Feasibility of a Community Intervention for the Prevention of Suicide and Alcohol Abuse with Yup’ik Alaska Native Youth: The Elluam Tungiinun and Yupiucimta Asvairtuumallerkaa Studies–Supplemental Tables

Gerald V. Mohatt

University of Alaska Fairbanks

James Allen

University of Minnesota Medical School, Duluth Campus and University of Alaska Fairbanks

Carlotta Ching Ting Fok

University of Alaska Fairbanks

David Henry

University of Illinois at Chicago

People Awakening Team

University of Alaska Fairbanks

Table S1

Outcome Measurement Model: Final Measures of Change

Construct / Scale / Subscales / Items Variable Type
ElluarrluniPiyugngariluni: Individual Characteristics / Multicultural Mastery
Scale / Mastery-Family subscale
Mastery –Friends subscale / 5 / Intermediate
ElluarrlutengIlakelriit: Family Characteristics / Brief Family Relationship Scale / Cohesion subscale
Expressiveness subscale
Conflict subscale / 7 / Intermediate
Numata: Community Characteristics / Youth Community Protective Factors Scale / Support subscale
Opportunity subscale / 3 / Intermediate
Peer Influences / Peer Effects Scale / Peer Discouragement of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drug Use / 5 / Intermediate
Disapproval of Peers’ Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drug Use / 5
Reflective Processes / Reflective Processes Scale / - / 5 / Ultimate
Yuuyaraqegtaar: Reasons for Life / Reasons for Life Scale / - / 5 / Ultimate


Table S2

Module Name, Description, Delivery by Community, and Protective Factors

Module Name / Module Description / Modules Delivered:
ET / Modules Delivered:
YA / Protective Factors
Community Level Modules
Coming Together I / To bring community together to have fun, share, and learn in an alcohol-free environment while introducing and gaining support for the program. / 1 / 1 /
  • Safe places
  • Limits on alcohol use
  • Role models

Preparing for the Journey / To bring community together to establish our identity as extended family committed to developing strong youth who make good life choices, including not abusing alcohol / 0 / 1 /
  • Safe places
  • Opportunities
  • Role models

Qasgiq: A Sacred Place / To or create qasgiq, a sacred place for teaching yuuyaraq (the way to live) and molding young people for their future. / 2 / 0 /
  • Communal mastery
  • Safe places
  • Clear expectations and limits
  • Limits on alcohol use
  • Role models

Lap Ball / To bring the community together to have fun playing a traditional game in an alcohol-free environment. / 1 / 1 /
  • Safe places
  • Clear expectations and limits
  • Role models
  • Ellangneq

Storytelling / To be entertained and learn at the same time through elder traditional story telling. / 1 / 1 /
  • Safe places
  • Ellangneq

Module Name / Module Description / Modules Delivered:
ET / Modules Delivered:
YA / Protective Factors
Crisis Response Team / To establish a trained group of community members to respond to crises in the community and learning opportunities for people who are struggling. / 1 / 0 /
  • Safe places
  • Role models
  • Giving
  • Communal mastery

Family Fun Night / To be entertained and have fun with family and friends. / 1 / 1 /
  • Safe places
  • Role models
  • Communal mastery

Prayer Walk / To come together as a community and pray for the wellness of the people. / 2 / 0 /
  • Role models
  • Safe places

Coming Together II / To bring families and community together to have fun, share, and learn from one another in a safe, alcohol-free environment while reintroducing and gaining support for the second half of the program. / 1 / 1 /
  • Safe places
  • Opportunities
  • Ellangneq

Module Name / Module Description / Modules Delivered:
ET / Modules Delivered:
YA / Protective Factors
Family Level Modules
Traditional Parenting in the 21st Century / To remind young parents of traditional Yup’ik parenting practices, the reasoning behind them, and how they still fit into raising children in the 21st century. To learn about the parenting manual. / 0 / 1 /
  • Affection/praise
  • Being treated as special
  • Clear limits and expectations
  • Family models of sobriety

Arenqiirturyaraq – Finding a Way / To enable community members to understand they hold the key to fixing problem situations just as their ancestors have for thousands of years. We must stop not wait for others to do things for us. / 0 / 1 /
  • Clear limits and expectations
  • Being treated as special

Yup’ik Kinship Terms / To develop a stronger understanding of Yup’ik kinship, as well as the reasons for many kinship beliefs, practices, and expectations. / 2 / 1 /
  • Ellangneq
  • Family models of sobriety

Staying on Task / For youth and parents to understand and value both traditional and modern education, and how parent must work cooperatively with their child on an ongoing basis for success /
  • Family models of sobriety
  • Clear limits and expectations

Parent Support Group / To develop a place where parents can go and talk about parenting issues and learn from each other. / 0 / 1 /
  • Family models of sobriety
  • Affection/praise
  • Clear limits and expectations

Module Name / Module Description / Modules Delivered:
ET / Modules Delivered:
YA / Protective Factors
Individual Level Modules
Murilkelluku Cikuq: Watch the Ice / Learn ice safety skills and how to use these skills when presented with challenging life situations including alcohol abuse. / 2 / 0 /
  • Ellangneq
  • Communal mastery
  • Self-efficacy

Under Ice Fishing / Learning how to catch fish under the ice with a net and use ice safety skills learned in the previous module. Reinforce use of these skills when presented with challenging life situations. / 2 / 0 /
  • Self-efficacy
  • Communal mastery
  • Ellangneq
  • Wanting to be a role model

Alcohol Effects Awareness / Learn facts about alcohol and develop ways to constructivelyshare information to others about the effects of alcohol on the individual, family, and community. / 1 / 1 /
  • Ellangneq
  • Wanting to be a role model
  • Self-efficacy

Maliqnianeq – Seal Hunt / “To become aware” byengaging physically and spiritually in an important subsistence activity. / 1 / 0 /
  • Ellangneq

Akutaq – Eskimo Ice Cream / To learn traditional ways of making food. / 1 / 0 /
  • Giving
  • Self-efficacy
  • Communal mastery

Blackfish Trap / To build and learn about how to use a blackfish trap. / 1 / 0 /
  • Ellangneq
  • Communal mastery
  • Giving

Module Name / Module Description / Modules Delivered:
ET / Modules Delivered:
YA / Protective Factors
Healthy Yup’ik Thinking / To help youth and adults understand more about how the thinking process works to control our thoughts more to make better decisions and behave in more positive ways. / 0 / 1 /
  • Ellangneq
  • Self-efficacy

Dealing with Rumors and Gossip / To help youth and parents understand more about rumors and gossip, how to deal with it, and how to avoid participation in it so it becomes less of a problem to their community. / 0 / 1 /
  • Ellangneq
  • Giving
  • Wanting to be a role model

Surviving Your Feelings / To openly discuss suicide through adults describing their own experience with these feelings to youth, to establish an understanding of how it happens and to empower youthe to deal with their difficult feelings. / 2 / 0 /
  • Communal mastery
  • Self-efficacy

How Powerful You Are / To impress upon youth they are each a very “powerful person” capable of making “decisions and choices” about their life. Along with this gift of power comes the responsibility of the consequences of our choices. / 0 / 1 /
  • Ellangneq

Yaaruin – Story Knife / To learn how to do traditional ways of story telling using the story knife. / 1 / 0 /
  • Ellangneq
  • Self-efficacy

Mellgar – Men’s Knife / To learn how to use the mellgar, its importance in daily work for men, and how to make one. / 1 / 0 /
  • Ellangneq
  • Self-efficacy

Uluaq – Woman’s Knife / To learn about the uluaq, its importance in the daily use for women, and how to make one. / 1 / 0 /
  • Ellangneq
  • Self-efficacy

Note. ET = Elluam Tungiinun,YA =Yupiucimta Asvairtuumallerka