Humania – The Vision The Movement


The Vision, The Movement


Gary Owens

Humania, The Vision, The Movement

Written in 1995, first published in Great Britain


Humania Publishing


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British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data

Owens G

Humania: Political philosophy, history of political and religious power development.

Global politics, anti-authoritarian, anti-capitalist.

ISBN 0-000000-00-0 Hardback

Humania Publishing


The Vision, The Movement

Policy Changes We Will Make to the World

Ending War Poverty & Inequality.

Food & Water Policy

It’s clear that we can’t feed the people who are on earth now, let alone people living longer and more being born. Food production needs to be mechanised locally, in units and areas, where all the food and water is for free, worldwide.

We will regionalise the food production using hydroponics, increasing the current food production vastly. Plus keep all current food production as it is, this would create extra food to feed those in need. Food will be free to everyone that can’t afford to feed themselves, it’s a right. All people would have an online account, and pick from a list as your weekly shopping list, this food would be automatically delivered to your home. We would phase this in, so as an example, we start growing tomatoes hydroponically all over the world regionally, and everyone has a right to have them free. Once that’s running we add the next crop, and so on until the food problem is solved completely ongoing.

Water is to be free, and an irrigation and desalination system would be implemented globally, and be regionalised.

The importance of regionalisation of food and water is that when there is a natural disaster or some unforeseen event, local people will have the resources to feed themselves. This will stop the price hiking by current supermarkets competing for crops grown. More production, of food, is essential to stopping starvation in all parts of the world. The free right to clean water should be obvious to everyone and will save millions of lives.

Ecological Wildlife & Nature Policy

There would be an outright ban on all fishing from all seas and oceans to allow them to recover. Fish would be farmed in the open sea to feed the population and the oceans would be allowed to return to the way they were 150 years ago. It would be an offence to fish without permission for anything.

It would be an offence to kill any wild animal, and the repopulation of all animal species would be undertaken across the planet, as close as possible to 150 years ago. This would include all insects and any part of the ecological system that has been affected by human expansion.

A huge forest re planting program will be undertaken to supply more oxygen to the world and remove carbon from the atmosphere. This will provide habitat for the expansion of wildlife program. All wood used for any product must come from sustainable forestry.

Pollution in any form all over the planet will be tackled and reduced to zero. It will be an offence to endanger the environment.

Healthcare Policy

The National Health Service from the UK would be globalised providing free health care to every person on Earth; Best practise from other health services will be adopted. No policy will exist that restricts treatment based on cost. CT Scanning and screening of all the population will take place and a healthcare package put together for each individual, based on prevention of illness.

At the moment healthcare across the world is based mostly on reactive care, you go with a problem to a doctor and they take a look, with serious illness this is often too late to make a difference. We need to be telling the individual they have a problem not them telling us. That would save huge resource and curb the unnecessary issuing of drugs and medications.

The pharmaceutical companies that are providing the drugs to healthcare industry across the planet need to be regulated on the amount they can charge for a drug or cure. If there is a cure or drug for an individual suffering, it is a right that that individual should have it. Perhaps when a company develops a cure, instead of recovering it through the drug sale at over the top prices, they should be rewarded by the state and their costs paid for that development. Then the drug would not have a write off cost and would be cheap.

A movement towards fresh produce with quality natural food should be encouraged. With an education system that explains the truth about food and what we should eat, so every person should have a nutritional program. This needs to be coupled with an exercise program, for the wellbeing of all.

Energy Policy

Energy will be free to everyone as a right. Energy will be state run throughout the world, no more paying shareholders with your money! All fossil fuel power stations will be phased out along with all nuclear power stations. All future power would come from none pollution sources only. All green energy power sources will be fully investigated and implemented.

Energy will be free because it’s not right that people can be cold because they don’t have the means to pay for energy, in the same way as it’s not right that you can’t contact someone online, or learn online because you can’t pay your electric bill!

All energy grids will be combined and standardised across the planet, allowing a constant flow and easy repair. Where possible all cables will be moved underground worldwide, no more lumbering metal monsters across our countryside.

A global energy team will be in place for fast reaction to disasters using standardised equipment that would be on seen within hours, providing much needed electric at natural disaster sites.

Transport Policy

All public transport will be free as a right. A global system will be set up using existing corporations to produce the taxis, busses, trains, ships and planes needed, all public transport vehicles must be zero rated for pollution, including shipping and cargo movements.

People will be able to travel free to get work or education and other essential travel, such as an ill relative, on any public transport.

All privately owned transportation must be zero rated for pollution or be limited on miles per year usage. So if you own a vintage Ferrari or a Ford Escort, its ok you can use it, but only so many miles per year.

The whole road network needs to be upgraded worldwide and electric cars catered for at all petrol stations, where you can swap a battery or charge.

Flying cars need to be licenced and made available cheaply worldwide to lessen the load on the current road infrastructure.

Supersonic planes need to be re-introduced to move people quickly and efficiently to the other side of the world, these planes should be available also to the emergency and rescue services along with policing services for fast anywhere response.

Housing Policy

Free Housing is a right to anyone that does not have a house or can’t afford one. Designs will be approved and building completed by the housing department of Humania. Homes would be to the latest green standards and environment proof.

Going forward housing should not be built on any flood planes or anywhere that is environmentally challenged, as the sea levels are rising, we should start evacuation of low lying areas rather than waste resources trying to hold back the water. If we start this process soon it can be gradual and controlled. We need to look at new forms of housing such as underground.

Humania will build kit houses of various types that can be deployed anywhere in the world, we will look at all technologies and materials to produce the greenest and most durable homes that last longer than a lifetime. We don’t want anyone living in tents and temporary accommodation, we all must agree that this is not acceptable. To this end any displaced people will be entitled to a home and not outcast.

There will be no law stating you have to live in home so indigenous tribes or a person who chooses to live outdoors can do so, our a policy is for those that are in need of housing.

Elderly people will be entitled to a home just as much as a young person, if they choose to live in their own home they will be helped to do so.

Education Policy

Free Education to the same standard will be implemented worldwide, and you will be able to learn any subject at any stage of life. Choose what you want to learn and when you want to learn it at any time in life free. A new world curriculum that will encompass the truth of the world, not just slanted views.

Everybody will learn English and one other language; people will be encouraged to speak multiple languages.

A system will be implemented that gathered all the available knowledge on earth and this would be regionalised through all schools and libraries as well as put up in space, to make sure that future generations cant loose the knowledge we have gained so far from some sort of natural disaster. The Knowledge Banks regionalised for the use of all citizens, will have experts on call via live video.

Full life education will be encouraged, we are always learning through life so we want to make that process easier and faster, and take away the clicky privileged knowledge approach.

All ruling class public schools will be re tasked with the best practices being adopted in all schools the world over, there will be no more education for rulers and workers; it’s an end to class education. The new model is based purely on ability, not how big your cheque book is!

Finances & Debt Policy

There will be no debt owed by any country or any person. A redistribution of resources will take place bringing about equality and balance. All banks and their assets would be disbanded and redistributed. All monopolies will be broken up, IMF, World Bank.

Financial institutions hold the world to ransom, poor countries plundered and sold into slavery by the IMF and World Bank. The spoils divided up between big business, they buy our politicians to make it happen over and over again. Everyone is a modern day slave to a new Pharaoh. We work to pay our bills and have little left to realise our dreams. It’s time for a change!

No more loans or lending, all banks to be merged to the Peoples Bank. All international banks to be merged like the World Bank, IMF and ECB. A new world currency is to be issued, in all countries and for all people.

Funding/resources will be available for all projects based on merit and need.

We will operate the same capitalist system as at present but with caps in place, and removing the consumerisation aspect with accent on making things to last not a throw away culture.

Business Policy

We will use a capitalist system but with caps in place to stop run away corporations, Global companies are out of control manipulating markets and us.

Companies won’t be able to lobby or effect the markets. No lobbying will exist; all people are represented through our mentor system including companies.

By uniting the purchasing power of the members and a few simple ideas, we will bring trillions of the world economy under the control of the people. Like the HELPinHAND portal, members work through the portal saving huge amounts of money on all aspects of their lives.

If we take the top ten utility and financial bills of each member and provide each of the services and products at a much reduced cost, due to large numbers of members, we would control a massive amount of the economy. The Bill Club part of HELPinHAND is a new concept in trading, we group members together in groups of 100,000 It starts with members committing 10 Monthly Bills to us, that is to say we become the Service Provider for each of the bills, they receive one debit and bill from us, in the place of ten, we group those Service Contracts together as a wholesale contract buyer to the lowest service bidder, this means the customer will always get the cheapest available product, getting value for money and saving money. Each hundred thousand members will bring around £120m per month under our control and out of the existing economy. Imagine 100m members and £120,000,000,000 per month.

We will end consumerisation, we don’t need 20 companies building mobile phones, we could half this and re focus the work force on what the world needs and to benefit us all. We need to set up several government agencies to service worldwide needs like communications, energy, health, food production and much more, by restraining the competing part of the market we will be able to deploy millions of workers to help solve the world major issues.

All monopolies will be broken up like OPEC and DeBeers.

Another simple idea is The Business Franchise Club, a new member who is for example a book retailer joins Humania, his business is replicated around the country and the world by our members. A franchise system like Mail Boxes, this will employ our people and keep all further purchases of books within Humania for all members giving cheaper books for all and fast spread and roll out. If we replicate this system through many businesses, we would all save a lot of money and bring another huge chunk of the world’s economy under our control.

Boarders Policy

One of the causes of many wars and the deaths of millions of people is to do with nationalism and how governments create a bond between people living within that territory at the expense of external people. This creates an isolated view and allows nationalism to take hold, this can lead to the rise of dictator like Hitler and Napoleon. People on earth are all in this together, they should be free to roam the world.

All country territories would retain integrity but there would be no boarder controls anywhere. The world is everyone’s to roam.

There is no need for a boarder force, there are no border controls going from state to state in the USA, the same should apply to all countries.

Policing and import export issues are side issues and have their own resolutions; they should not affect people right to travel the world.

Religious Policy

The Humanian view of religion is that no state should have a religion, but should provide the framework for everyone’s beliefs and faiths to be encompassed. We are asking for a re think of the whole concept of who we are and what we believe and put our faith in. A New World Religion that covers all faiths and beliefs.

Whether you believe the evolutionary theory, that life has evolved on earth and throughout the universe. Or you believe that God created everything, or even that we evolved on earth and an alien race altered our DNA, or any of the other theories, you could be right! The fact is that nobody knows, or they are not saying. The Humania way is only the search for the truth, knowledge and advancement of humankind, whatever the answer turns out to be.

By joining the Humania movement, you are making a conscious effort to search for the truth and not just accept what you are told. We want the truth of who we are and where we come from. Being part of the Humania movement means you have not made your mind up. It is after all a life long journey. An open mind for all is an asset for mankind.

If we stacked up all the issues between people, and stack them in the order of everything we agree with at the bottom, followed by everything we disagree with. It would be clear where work is needed.

The fact is that all things should be allowed provided it does not cause any one any harm and is within the framework agreed by everyone and that the framework can allow everyone to be included.

The Humania, New World Religion movement is a search for the truth; it will provide a chronological list of beliefs and faiths of mankind from its beginning, every piece of available knowledge and supporting evidence from all sources with no organisations slant on it. This is to be provided on the website and constantly updated with new finds and information by members.

No one should lead you in your search for faith or something to believe in, we should all explore all the possibilities and decide for ourselves. A religion without proof of its claims is after all just a way to live your life, a code to live by, or as it’s being used today, as a means of control and motive for pitting man against man, brother against brother.