BonnyriggPrimary School

Second Level Curriculum Booklet


Primary 5B

Miss Henderson

About our Class:

This year we are in Rooms 1 and 6which are in the Upper Atrium.

Members of our Class:


































Specialist Teachers

Mr. Dewar teaches the children PE every Monday. Mrs. Ferguson teaches a lesson on a Tuesday.We have a Mrs. Brown teaches Drama on a Thursday.

Other Adult Helpers

Mrs Cairns, Mrs Black and Mrs Anderson support the children in school and in the playground.

Curriculum for Excellence establishes clear values, purposes and principles for education from 3 – 18 in Scotland.It sets out to enable children and young people to develop their capacities as successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors.

The key methods by which we will develop these capacities are through:

active learning

interdisciplinary learning

outdoor learning

co-operative learning

We will be using a range of Assessment is for Learning techniques including:

sharing learning intentions and success criteria

high quality interactions and feedback

learner involvement in reflection, setting learning goals and next steps

self and peer assessment

The curriculum is now divided into the following levels:

Level / Stage
Early / Pre – school and P1 or later for some
First / To end of P4 but earlier or later for some
Second / To end of P7 but earlier or later for some
Third and Fourth / S1 –S3 but earlier for some
The fourth level broadly equates to SCQF Level 4
Senior Phase / S4 – S6 and college or other means of study

This booklet is designed to inform you of the curriculum your child will study at Second Level of Curriculum for Excellence.

This year will be an important one for your child and the purpose of this section is to outline the programme of work that will be followed in Primary 5. Children will be encouraged to take part in planning for their own learning throughout the year.


All money being brought to school should be clearly labelled in an envelope. All clothing, including jackets, shoes and gloves must be clearly labelled as these items have a tendency to go missing regularly and items often look the same. When possible we would appreciate it if forms could be returned by the next day or at least that week.

Classroom Organisation

Your child will be encouraged to be independent in using and caring for materials. It is helpful for your child to come to school each day with a pencil, ruler, rubber and sharpener. We do not encourage children to bring valuable objects or jewellery to school. Mobile phones are discouraged unless essential to contact parents after school. They should be switched off and given to the teacher first thing in the morning. The school takes no responsibility for loss or damage to mobile phones, jewellery or other valuable objects brought to school.

Positive Behaviour

We use a positive behaviour scheme in school to motivate pupils to behave well. We use the following whole school strategies.

School Rules

Our school rules are:

  • We will show respect.

We will care for each other.

We will always tell the truth.

We will stay safe.

Golden Time

Each pupil works towards receiving thirty minutes of Golden Time each week.

Good to be Green

Each pupil has a green, yellow and red card in their classroom. If a pupil misbehaves they will receive a verbal warning. If behaviour does not improve they will change their card to yellow. The next stage is to receive a red card which will lead to a pupil missing five minutes Golden Time. If misbehaviour continues after this stage, pupils will be asked to spend some time completing their work in another class, following consultation with Head or Depute Head Teacher. There are situations that may merit an automatic yellow or red card and class teachers make this clear to children.

Gold Award Treat

At the end of each term, pupils will receive a special one hour treat taking part in a range of activities. This is organised differently throughout the school year.

Smile Points

Each term we have a monthly social skills focus. Pupils can earn smiles for their class by demonstrating this skill and also for showing good manners, lining up nicely, moving quietly throughout the school or if an adult notices a class working particularly well. Classes who achieve the most smiles receive an extra five minutes break during the following week and get the Bonnyrigg Wriggle in their classroom for the week!

Bonnyrigg Stars

Each week a pupil is selected by the class teacher, who has shown themselves to be particularly outstanding in one or more areas. This pupil will be awarded with a certificate at assembly and will be rewarded with ‘Tea’ with a member of the Senior Leadership Team the following Monday.


As a school we use a points system called Call Dojo. Pupils are rewarded with a Dojo point for positive actions in learning and behaviour. The children will set themselves class targets e.g. 1000 points by the end of term 1. There will also be rewards on an individual basis. Rewards for Dojo points are negotiated as a class.

Useful Websites

School Website –

School Twitter -

Parent Zone -

Education City –

Spelling City -

Sumdog -