POLICY: Diligent Search
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 14, 2013 / Current: 1/13
Revised: 9/07, 3/10, 1/13
Original: 7/99


The Department of Family Services (DFS) is mandated and required to conduct a diligent search for absent parent(s) and relative(s)/kin in every case to give him/her notice his/her child(ren)/youth is involved with DFS and to provide an opportunity to participate in the Family Service plan and/or Youth Empowered Success (YES) Case Plan. The diligent search shall continue throughout the life of the case.[1]


1.Identifying the Biological/Legal Parent

a.The DFS Caseworker shall obtain a copy of each child(ren)/youth’s birth certificate and identify the biological mother.

b.The DFS Caseworker shall check for a father listed on the birth certificate.

c.The following may constitute proof that the person is the legal father:

1) Birth certificate listing person as father;

2) Order from court establishing paternity; or

3) Signed and notarized acknowledgement of paternity from the person.

d. If no father is listed on the birth certificate, the DFS Caseworker shall obtain the name or possible name(s) of each child(ren)/youth’s father from the biological mother or other family members. This information shall be provided to the Child Support Enforcement (CSE) office by completing the Report to Child Support Enforcement (DFS-543). This will initiate the genetic testing process.

2.Conducting the Diligent Search

  1. Absent Parent

1)The DFS Caseworker shall assist the available parent in completing the Report to Child Support Enforcement (DFS-543), and submit it to the benefit specialist who will submit a copy to the CSE office.

2)The DFS Caseworker shall not assume the absent parent does not exist based solely on the available parent’s statement(s).

3)The DFS Caseworker shall obtain from each parent a list of all relative(s)/kin or other important people in the child(ren)/youth’s life by requesting the parent complete the Important People in the Child(ren)’s Life (SS-65) prior to or at the time of the first court hearing (i.e., hearing within 48 hours).

a)If this form is not completed prior to or at the time of the first hearing, the DFS Caseworker will provide the Important People in the Child(ren)’s Life (SS-65) form to the parent as soon as possible after the first hearing.

b)If the parent will not cooperate with the DFS Caseworker, DFS shall request the court to order the child(ren)/youth’s parent to share information regarding the identity and contact information for all relative(s)/kin or other important people in the child(ren)/youth’s life.

4)The DFS Caseworker shall follow-up with information provided on the above listed forms using the following resources, as well as any other resources available which may not be listed here:

a)Existing DFS case records, including, but not limited to social services, juvenile justice, the DFS data system, Benefit Specialist (POWER, SNAP, Medicaid, child care);

b)Court, school, and child care records;

c)Internet search resources;[2]

d)Child Support Enforcement Central Registry by using the Parent Locate Request Form (SS- 65a);

e)Information from the child(ren)/youth, if age appropriate, regarding location of the absent parent or any relative(s)/kin known to the child(ren)/youth. People Remembered Chart (SS-65b) may be used to help the DFS caseworker and child(ren)/youth in identifying important people;

f)Law enforcement contacts, local jail bookings, and prison inmate searches;

g)Military branches;

h)Information from known relative(s)/kin as to the location of the absent parent; and/or

i)Request an Accurint Search.

(1)Accurint reports are confidential and are not to be shared with family members, court personnel or anyone outside of the DFS per federal guidelines, unless the file was subpoenaed.

5) If the absent parent lives out of the country, and is unable to be located by gathering information from the family or other common search methods, the DFS Caseworker shall consult with his/her Supervisor and District Manager on how to proceed with the diligent search. The District Manager shall work with the Social Services Division in order to contract with an agency (such as International Social Services, (ISS)) to complete an international search and home study.[3]

6)If the absent parent is not located within sixty (60) days, the DFS Caseworker shall complete an affidavit stating efforts made in completing the diligent search to locate the absent parent. The DFS Caseworker may use the Affidavit of Diligent Search template (SS-65d).

a)The affidavit shall be filed with the juvenile court, and a copy shall be kept in theDFS file.

b)After the affidavit of diligent search is completed, the diligent search shall continue throughout the life of the case.

c)The affidavit shall be updated and provided to the courts with every six (6) and twelve (12) month review.

d)The DFS Caseworker shall use the Diligent Search Log (SS-65e) in order to keep track of efforts made to locate the parent. This may help organize information needed to prepare the affidavit.

7)If the DFS Caseworker locates the absent parent, the absent parent has the right to participate in reunification and Family Service plan and/or YES Case Plan decisions for his/her child(ren)/youth. Once the absent parent is located, reasonable efforts and engagement of the absent parent shall occur and must be documented in the DFS data system and in the Family Service plan and/or YES Case Plan.

a) The absent parent (to include biological and/or legal father) shall be the first placement resource to be explored. If the absent parent is out of state, the DFS Caseworker is responsible for explaining and initiating an Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children process.[4]

b)If the absent parent does not want to participate with the family planning decisions, the DFS Caseworker shall continue to notify the absent parent with case decisions and permanency planning, including relative/kin placement options. If the absent parent is not interested in placement or is determined to be inappropriate, the DFS Caseworker shall attempt to obtain information about other relative(s)/kin not previously provided by the parent(s).

8)Unless superseded by court order, if a parent objects to DFS contacting the absent parent, the local DFS District Manager of the child(ren)'s/youth local office shall make a determination as to whether the absent parent should be contacted. In making this determination, the local DFS District Manager shall consider only whether the safety of the child(ren)/youth or the parent will be jeopardized if the absent parent is contacted.

a)If the DFS District Manager determines that the safety of the child(ren)/youth will be jeopardized if the absent parent is contacted, DFS shall request an order from the juvenile court stating DFS is relieved of the duty to conduct a diligent search for the absent parent due to these safety concerns. Without such an order, DFS shall still conduct the diligent search.

  1. Relative(s)/Kin

1) Within thirty (30) calendar days from the date the child(ren)/youth was removed from the home, the DFS Caseworker shall exercise due diligence to provide notice to grandparents and adult relatives (defined as aunts, uncles, any other relatives suggested by the parent) that the child(ren)/youth was removed from the custody of the parent(s).

a)The DFS Caseworker may make an exception in contacting relative(s)/kin if there is a safety concern, i.e. family or domestic violence.

b)If the parent is not able or willing to provide the DFS Caseworker with information on relative(s)/kin or information obtained is not sufficient, the DFS Caseworker shall complete a Parent Locate Request Form (SS-65a) and request an Accurint search be completed by the Permanency Analyst. Information gathered in the Accurint report shall be used to contact relatives by phone or by letter using the Notice to Relatives (SS-65c).

c) If the relative(s)/kin live out of the country, and are unable to be located by gathering information from the family or other common search methods, the DFS Caseworker shall consult with his/her Supervisor and DFS District Manager on how to proceed with the diligent search. The District Manager shall work with the Social Services Division in order to contract with an agency (such as International Social Services, (ISS)) to complete an international search and home study.[5]

2)The DFS Caseworker shall solicit information from the parent regarding placement preferences. The parent shall be advised that consideration is given to these preferences but no assurances shall be made.

3)For each person whom the parent or other relative(s)/kin provided a phone number or address, the DFS Caseworker is responsible for contacting and documenting contact with the individual contacted.

4)If efforts to locate relative(s)/kin have been unsuccessful based on the information provided by the parent and relative(s), the DFS Caseworker shall:

a)Review existing DFS case records, including, but not limited, to social services, juvenile justice, DFS data system, EPICS, Benefit Specialist (POWER, SNAP, Medicaid, child care);

b)Search court, school, and child care providers’ records;

c)Obtain from the child(ren)/youth, if age appropriate, location information of any relative(s)/kin known to the child(ren)/youth (the People Remembered Chart, SS-65b, may be used to help the DFS Caseworker and child(ren)/youth in identifying important people);

d)Utilize internet search resources;[6]

e)Submit the Parent Locate Request Form (SS-65a) to the Permanency Analyst to conduct an Accurint search (in order to locate relative(s)/kin using this search, the DFS Caseworker may provide the name of the parent, because the name of the relative(s)/kin will be attached to the report, and/or name of specific relative(s)/kin); and/or

f)Attempt to contact and evaluate any relative(s)/kin whose name and information is obtained during this process.

5)If the DFS Caseworker is unable to make contact with the relative(s)/kin, either in person or by telephone, the DFS Caseworker shall follow up with a letter Notice to Relative (SS-65c). It is best practice to send a certified letter in order to track your diligent efforts.

6)The DFS Caseworker shall not determine if the relative(s)/kin is inappropriate based solely on the relative(s)/kin’s failure to contact the DFS Caseworker.

7)The DFS Caseworker shall not assume the relative(s)/kinship placements do not exist based solely on the parent statement or unwillingness to locate relative(s)/kin.

8)If a parent objects to DFS Caseworker contacting relative/kinship families for safety reasons, the local DFS District Manager of the child(ren)/youth's office shall make a determination as to whether relative/kinship families should be contacted. In making this determination, the local DFS District Manager shall consider the following factors:

a)Whether the safety of the child(ren)/youth or the parent will be jeopardized, due to family or domestic violence, if relative/kinship families are contacted; and

b)Whether contacting relative/kinship families is in the best interest of the child(ren)/youth.

9)In any situation where the local DFS office elects to contact relative/kinship families over the objections of the parent, the DFS Caseworker shall notify the parent that DFS will contact the relative/kinship families.

10)The DFS Caseworker shall not determine whether sufficient efforts to contact an individual have been made until:

a)The DFS Caseworker has spoken with the relative(s)/kin by telephone or in person;

b)The telephone number has been disconnected and efforts to obtain a new number were unsuccessful;

c)The letter was returned as undeliverable or no response is received and efforts to obtain a new address were unsuccessful; and/or

d)The child(ren)/youth achieved permanency. Monthly efforts of searching for and documenting contacts of relative(s)/kin should continue over the life of the case.

11)Once contact is made with each relative(s)/kin the following information shall be provided:

a)Notification the child(ren)/youth was removed from the custody of the parent;

b)Explanation to the relative(s)/kin of the options that the relative(s)/kin has to participate in the care and placement of the child(ren)/youth;

c)Requirements for the relative(s)/kin to become a foster home;

d)Description of services which may be available to help the relative(s)/ kin safely and effectively care for the child;

e)Explanation of guardianship and how that agreement may be retained; and

f)The DFS Caseworker shall maintain confidentiality and divulge only the information necessary to help identify additional relative(s)/ kin and evaluate their interest in accepting placement of the child(ren)/youth.

12)During contact, if the relative(s)/kin are interested in placement of the child(ren)/youth, the DFS Caseworker shall explain the relative/kinship placement options.

13)If the relative(s)/kin are not interested in placement or it is determined to be inappropriate, the DFS Caseworker shall:

a)Attempt to obtain information about other relative(s)/kin who were not previously provided by the parent; and

b)Determine if ongoing contact between the child(ren)/youth and relative(s)/kin is appropriate.

14)If a child(ren)/youth’s placement is disrupted, the DFS Caseworker shall make efforts to reconsider all relative(s)/kin previously contacted or evaluated even if he/she were not previously considered a placement resource.

15)If relative(s)/kin are located out of state, or outside of the child(ren)/youth’s home community, and indicates a desire to be a placement resource, the DFS Caseworker shall:

a)Advise the relative(s)/kin, when the Family Service plan and/or YES Case Plan goal is reunification, a factor in the decision regarding placement of the child(ren)/youth is whether the placement will enable the parent and child(ren)/youth to have visitation and whether the child(ren)/youth will be able to remain in his/her home school.

b)Inform the relative(s)/kin of the ICPC process[7] and initiate the ICPC referral within thirty (30) calendar days;

c)Facilitate contact between the relative(s)/kin and the child(ren)/youth while the child(ren)/youth is in out-of-home placement in order for the relative(s)/kin and the child(ren)/youth to maintain his/her parent-child(ren)/youth relationship;

d)Keep the relative(s)/kin informed of the progress on the Family Service plan and/or YES Case Plan goal and whether the anticipated return of the child(ren)/youth to his/her home continues to be feasible;

e)Recommend moving the child(ren)/youth to the out-of-state placement if the relative(s)/kin’s home is approved by ICPC and efforts to reunite the child(ren)/youth with the parent(s) were made and failed.

  1. Documentation

a.The DFS Caseworker does not need to conduct a diligent search if the following information is in the case file:

1)An order from the juvenile court ordering DFS to not conduct a diligent search due to safety concerns for the child(ren)/youth;

2)A death certificate of the absent parent;

3)A signed and notarized relinquishment from the parent(s); or

4)An order terminating the legal parent(s)’ rights to the child(ren)/youth.

b.The DFS Caseworker shall keep copies of all records, reports, forms, and other information obtained in the case file and document all efforts in the narrative (using “Diligent Search for Absent Parent” contact type) and composition maintenance on the DFS data system.

c.Diligent search efforts shall continue throughout the case until the DFS Caseworker has identified the absent parent, has proof the absent parent has a legal relationship with the child(ren)/youth and updates the composition screen in the DFS data system with the current address and phone number of the absent parent.

Policy #2.2

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[1]W.S. 14-3-204(vi), 14-3-208(a)(ii), 14-3-414(c), 14-6-214(c), and Adoption and Safe Families Act of 1997

[2] Google, Ancestry.com

[3]ISS may be contacted at 443-451-1200 or online at

[4]ICPC Policy 2.7-- Interstate Compact on the Placement of Child(ren)/Youth (ICPC)/ Interstate Compact on Adoption and Medical Assistance (ICAMA)The Safe and Timely Interstate Placement of Foster Child(ren)/Youth Act of 2006 (P.L. 109-239)/Titles IV-B and IV-E of the Social Security Act

[5]ISS may be contacted at 443-451-1200 or online at

[6] Google, Ancestry.com

[7]ICPC Policy 5.18