Tuesday, April 4, 2017 7:00 P.M.

Bethel Museum

The meeting was called to order by President Pro Tempore Kevin Phillips at 7:00 P.M. President Pro Tempore Phillips led the meeting in the Pledge of Allegiance. Present were Council members Robin Campfield, Mary McCoy, and Mark Shaver. Council President Jeff Hastings was absent due to illness.

Secretary’s Report: Minutes from March 7, 2017 meeting: Shaver had a change on the price quote from Atlantic Aluminum. The correct price is $2,880 (instead of $2,808). Shaver also gave the information on the filter on the well which was done in February 1, 2016 by BJ Farrelly Plumbing of Laurel. Motion made by Campfield, seconded by Shaver to approve the minutes of the March 7, 2017 with the 2 discussed corrections. Motion passed unanimously.

Town Clerk’s Report (copy attached): Update of office activities, website updates. New tax invoice was set up on Quickbooks that is more easily searchable. She has set up account for the insurance repair funds. The engineer-recommended work for the steps which are rotted $150 to take out theold brick, new concrete work is $700, which is being subbed out to a mason named Mark Bunner. There was a question of why it wasn’t included in the original estimate but it wasn’t found out until the work was started. Motion made by McCoy to have Mark Bunner to do the masonry and concrete work for $850 total. Seconded by Shaver. Motion passed unanimously.

Town Census: We want to get all the mailing, email information for all of the town residents. It was suggested when we do a mailing to include this short form asking people for their contact information.

Treasurer’s Report: Bills to be paid (copy attached) Motion made by McCoy, seconded by Campfield to pay the bills as described. Motion passed unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report (copy attached). Motion made to accept the Treasurer’s Report as presented. Seconded by Campfield. Motion passed unanimously.

Senior Tax Credit from the County: April 30, 2017 is the deadline for getting the paperwork. There is a requirement to be a resident of Sussex County for 3 years but there is legislation in Dover to make it 10 years.

Financial Review for 2017: Motion made by McCoy, seconded by Shaver to have Salisbury University do the Financial Review in the Fall of 2017. The initial meeting will be in the 2nd or 3rd week of September.

Motion passed unanimously.

Past Due Taxes: According to the charter, we have certify the past due amount. We need to find out what she needs to make sure the records are accurate.

Community House: There was a question about the liability insurance for the subcontractor. The payment of the subcontractor will be handled by Craftsman Builders. The Town Clerk will check into that.

The additional expenses have been compiled and will be submitted to Scottsdale Insurance (our insurance carrier).

Anna Lee’s Retirement Dinner: It is thought June would be the earliest and maybe do it as a Town Picnic and barbecue. We will decide a date next month.

Rental Process: We will discuss next month when we have a better idea of when we will be able to rent it again.

Builder Permits: Jack Chadwick of Main Street applied for a building permit for a fence. Phillips said that he had one from September 2016 that is still valid and he does not need another one.
Blue Hen Construction is asking for another building permit for Lot 17 on School Road (911 address: 224 School Road). Phillips asked for the Town Clerk to look up where the building permit needs to be posted.

It was asked about a permit for Elzey house on Main Street. It was decided just to send an invoice for the building permit.

Blue Hen Construction: It was decided at the March meeting to have the square footage/roof pitch ordinance done before setting up a meeting.

Ordinance for the roof pitch/square footage: First reading was done. (copy attached as read…it has been amended per ensuing discussion which is also attached)

Discussion around the fact the read ordinance was limited to new homes and what would happen to additions and garages. There was some rewriting of the ordinance and another reading was done to incorporate the discussed changes. Motion made by Campfield, seconded by McCoy, to accept these changes and forward it to the attorney for review.

Grass Cutting: There was discussion about the grass cutting and that we need to be invoiced. It was suggested that we get a contract with him.

Town Park: New benches. Option for two park benches for the anchor area of the park. In addition, there was pricing on a picnic table for the park. The option for two benches and a picnic table. Shaver suggested that we pay it out of the Town impact fees. Motion made by Campfield, seconded by McCoy to get two benches and a picnic table for the Town Park using funds from the Impact fees account. Motion passed unanimously.

Phillips called McGee about trenching the town park for the lighting for the new sign. He hasn’t heard back. Miss Utility sent us an advisory that the area might have petroleum products in the ground. Phillips asked to set up a budget about $700/$800 for it. A photo eye as opposed to a timer was suggested. Phillips will get more information for the next meeting.

There was a discussion of reflective numbers for the Community House and the Town Park. It was suggested we go to Lowes and get them. Motion made by Campfield, seconded by McCoy to let Anne Miller go to Lowe’s and get reflective numbers for the Community House and Town Park.

Another Historical Marker for the Community House was discussed as we approach the State’s new fiscal year. Preliminary contact with State Archives regarding the feasibility needs to be done.

Street Signs: There is $6,950 from Community Transportation Funds for street signs. Campfield presented several options regarding street signs. There was concern about the plainness of the signs. There was a lot of discussion on the reflectiveness, cost, etc. The big concern is the kind of post we put the signs. The current sign posts seem agreeable to everyone. The historic looking posts and hardware are very expensive but something nicer than a galvanized post and hardware. The wood post with a new nicer sign which would just need crush and run underneath for it. 4x4 posts for the No Outlet, Stop Signs and Children at Play. They are also available in 6 feet and 8 feet. There was discussion of composite posts versus salt-treated posts. There was discussion of who is doing the installation of these signs. We are going to contact the artist in Crisfield that we talked to a few years ago about signs. We will get the pricing The Stop, Children at Play, and No Outlet signs and we will contact the artist in Crisfield to see if she still does them and what she would charge for that. We are going to find out how Safety Signs needs to be paid.
Grass Cutting: The way the ordinance reads, we will have to send a certified letter every time we need to cut the grass. There is concern with the Huffman lot on Hopkins Lane and the Kralle property. There was also a concern about the West property. A Town Cleanup day was suggested and to help out Ms. West with her property as well as other properties. Discussion of a date and May 20 was decided for the date for a Town Clean Up Day. The Town will be maintaining those properties. The Town will have Mow ‘n Trim mow these properties and bill the town separately. A new ordinance to deal with these maintenance issues. There was discussion on the Kralle property to refer to Julianne to see what the status of the property. McCoy made a motion to have a townwide cleanup on May 20, seconded by Campfield, motion passed unanimously.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:21 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,

Mary McCoy
