greek myth, it is Saturn’s largest moon.


10:It is named after the nymph who held Odysseus “hostage” for 10 years.


15:It is named for the two-faced Roman god of doorways and new beginnings



Known as the Napoleon of the Pacific, his birth was said to have fulfilled a traditional

prophecy that a male would be born to unite all the islands. His feats of strength, such as

carrying a massive rock to the town of Kohala, were legendary. He met great success in

his invasions of Kauai (kah-WHY) and Niihau (KNEE-ee-how), but only gained control

of Maui by treaty. By the end of his invasions in 1810, which had begun with a brutal

invasion of Oahu from his home chiefdom on the Big Island, FTP, which ruler had

formed the united Kingdom of Hawaii.
Kamehameha I or the Great


FTPE, name these other figures in Hawaiian history.

10:She was not only the last ruler of the Kingdom of Hawaii but also the creator of the Hawaiian state anthem, "Aloha Oe" (way).

10:Scion of a famous American pineapple planting family, he became the first President of the Republic of Hawaii in 1893 after he engineered the coup d'état that removed Queen Liliuokalani from power.
Sanford Ballard Dole

10:This priest spent 16 years in a leper colony on Molokai, helping to care for the sick until he himself succumbed to leprosy in 1889.
Father Damien


They have been used to make new materials, lubricants, coatings, catalysts, electro-optical devices, and more by substituting in metal atoms for one or more of the atoms of the original structure, and are also used to make tiny diamonds and diamond films. Atoms are arranged into a hollow sphere, cylinder, or other shape, and they contain as few as 32 or as many as 540 atoms. FTP, name this class of carbon molecules, the most common of which is the 60-carbon buckyball.



5-10-15, answer these questions about carbon.

5:This form of carbon has a tetrahedral lattice structure in which each carbon atom bonds to four others.


10:This form of carbon has a hexagonal or rhombohedral crystalline structure which cleaves easily and makes it ideal for writing.


15:Within 5, how many isotopes does carbon have?

13 (accept 8-18)


Linguistic evidence implies that the Ostrogoths introduced them to Italy. They have since become common in all Western countries, and have given their name to many things. Examples of the battleships of the kind with their name were the Deutschland and the Graf Spee (SPAY). They also gave their name to an executive maneuver that depends on whether Congress is in session. FTP, name these compartments within other objects, usually clothing, which are often picked.



Pocket battleships agreed with the restrictions that were conditions for cease of hostilities after the first world war. 5-10-15, answer these questions about those conditions.

5:This Treaty officially ended the war.

Treaty of Versailles (vair-SIGH)

10:The Treaty of Versailles formed this organization, intended to resolve conflicts between nations before they went to war.

League of Nations

15:This was the conference that resulted in the Treaty of Versailles.

Paris Peace Conference of 1919

Robert Barnwell Rhett chaired the committee that drafted it. A clause was added banning protective tariffs, the preamble included a reference to each state's "sovereign and independent character," and theabolition of slavery was prohibited. FTP, what document was approved unanimously on March 11, 1861 at a convention in Montgomery, Alabama?
Constitution of the Confederate States of America (accept equivalents)


For 15 points each, given the name of an official in the Confederate government, give his title.

15:Jefferson Davis

15:Alexander H. Stephens
Vice President



During translation, this class of reactions occurs at the ribosomes to create a polypeptide chain. As charged transfer RNA molecules place amino acids in the sequence specified by messenger RNA, an atom of nitrogen at the amino end of one amino acid is joined to a carbon atom at the carboxyl end of another, forming a peptide bond. For ten points, name this biological reaction—the opposite of hydrolysis—used to create polypeptides, and in which a molecule of H2O is lost.

Dehydration synthesis


FTPE, name the amino acid specified by the three-letter code.






Glutamic acid (accept Glutamate, DO NOT accept Glutamine)


Near his hometown of Canton, New York, the town of Ogdenburg is home to an Art Memorial Museum of his works. Books by him include Crooked Trails and Pony Tracks. His works, known for their vivacity and well-captured action, were mostly drawn from life on the plains of the West. As the Wild West died, the artist chronicled its fall, most memorably in The Fall of the Cowboy. However, what artist FTP is better known for works of the golden age of the cowboy like his Bronco Buster?

Frederic Remington


FTPE, name the American artist.

10:Born in America, he taught himself how to paint and moved to England in 1763. His most famous painting is Death of General Wolfe.

Benjamin West

10:He painted seascapes like Banks Fisherman and Gulf Stream, as well as idyllic country life scenes such as Snap the Whip from the 1870s to the 1890s.

Winslow Homer

10:He pictured the loneliness of mid-20th-century American life in works like Nighthawks.

Edward Hopper


At age 31, he was elected mayor of Cleveland, becoming the youngest mayor of any major American city. His term as Mayor centered around his refusal to sell Municipal Light System, the publicly owned power company, to Cleveland Electric Illuminating in an Enron-like takeover. FTP, name this co-chair of the House Progressive Caucus from the 10th district of Ohio now seeking the Democratic Party’s nomination for President in 2004, well known for his plan to end the occupation of Iraq by getting the “U.S. out and the U.N. in.”

Dennis John Kucinich


You knew it was coming – FTPE, name these other Democratic candidates for the presidency.

10:This senator from South Carolina takes pride in his father’s career as a mill worker.

John Edwards

10:This former U.S. ambassador to New Zealand says she is “the most clear alternative to George W. Bush.”

Carol Moseley Braun

10:Ordained a minister at the age of 10, he provides some comic relief while making some legitimate points during the debates.

Alfred C. “Al” Sharpton


A minority of sources state that German chemist Karl Wilhelm Scheele (SHEEL) was the first to discover it. It appears that Scheele did discover two metallic compounds that contain its primary oxide and, thinking that the oxide was a new element, gave it its chemical symbol. He named one of the compounds Scheelite, and the other, Wolframite. FTP, name this metallic element, used primarily in rocket nozzles, welding electrodes, and filaments for vacuum tubes and electric lights, with the chemical symbol W.

Tungsten (accept Wolfram before the mention of Wolframite)


Tungs ten (toongs ten) is Swedish for “heavy stone.” Given a rock or mineral, identify its composition: sedimentary, metamorphic, or igneous, for five points apiece, with a five point bonus for all correct.












Originally called Colbertism after its main proponent, a minister of Louis the fourteenth, it was practiced by both Britain and France in the extreme. It called for colonies to supply large amounts of raw materials and a large manufacturing sector in the home country. It relied on a strong navy and a large number of skilled workers. FTP, name this economic system which stated that a favorable balance of trade was the most important factor for a country to be successful.



Jean-Baptiste Colbert was the fourth in a succession of advisors to the Bourbon monarchs, FTPE, name the first three.

10:The last wife of Henry IV and the regent for the infant Louis the thirteenth, she came from a famous Florentine family.

Marie DeMedici(s)

10:He was the true ruler during Louis the thirteenth’s reign and was vilified in The Three Musketeers.

Cardinal Richelieuor Armand DuPlessis

10:Richelieu’s protégé, he was the head of Louis the fourteenth’s council of regency. Also a cardinal, his given name was Mazzarini (ma-tza-REE-nee).

Cardinal Mazarin


Due to his unsuccessful marriage, he wrote several papers on divorce. He at first planned to become a minister, but was drawn to poetry. He used his eloquence often to write in support of the Puritans, and his famous Areopagitica defended the idea of a free press. After the Restoration, he went into retirement and dictated his most famous work. FTP, name this English poet, author of Samson Agonistes and Paradise Lost.

John Milton


Name these epic poems FTSNOP.

5:This is the greatest work of Spenser, written in the 1580s.

The Faerie Queene

10:This great Hindu epic contains the Bhagavad-Gita.


15:This is the national epic of Finland, and was compiled in the 1830s.



Symptoms of this disorder include sudden fever, headache, vomiting, heightened sensitivity to light, stiff neck and back, confusion, loss of consciousness or sudden dementia. The most common form results from the herpes simplex virus. It can also be caused by other viruses such as the chickenpox virus or herpes zoster, and patients generally have some damage to the temporal lobes, which induces memory loss. A broad ranging term for inflammatory brain illnesses, it includes meningitis. FTP, name this disorder that Oliver Sacks described in his book, Awakenings.



FFPE, name these Oliver Sacks books spotlighting brain and sensory disorders.

10:The bestselling collection of clinical tales of neurological and human experience describing individuals such as “HM” who are afflicted with fantastic perceptual and intellectual aberrations .

The Man who Mistook his Wife for a Hat

10:Neurological patients, Oliver Sacks once wrote, are travelers to unimaginable lands. This book includes seven cases studies of these “travelers” - including a surgeon consumed by the compulsive tics of Tourette's Syndrome unless he is operating.

Anthropologist on Mars

10:This book is an exploration of a society where total congenital colorblindness is the norm. It is also a meditation on islands and the strange neurological malady on Guam, which resembles Parkinsonism and Alzheimer’s, and may provide the key to these diseases.

The Island of the Colorblind


Janine luckily manages to get herself pregnant, though by another man than her commander, but descends into insanity by the end of the book, after the brutal Particution. Nick helps the narrator to become friendlier with her commander, whose name is Fred, without the knowledge of Fred’s wife, Serena Joy. We never learn the narrator’s real name, but she reminisces about times spent with her husband, Luke, their daughter, and her best friend, Moira. FTP, name this book about a woman assigned the name Offred, living in a society where women’s only importance is to bear children, by Margaret Atwood.