Report to Regulatory Committee of 6th July 2006

Subject: Planning Application (Application For Approval Of Reserved Matters) - Erection Of Secondary School With Associated Bus And Car Park, All-Weather Pitch, Lighting, Means Of Enclosure And Landscaping, Site South Of Berryfield Works And Greenhead, Alva (Ref No. 06/00181/RES)

Applicant: Clackmannanshire Education Partnership

Agents: 3D Architects, Glasgow

Prepared by: Ian Duguid, Development Quality Team Leader

Ward: Alva South Councillor Balsillie


1.1.This submission follows the grant of outline planning permission for a school and housing development on land in Alva. The proposals have emerged from an extensive consultation and assessment process, involving a number of disciplines, and largely comply with the requirements of the planning permission.

1.2.This report summarises the key planning issues to have emerged from the exercise, the contributions from Consultees and other interested parties and recommends that the development as shown on the submitted drawings is substantially approved in accordance with the planning permission. The report will however identify the selected aspects of the development not yet approved, and other proposals that may be required to meet the conditional requirements of the planning permission.


2.1.It is recommended that the detailed proposals shown in this application are approved, excluding those elements listed in Appendix 1 to this report. Any additional details yet to be approved to discharge conditions of the outline planning permission are listed in that Appendix. It is recommended that the final approval of these matters is delegated to the Head of Development Services in consultation with the Convener and Local Member.


3.1.In 2002, Clackmannanshire Council embarked on a programme of replacing its secondary school estate with 3 fit for purpose schools that would meet education and community requirements. Following a site evaluation process, land towards the south and east of Alva was identified as a favoured location for one such school, and the Council proceeded to grant outline planning permission for this development (Ref. No. 04/00328/OUT). This followed reports from this Service in November 2004 and March 2006, the latter seeking to resolve issues associated with the failure to conclude a Section 75 Agreement.

3.2.Taking place concurrently with the outline planning application process was the submission and evaluation of bids from 2 companies for the entire school estate, the appointment of a successful bid company and the consequential formulation of detailed proposals as a product of the technical assessment process.

3.3.This application incorporates the detailed proposals for the school to have emerged for the southern portion of the site of the outline planning permission in Alva (see location plan). The key elements or attributes of the scheme are as follows:

  • An east facing main entrance with an associated access road off the Alva Industrial Estate Road leading from the A91.
  • A two-storey building designed to give views both to the hills to the north and the open aspect of the Devon Valley to the south.
  • A secure education and community campus providing a variety of external spaces for bus, car and bicycle parking, enhanced all-weather playing surface and a series of south facing social spaces for pupils.
  • Three two-storey teaching wings with external links between classes through courtyard areas.

3.4Drawings illustrating the proposed development have been displayed at Greenfield and Lime Tree House, and will be displayed outside the Council Chamber before the Committee meeting.

3.5Development Services has separately received an application for planning permission relating to the site of the housing development identified in the outline planning permission. These proposals have similarly been the subject of detailed examination, and we will ensure that the schemes remain compatible with one another, making most effective use of the conjoined site.


4.1.Roads and Transportation: Have provided a series of conditions and notes in relation to the proposals. These largely relate to the road access arrangements, bus circulation, pupil drop-off, car parking, bicycle provision, access on foot to the school from 2 locations and associated footpath provision/retention/enhancement along the northern site boundary. Comment: Few changes will be required to the submitted scheme to accord with this advice. The proposals within the site comply with guidance. Proposals outwith the site on existing roads, junctions and remote footpaths have yet to be finalised or agreed in their entirety.

4.2.Scottish Water: Have no objections to the development subject to compliance with what appears to be their standard conditions.

4.3.Environmental Health: Offer no objections to the development subject to restricted working hours for construction activity, control of the floodlighting system for the all-weather pitch and a noise limit on any plant machinery or equipment operating at night. Comment: Additional information on floodlighting has been requested to verify compliance with the standard prescribed. The developer expects to be able to adhere to the recommended noise limit.

4.4.Contaminated Land (Environmental Services): Have no objections to the development, but highlight the ongoing investigations to the northeast of the site in the former Berryfield Works where contamination has been found and investigations are ongoing. An Environmental Risk Assessment may be required if those investigations show that contamination has spread to the site of this proposed school. Comment: This will remain an outstanding obligation of the outline planning permission.

4.5.Waste Management (Environmental Services): Indicate that a suitable turning area should be provided for vehicles serving the bin storage facility. This bin storage facility should be able to accommodate segregated waste containers. Comment: The proposals have been adjusted to meet these requirements.

4.6.SEPA have not submitted comments on the application.

4.7.Alva Community Council: Believe that the entrance gate for pupils at Greenhead will encourage pupils to walk along this route. Greenhead is not suitable for large numbers of pupils. It therefore proposes the reinstatement of the footbridge over the Alva Burn with a path from Brook Street, all to be provided as part of the school project. There should also be an access on foot from the proposed housing estate to the north. The vehicle access to the school appears to be quite acceptable. The Community Council finally notes that there will be adequate catering facilities for most pupils, which should reduce the demand for hot food takeaways in Stirling Street. Comment: The Roads Service have cautioned the formation of a footpath from Brook Street, as a potential road safety hazard would arise from cars stopping and parking outwith the speed restricted area in Alva. The Roads Service propose that management measures be introduced in Greenhead to improve its suitability as a safe route to school, and this would remain an obligation of the outline planning permission to be agreed between the Council as the developer. A footpath link from the new housing development will be provided to the school, following a relatively circuitous route to avoid indiscriminate pupil drop-off within that development.

4.8.Central Scotland Police (Community Safety Officer): Recommends that the entire school be enclosed by a 3m high weld mesh anticlimb fence. This would ensure effective control of users going to and coming from the school. The school design appears to have a number of recessed areas which may encourage youths to congregate, and this should be discouraged. It also proposes that the school should seek to achieve “secured school” status under the Secured By Design Award. Comment: A security fence will be provided around the school grounds, albeit 1.8m in height. It will also have CCTV coverage to monitor use of the outside spaces. The gates at the western end will not be open for community use during out of school hours.

4.9.Land Services: Have no objections in principle, but recommend that more information is required on the tree survey and the possible impact of engineering works. They regret the loss of open access to the existing playing fields and believe that this will potentially increase ball game problems elsewhere. Additional landscaping on northern boundary would help minimise light pollution from the pitch. Comment: While the existing playing pitches will be enclosed, they will also be enhanced and brought under effective management. Clarification is being sought on the options for enclosing the all-weather pitch alone. The community will benefit from improved facilities. Further information is being obtained on site operations, and the possible impact on trees.

4.10.Clackmannanshire Access: Have no objections to the detailed proposals.

4.11.Architecture And Design Scotland have not submitted any comments on the proposals. A presentation was submitted to the agency, and was well received,


5.1.Twenty-two neighbouring households and seventeen non-domestic properties were notified of this planning application. The submission was also advertised in the local paper for public interest. Letters of representation have been received on behalf of parties using the Greenhead Farm Livery Yard to the south of the site. The concern relates to the possible changes to the associated countryside footpath and bridle path network around the site, and the possible closure of such routes. Comment: While the application proposals as submitted do not specifically affect or change the footpaths in question, we do recommend the removal of a section of this path to accommodate the school and housing developments and avoid a narrow unlit route with poor surveillance between the two developments. The developer will therefore be required to submit additional proposals that examine and safeguard access to the livery yard.


6.1.The purpose of this submission is to deal with the conditions attached to the outline planning permission which has already been granted for this development. The foregoing sections of this report highlight some of the detailed scrutiny that these proposals have now undergone, and this Service can confidently advise members that this scheme in its entirety brings forward a creditable package of policy compliant proposals which will be compatible with the mixed land use surroundings, and provide Alva and the Hillfoots with advanced education and community facilities.

6.2.Many technical matters have been examined, not least of which are:

  • The measures necessary to manage the risk of flooding within the site. A flood risk assessment has been undertaken and that was the subject of detailed consultation with SEPA. The proposals include Engineering Works within the site to ensure that there is no adverse affect on neighbouring property.
  • An assessment of the transportation implications of the development, including opportunities to enhance access on foot and by bicycle, safe means of accommodating school bus provision and adhering to maximum standards for car parking provision.
  • A design statement to provide contextual information on the development of the detailed proposals within a relatively sensitive environment on the edge of town, bounded by existing and proposed housing, business and leisure.

6.3Having concluded our assessment of the detailed proposals, we invite members to support the recommendation to approve the application subject to further agreement being reached on the outstanding matters described in appendix of this report.


7.1.Financial implications: None.

7.2.Staff implications: None.

7.3.Strategic aims:

Create strong, active, safe and caring communities / 
Achieve local economic prosperity and stability / 
Make the most of Clackmannanshire's unique built and natural environment / 
Develop a culture of personal achievement where everyone isvalued / 
Improve the health of the people of Clackmannanshire / 
Represent and promote the interests of all of the people of Clackmannanshire / 
Ensure that the people of Clackmannanshire receive the highest quality services for the public pound / 


Erection Of Secondary School Alva ReportPage 1 of 6