Newspaper Database Questions

  1. Locate a newspaper article, published at the time, of President Lincoln’s assassination at Ford’s Theater.
  1. A student is doing a paper on solar energy. Findtwo newspaper articles that describe solar energy developments in Arizona, New Mexico, or Texas.
  1. Locate a newspaper article published in Moscow or St. Petersburg, Russia, that discusses the planting of a Russian flag in the Arctic Ocean under the North Pole in 2007.
  1. Find two articles in the New York Times about childhood obesity.
  1. I’d like to see today’s issue of the Washington Post. What are two of the articles on the front page of the issue? (Hint: Lexis-Nexis; look for “A01” for the front page, indicating Section A and Page 1 of the issue.)
  1. Locate an article in the Miami Herald published within the past two years on the increase in home insurance rates due to past hurricanes and fear of future hurricanes.
  1. Can you find an article recently published in The Wall Street Journal, “In the Latest Chill for Homeowners, Banks Are Freezing Lines of Credit,” by Amy Hoak? How many words is the full text article?
  1. A patron is looking for an obituary published in 1902 in the Georgetown Times. Is this newspaper available in microfilm in the U.K. library for that date?
  1. A student majoring in French would like to read an article in the French newspaper Le Monde within the past two weeks that discusses George Bush. She needs the article written in French.
  1. I’m looking for a recent newspaper article published in Seattle, Washington, about a family that found a California sea lion that had climbed aboard their sailboat and didn’t want to leave.
  1. A student saw the film, “La Vie En Rose,” about the life of the French chanteuse Edith Piaf and would like to read a newspaper article published in at the time of her death that describes her funeral and tells about her life.
  1. A student is doing a paper on legalization of medicinal marijuana and wants more than she found in traditional newspapers. Can you find any articles for her in any other publications for her?
  1. A professor is looking for an editorial from the Austin, Texas, newspaper, Austin American-Statesman byArnold Garcia about the controversy surrounding building the George W. Bush Presidential Library in Dallas on the Southern Methodist Campus and whether or not it should be built in Austin instead. Can you locate the editorial? She thinks it was published in early 2007.
  1. A sociology student writing a paper on crime in Kentucky is looking for information about an anti-cruising law enacted in Louisville to reduce automobile cruising. He also wants to know if there was any controversy on whether or not law has been applied fairly.
  1. A student doing research on maritime disasters is looking for articles on the sinking of the Titanic, Lusitania, and Andrea Doriaocean liners. Can you find New York Times newspaper articles, written at the times of the disasters, for her? (Hint: do a Google search to determine the dates of these disasters and then limit your newspaper search to dates close to the disasters.)
  1. Locate a newspaper article published in London at the time of the abdication of King Edward VIII in order to marry the “woman I love,” Wallis Simpson.
  1. Find an article, published in 2005, “No good outcome for U.S. in Iraq,” by Tarek M. Baydoun. Where was the article published?