University of Kentucky Chemical Safety Committee Minutes

October 10th, 2006

W.T. Young Library, Keeneland Room


Todd Porter, ChairGlena JarboeJimmie Calvert

Robin CooperMeg SteinmanLee Poore, Ex Officio

Jan Hamon


Bob KeelenJay YoungLorie Jayne


Stephen TestaAudra StinchcombRuth Adams

Todd Porter called the meeting to order at 12:05 PM.

  1. Approval of Minutes – The May 9th, 2006 meeting minutes were approved after a grammatical error was corrected in Agenda item #2.
  2. Introduction of Committee Members – All attendees went around the room announcing their name, and which department they were representing.
  3. Review of the By-Laws of the Chemical Safety Committee – The By-Laws of the Committee were reviewed by the committee members. A question was raised inquiring what percentage was considered a quorum. A quorum is 51% or greater of membership. The By-Laws were discussed and the Committee moved to keep the By-Laws as written.
  4. CHP Manual Review – The Chemical Hygiene Plan (CHP) is reviewed yearly. The committee was asked to review the current (2006) CHP and send comments to Jan Hamon for corrections, additions, updates, etc. The reviews need to be submitted before the next Committee meeting. The manual can be found at the following link A discussion began on how best to notify faculty and staff when an updated manual is available. One option proposed was that a check box for the CHP review be provided when the faculty fills out the information for the merit evaluation form. This would not necessarily reach non faculty members.
  5. Issues for discussion of next meeting – Topics for upcoming meetings were solicited. Nanotechnology was discussed as a possible meeting topic since this area of research is growing on UK’s campus. Other ideas were to set up a training class/day for faculty, staff, teaching assistant’s, etc for first aid/spill response and defining the difference between a research lab and non research space (clinical, teaching, etc.)
  6. Next Meeting – The committee expressed that finals week would not be a good time to meet.
  7. Adjourn – The meeting was adjourned at 12:58 p.m.