Components of George Brown College Probationary Development Cycle for Librarians

Guide for Chairs and Academic Directors

This guide is designed to help articulate the process and experiences that all new full-time librarians progress through at George Brown College.

The various components of the cycle are designed and delivered in a manner that supports service excellence and continued improvement.

Included here are some resources you may find helpful in your key role of providing performance feedback and ensuring we are meeting the obligations as connected to the collective agreement.

Please forward any comments, questions, or suggestions for improvement to Organizational and Staff Development.

Table of Contents

  1. Class Definition – Librarian ……………………………………………………………….… 3
  2. College Mission and Path to Leadership ……………………………………………… 4
  3. Components of the Probationary Librarian Development Cycle …….. 5
  4. Checklists of Probationary Learning Requirements…………………………. 6
  5. Chairs/Director’s Tracking Checklist for Probationary Librarians…… 9
  6. Appendix A – Librarian Competencies – Probationary Requirements...... 11
  1. Appendix B - Summary of Observations and Comments Form for Librarians ……………………………………………………………………………………………..22
  • Librarian Form #1 ………………………………………………………………………23
  • Librarian Form #2 and Recommendation Form.………………………24
  1. Appendix C - Individual Librarian Development Planning Form …….…25

Organizational and Staff Development

Approved may 2015 by Nancy Hood, VP Human Resources and Staff Development1


This class covers the position of a Librarian which combines the theoretical knowledge of library science, information studies and subject disciplines with the practical application of educational technologies for the purposes of information storage, retrieval and dissemination.

Librarians are members of an academic community who share with faculty colleagues in the responsibility of imparting life-long learning skills to students and are responsible for the collection, dissemination, and organization of bibliographic and learning resources in the College.

Librarians may assist with administrative functions or provide guidance to support staff assigned to their areas of responsibility

Librarians may be responsible for specific academic subject areas or a particular function within the organization. Areas may include collection and resource development, information provision and dissemination, information literacy instruction and staff training, cataloguing, library computer systems coordination, outreach, scholarly communications, and project planning. Academic librarians monitor current trends and services in the field and provide leadership in library and information services development.

Other related duties may be assigned. Librarians are accountable to the College through designated management personnel and are assigned specific roles and tasks by management on hiring or re-assignment.

Qualifications: Master of Library and Information Studies or equivalent degree from an American Library Association accredited institution.

Source: College Faculty CAAT-A Collective Agreement (2014 – 2017)

Our Mission

The Vision, Mission and Values of George Brown College

The staff, faculty and administration of George Brown College are united by a set of shared values and objectives. Outlined below, these vision and mission statements help guide George Brown College as we grow and change to meet the needs of students and employers.

The Path to Leadership

Inspired by a commitment to achievement through excellence in teaching, applied learning and innovation:

  • We will set the benchmark to which all colleges will aspire, and be recognized as a key resource in shaping the future of Toronto as a leading global city.
  • We will build a seamless bridge between learners and employment as we develop dynamic programs, and workplace-ready graduates who will be the candidates of choice for employers.
  • We will create a community of life-long learners, grounded in the principles of access, diversity, mutual respect and accountability.

Core Values


We foster an environment of reciprocal dialogue to ensure learning, solve problems and strengthen the George Brown community.


We commit ourselves to delivering a ‘George Brown standard’ of quality and superior performance.


We hold ourselves responsible to ensure the future sustainability of George Brown, academically and fiscally.


We show mutual respect for each other within the community of George Brown including all of our stakeholders, in all of our behaviour.

Organizational and Staff Development

Approved may 2015 by Nancy Hood, VP Human Resources and Staff Development 1

Components of the Probationary Librarian Development Cycle

Activity/Title / Content
New Faculty Academy / Orientation to teaching and learning expertise through information sharing, investigation of various teaching strategies, and integration of practice teaching sessions for peer review
College and Resource Orientation / Overview of college priorities and organization with opportunities to network and learn about various resources for access
New Faculty Teaching and Learning Seminars / Focus is on reflective practice and portfolio development
Required Workshops / Mandated training sessions meet legislated requirements. Supplemental areas of diversity/human rights, Learning Management System (LMS), Outcomes Based Learning, Curriculum Planning, etc.
Practice and Review / Chair/Director Observations and Learning Squares
Reflective Practice / Papers written each semester to encourage awareness of strengths and goal setting culminating in an Individualized PD Plan
Teaching Portfolio Framework / Preparation for completing re statement of philosophy, student feedback, reflection papers, etc.
Learning and Development Retreat / Increased awareness of cross college interconnections and opportunities to advance college’s strategic directions

Organizational and Staff Development

Approved may 2015 by Nancy Hood, VP Human Resources and Staff Development 1

Librarian Probationary Development Cycle

Requirements ____/_____



Below are the full-time Librarian Probationary Requirements to be completed over your probation period. Please keep a record of your progress as you will be required to comment on your professional development during your discussions with your Chair/Director and prepare of a one-page reflection paper submitted each semester. You can register for these workshops at you will find topics, dates and times listed.

Event / Timing / Date/s completed
New Faculty Academy / One week - August _____, _____
College–Wide New Employee Orientation / .5 day – can be completed during New Faculty Academy; should be completed within 6 months of hire / ______
Mandatory Employee Training / OHS Act - offered throughout the year
WHMIS – offered throughout the year
AODA –1. Access Services for Colleges, Customer Service Standards - Faculty (ASC), 2. Accessibility Awareness Training for Educators, 3. Integrated Accessibility Standard Regulation (ISAR) Training and Training on the Ontario Human Rights Code (OHRC) via / ______
6 Month Seminar Supporting Reflective Practice
This seminar is designed for the first 6 months of the probationary period. In this seminar we take the opportunity to share experiences as new employees, practise reflective thinking, and apply problem-solving strategies to common challenges in an educational setting
12 Month Seminar Supporting Portfolio Development
This seminar is designed for the final 6 months of the probationary period and focuses on the development of the initial portfolio, including a revised statement of educational philosophy, documentation of role effectiveness, and a professional development plan. There are continued opportunities for practising reflective thinking and sharing common experiences as newemployees. / Two 2-hour seminars each semester for two semesters (fall and winter semesters only for a total of 8 hours) / ______
Learning Circles/Partners
Every librarian will be connected with at least one colleague from a relevant area in order to reflect on their experience and their own techniques. This process builds connections, increases awareness of other areas of the college, encourages conversations about the librarian’s role in a postsecondary educational setting and promotes reflective practice. / Participation in Learning Circles/Partners for 2 semesters (Fall and Winter semesters only) / ______
Presentation/Meeting/Case Study Observations
The Chair/Director is invited to one of your presentations (or alternative) in which you present information or issues for discussion, review, consultation and feedback eachsemester and then you and your administrator participate in a follow-up meeting to discuss and review the administrator’s observations, questions and feedback. / One visit per semester / ______
Written Feedback / The Chair/Director provides a written progress report for each semester / #1______
  • Outcomes Based Learning
  • ‘Blackboard’ Training
  • Technology
  • Diversity/Human Rights
  • Two additional workshops
/ 4 two-hour workshops (the first will be held during the orientation week)
Training sessions on the operation and management of the database system central to library services and led by that Department
1 workshop
1 workshop
Additional workshops from the staff development calendar (or preapproved from another source) related to your professional development goals / ______
Reflection Paper
Each person takes the time to document their reflection on the semester, noting their observations, strengths and areas for further development. These can be used to initiate a conversation with the Chair/Director that connects to the probationary review of competencies. / One page reflection paper each semester outlining your professional development, noting strengths and setting goals for continued learning. These papers should be submitted to your Chair/Director, with a copy to the Director in Staff Development / ______
Professional Portfolio Framework / Framework to be presented to and reviewed with your Chair/Director by the completion of probation (Actual portfolio to be developed in time for the first Performance Review) / ______
Learning and Development Retreat / A 3 day event held the first June after hire / ______

Chair’s/Director’s Tracking Checklist for Probationary Librarians

Name of Librarian: ______

Probation End Date: ______

Semester 1

Suggested Time
Frame / Activity / Comments
Pre-Semester / Start up plans shared
Week 1 – 2 / Chairs/Directors to support of new full time Librarians to attend the New Faculty Academy
Week 3 - 4 / Conversations regarding learning in the New Faculty Academy, participation in Learning Squares/Outcomes Based Learning workshops; discuss feedback from students/participants
Week 6 / Chair/Director observation (e.g. team presentation, workshop, presentation to students, etc.)
Week 7 / Check in: Discussion of observation(week following observation)
Week 13 / Meet and discuss first reflection paper
Chair/Director to provide written progress reportto Librarian
Chair/Director sends completed progress report to Human Resources

NOTE: Seek assistance from your Senior HR Consultant regarding any concerns about progress towards successful completion of the probationary period.

Semester 2

Suggested Time
Frame / Activity / Comments
Week 3 / Check in: Review feedback/questions from 1st semester
Week 4 - 6 / Chair/Director observation(e.g. team presentation, workshop, presentation to students, etc.)
Week 5 - 7 / Check in: Discussion of observation (week following observation)
Week 13 / Meet and discuss second reflection paper
Week 14 / Chair/Director provides written progress report to Librarian
Chair/Director sends completed progress report with recommendation for appointment to permanent status to Human Resources

NOTE: Seek assistance from your Senior HR Consultant regarding any concerns about progress towards successful completion of the probationary period.

Appendix A

Librarians Competencies - Probationary Requirements

Organizational and Staff Development

Approved may 2015 by Nancy Hood, VP Human Resources and Staff Development 1

Librarian Competencies - Probationary Requirements

This form is designed for use with all academic employees covered by the Collective Agreement throughout their probationary period. Contained are sections that support professional self-reflection, observation of practice and the summary evaluation.

Employee Name: ______





The College is committed to the success of our employees and to providing meaningful feedback during your probationary period.

Article 27.02 D During the probationary period an employee will be informed in writing of the employee's progress at intervals of four months continuous employment or four full months of accumulated non-continuous employment and a copy given to the employee.

Librarian’s Name: ______Date ______Report # ___ of ____.

Competency I: Professionalism

Area of Focus / Evident / Proficient / Excellent / Needs Improvement / Unknown/Not Yet
Commits to a personal educational philosophy
Engages in conscious reflection and examines one’s own personal assumptions about one’s own role in supporting the educational process
Acts as a role model of the college community within the context of the department, program, and institution
Represents the College to all stakeholders in a manner that is consistent with its vision, mission, and mandate
Observes legal mandates, board and college policies, administrative procedures, contractual agreements and ethical standards
Facilitates professional growth through self-assessment and reflection and identifies professional development goals.
Contributes to the culture of ongoing learning through reflective practice and peer support
Overall Comments:

Examples of Supporting Documents/Artifacts that may be Included:

  • Statement of educational philosophy, reflection papers, etc.

Librarian’s Name: ______Date ______Report # ___ of ____.

Competency II: Content Knowledge

Area of Focus / Evident / Proficient / Excellent / Needs Improvement / Unknown/Not Yet
Maintains and demonstrates currency in position/role requirements.
Incorporates the use of real world applications and connects content to the industry or vocation
Able to differentiate content that is crucial and that which is peripheral to the current need
Relates content to the student’s background and perspectives
Incorporates higher and lower-order thinking skills
Knows in advance what content and concepts might be confusing to students and adapts to facilitate understanding
Overall Comments:

Examples of Supporting Documents/Artifacts that may be Included:

  • Student feedback, assessments, etc.

Librarian’s Name: ______Date ______Report # ___ of ____.

Competency III: Understanding the distinction between outcome sought and supporting student growth

Area of Focus / Evident / Proficient / Excellent / Needs Improvement / Unknown/Not Yet
Articulates clear objectives related to outcomes
Identifies the preconceptions and misconceptions that might prevent students from understanding concepts, principles and theories
Designs relevant and meaningful strategies to promote progress
Requires students to interact with the content at concrete and abstract levels
Designs activities that allow the students to use their prior knowledge and diversity of perspectives in a meaningful way
Designs activities that take students’ varied learning styles into account
Pursues ongoing professional development in the theory and practice of job performance
Overall Comments:

Examples of Supporting Documents/Artifacts that may be Included:

  • Sample plans, evidence of training attended, etc.

Librarian’s Name: ______Date ______Report # ___ of ____.

Competency IV: Designs and implements effective services or interventions

Area of Focus / Evident / Proficient / Excellent / Needs Improvement / Unknown/Not Yet
Articulates objectives that identify the competencies or intellectual abilities (cognitive knowledge, skills and/or attitudes) that students will acquire and/or extend as a result of engagement
Selects strategies directly connected to the objectives and are appropriate to student readiness
Evaluates interventions in relation to the larger student experience.
Actively contributes to the planning and review of the program functions and aligns services and delivery with student needs and college priorities
Overall Comments:

Examples of Supporting Documents/Artifacts that may be Included:

  • Sample activities, evidence of aligned theory and practice, etc.

Librarian’s Name: ______Date ______Report # ___ of ____.

Competency V: Uses a variety of appropriate strategies

Area of Focus / Evident / Proficient / Excellent / Needs Improvement / Unknown/Not Yet
Selects strategies that are connected to the desired outcomes
Designs interventions that are consistent with the desired outcomes
Encourages active and self-directed learning
Chooses strategies that take into account student abilities, their attitudes towards learning, their background knowledge, and their social identity
Includes a variety of strategies to engage various learning styles
Purposefully integrates student-centered approaches in ensuring students are co-creators of their learning
Overall Comments:

Examples of Supporting Documents/Artifacts that may be Included:

  • Evidence of student-centered practice, samples of research integrated into practice, etc.

Librarian’s Name: ______Date ______Report # ___ of ____.

CompetencyVI: Assesses student learning adequately, meaningfully, and fairly

Area of Focus / Evident / Proficient / Excellent / Needs Improvement / Unknown/Not Yet
Understands the relationship between assessment and student growth
Uses multiple strategies to assess learning and development
Provides relevant, frequent and timely constructive feedback
Uses both formative and summative assessments
Creates assessments that promote student learning.
Clearly communicates, monitors and adjusts assessment strategies
Develops assessments that are both effective and efficient
Overall Comments:

Examples of Supporting Documents/Artifacts that may be Included:

  • Samples of varied assessment tools being used, formative and summative examples included, etc.

Librarian’s Name: ______Date ______Report # ___ of ____.

Competency VII: Manages the learning environement

Area of Focus / Evident / Proficient / Excellent / Needs Improvement / Unknown/Not Yet
Makes effective use of time
Creates a positive environment that is conducive to learning/growth and respectful of diversity
Creates an inclusive climate in which the principles of fairness and honesty are respected
Intervenes proactively to discourage off task behaviour
Intervenes to manage disruptive behaviour in a timely and respectful manner
Maintains and communicates appropriate standards of behaviour
Understands the limits of own legitimate authority and involves others as necessary
Actively engages and adapts content to ensure accommodation of special needs
Overall Comments:

Examples of Supporting Documents/Artifacts that may be Included:

  • Student feedback, evidence of accommodations being made, etc.

Librarian’s Name: ______Date ______Report # ___ of ____.

Competency VIII: Integrates Information Technology into the college work