NLSD #113 Level Reading Assessment – Non-Fiction Text – Page 1

Student / Grade / Date / Recorder
Comprehension Score / % / Error Rate / : / Accuracy / % / S.C. Rate / :

Easy Instructional Hard

(98%-100%) (93%-97%) (0%-92%)

Text is: Very Familiar Moderately Familiar Unfamiliar

Level / Word Count
Analysis / E / SC
Errors & SC / Violated / Used
E / SC / Student / Text / M S V / M S V
Cueing Systems Used Effectively
r  Meaning cues (semantic)
r  Structural Cues (syntax)
r  Visual Cues (graphophonic)

Error Rate = word count ¸ # of errors

Accuracy = (# correct ¸ word count) x 100 /

Self-Correction Rate = (E + SC) ¸ SC

Reading Strategies Observed / Fluency / Concept of Print/Text Features
r  Pictures
r  Letters/sounds
r  Self-corrects/ crosschecks
r  Re-reads
r  Reads on
r  Context / r  Chunks (finds parts they know)
r  Syllables (decodes in word parts)
r  Meaningful substitutions
r  Prior knowledge/ Personal connections
r  Other:______/ r  Slow, word by word
r  Some phrasing
r  Phrased and fluent
r  Intonation and expression
r  Pace – slows down to decode when necessary
r  Other______/ r  Attends to punctuation
r  Attends to title, labels, captions
r  Uses illustrations, graphs, charts
r  Uses vocabulary from text
r  Other: ______
Observations/Notes/Strengths/Needs/Recommendations for Instruction:

NLSD #113 Elementary Level Reading Assessment – Non-Fiction Text – Comprehension Page 2

Title / Level / Student / Date
Instructional Level: / PART A
Retelling Score / PART B
Questions score / Total Score: / Minimum needed
(to advance)
1 to 8 / ___/6 / n/a / ___/6 = % / 5/6 = 83%
9 & up / ___/12 / ___/6 / ___/18 = % / 15/18 = 83%

PART A: Retelling/Interpreting Informational text (May scribe and attach response)

·  Only provide student with copy of text during the informational retelling for interpreting text features.

·  While the initial “Tell me what this book/text is about” is necessary, students should be able to do the retelling without additional prompting.

·  Use prompts when necessary, but when prompting is used, half points should be given.

·  Place the student’s score in the appropriate column: U = Unprompted P = Prompted

All Levels / U / P / Levels 9 & up / U / P
Identifies main idea or topic = 1
States most key points = 1 / 4.DETAILS: States details to explain
all key ideas = 2 points
or some key ideas = 1 point
2.SEQUENCE: States key ideas in order of presentation
Correct = 2 or Partial = 1 / 5.INTERPRETS TEXT FEATURES (Charts, tables, maps, diagrams, photographs, etc.)
Correct = 2 or Partial = 1
3.VOCABULARY: Uses key vocabulary appropriately = 2 or partially = 1 / 6.OVERALL student able to retell in own words rather than relying heavily on author’s words
Complete = 2 or Partial = 1

PART B: Questions to Check for Understanding

(Questions are for levels 9 & up – optional for levels 1-8 ) / Score
Literal: Direct recall (who, what, when, where, how...)
Student Response: / /2
Inferential: In your head – go beyond literal meaning to what is implied (why, how, what if…) “Why do you think… happened? What might be some other reasons for...? What if.... happened?” etc.
Student Response: / /2
Critical: Personal connections (to other stories, to own experiences, to the world)
“What part did you like best and why? Does this remind you of another text? What did you learn?” etc.
Student Response: / /2