EFT V: The Prince of Aquitaine whose Tournament is Destroyed

Round 10


1. These peoples believed that men and women were created by a war god who needed to offer human flesh to the sun to quench its hunger. That god that they worshipped lost a foot battling a crocodile in order to create the world only to replace that foot with a magic obsidian mirror. One goddess venerated by these people wore a necklace of hearts and skeletons and was impregnated by a ball of feathers. That impregnation led to a god worshipped by these people who often warred with Tezcatlipoca and is known as a "feathered serpent." For 10 points, which people’s myth system includes Quetzalcoatl?


2. One modification of this technique puts the sample over a zinc selenide crystal and uses attenuated total reflection to analyze the sample in the original phase. Anharmonicity, chemical exchange and hydrogen bond formation and breaking can be detected in the two-dimensional version of this technique, which uses a pair of pulses followed by a detection phase. Samples are prepared by grounding into a mull of nujol or smearing onto salt plates. The area in the readout from 500 to 1500 units is known as the fingerprint region in this technique, and a peak around 1700 wavenumbers is indicative of a carbonyl compound. For 10 points, name this type of spectroscopy that uses wavelengths longer than visible light to probe vibrational modes of molecules.
ANSWER: IR spectroscopy or Infrared Spectroscopy

3. Jacques Dugommier led a military unit named for this geographical feature, which fought during a war named for it, during which the Committee of Public Safety deemed all Royalist captured soldiers to be executed. In addition to that 1793-1795 conflict, this geograpical region was where a bunch of Neustrians were defeated by the Muslim Thalaba ibn Obeid. The Battle of the Dune was a lead-up to a document incorporating this area's name, whose signers were Luis de Paro and Cardinal Mazarin. For 10 points, identify this geographical feature where Ronceveaux Pass is located and which names a treaty which ended a branch of the Thirty Years between France and Spain, a group of mountains between those two countries.

ANSWER: Pyrenees [I guess you can prompt on Ronceveaux Pass]

4. Its third and fourth stanzas describe "all breathing human passion" and a "mountain-built with peaceful citadel." One stanza in this poem closes by describing a "heart high-sorrowful and cloy'd / a burning forehead and a parching tongue," while the stanza after that one describes a "heifer lowing at the skies, / and all her silken flanks with garlands drest." The last stanza begins by calling the titular object a "fair attitude" and an "Attic shape," while the second line calls it "foster-child of Silence and slow Time." For 10 points, name this poem that begins "Thou still unravish'd bride of quietness" and closes with "beauty is truth, truth beauty," a poem about an artifact by John Keats.

ANSWER: "Ode on a Grecian Urn"

5. One piece by this composer begins with a piano playing two quarter notes and four chromatically descending eighth notes, a motif that continues after the entrance of the violin and the cello. Another is often played by a solo instrument despite being composed for a wordless voice. Besides an Elegiac Trio for Tchaikovsky and a "Vocalise," he composed a work that opens with a series of block chords on the solo instrument; that work is Piano Concerto no. 2. He used the “Dies Irae” theme in a work with a 5/8 motif representing the oars of Charon, as well as in a work inspired by the caprices of an Italian violinist. For 10 points, name this Russian composer of Isle of the Dead and Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini.
ANSWER: Sergei Rachmaninov

6. Felson and Cohen developed the rational activity theory to describe this behavior, while Robert Reiner argued that it occurs due to narcissism. Park and Burgess showed that this behavior most often occurs at zones of transitions, and Edwin Sutherland’s study of this behavior lead to the Differential Association Theory. Leavitt and Donohue argued for an inverse correlation in the rates of legalized abortion and this behavior, and another theory states that structural and individual pressures lead to this behavior, which is a result of anomie; that idea, popularized by Merton, is strain theory. Another work that studied this behavior famously opposed the death penalty and outlined the idea of deterrence. Beccaria studied, for 10 points, these actions with break laws, which are generally met with punishments.


7. 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole, DAPI, shows an increase in this property when bound to DNA. Similarly, tryptophan has this property with an emission peak from 300 nm to 350 nm depending on solvation. This property, with efficiency measured by quantum yield, was named by Stokes in an 1852 paper, which mentions earlier work by Herschel on a quinine sulfate solution that caused light to become "epipolized". Molecular oxygen and iodine can cause quenching, interfering with it, but dynamic quenching can be exploited in FRET. For 10 points, name this property, exhibited by corundum and calcite, which relies on the emission of longer wavelength light from an excited sample and has a longer time-scale than phosphoresence.
ANSWER: Fluorescence

8. Rafael Nuñez promulgated a centralist constitution in this country, and the Declaration of Sitges initiated a system by which the two main political parties alternated terms in power. A large wave of riots erupted here in the wake of the assassination of Jorge Eliecer Gaitan, and this country was ruled by the dictator Gustavo Rojas Pinilla. Armed conflicts between the liberals and conservatives in this country resulted in both the War of a Thousand Days and a 1950s conflict called La Violencia, sparked by the bogotazo. Formerly known as New Granada, for 10 points, identify this South American country plagued by a perpetual guerilla drug war, whose capital is Bogotá.
ANSWER: Colombia

9. One of this author’s poems describes how "In the sky there is nobody asleep." Another of his poems features the refrain “Green, how I want you green.” His poem about Buenos Aires is the most notable of his Six Galician Poems. His other collections include Poet in New York, while his “Romance Sonambulo” is contained in his Gypsy Ballads. In one of his plays, the title character tries to reign in her five daughters and no male characters appear on stage, while another play sees Death disguised as a beggarwoman, leading to the death of both Leonardo and a the Bridegroom. For 10 points, name this author from the Generation of ’27, a Spaniard who wrote The House of Bernarda Alba and Blood Wedding.
ANSWER: Federico Garcia Lorca

10. One of this philosopher’s works features a discourse on “occasion” which is a being that is inactive and is the source of our perception of the material world. He penned a work which suggests that the outsideworld is comprised of ideas rather than concrete objects, and that existence is derived from being perceived. Another work of this man features two philosophers discussing similar principles, such as the necessity of an all-perceiving God to existence. For ten points, name this philosopher, a Bishop of the Anglican Church who wrote A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge and Three Dialogues Between Hylas and Philonus.
ANSWER: George Berkeley

11. In one of this man's films, which contains a famous "Cuckoo Waltz" scene, a gangster is treated for tuberculosis by an alcoholic doctor. His other films include one in which a bureaucrat resolves to build a children's playground before dying of stomach cancer, and in addition to the aforementioned Drunken Angel,he made an adaptation of King Lear where Lear is replaced by a war-loving clan patriarch. This man also directed a film where various characters offer different stories of how a warrior died and his wife was raped, as well as one in which the title numerical group is hired to protect a peasant village from bandits. For 10 points, name this director of Ran, Rashomon, and Seven Samurai.

ANSWER: Akira Kurosawa

12. The scholars Theophilus and Dorotheus were commissioned during the reign of this man to write the Instituones section of one work. The unwilling Hypatius was nearly made emperor during one event under this man's reign. That revolt under this ruler featured mobs who wanted Tribonian and John the Cappodoccian dismissed from office and saw the mob-like Blues and the Greens erupt into violence in the hippodrome. This man's buildings and campaign against the Goths were the subject of two long historical works by Procopius, whose reign was sharply critiqued in the Secret History. For 10 points, identify this husband of Theodora, known for employing Belisarius and his great law code.

ANSWER: Flavius Petrus Sabbatius Justinianus I or Justinian the Great

13. Mutations in Bruton’s tyrosine kinase result in a condition in which these proteins cannot be produced. Domains named for their resemblance to these proteins are found on either side of the PEVK region of titin and in Intercellcular Adhesion Molecules, and that superfamily contains a sandwich of two beta-sheets. Plasmapharesis is used to remove these proteins from blood, and papain cleaves them into Fc regions and Fab fragments. They are produced by rearranging a light and heavy chain locus together in the VDJ recombination in B-cells, and they occur in five different isotypes, the most common being IgG. For 10 points, name this highly variable class of proteins important in immune function, which bind to foreign particles.
ANSWER: Immunogobulins or Antibodies

14. In response to this painting, Paul Gauguin painted this place as the background to his portrait of Madame Ginoux. Three lamps provide light to the titular place and a bouquet of flowers can be seen on a yellow bar in the back of this painting. Above that bar is a clock that reads 12:15. A couple can be seen in the back left of the painting and they are located behind a man who is drinking alone. A painting of a fireplace can be seen on the right side of this painting right above two figures that sit at a table. A man in yellow stands next to a pool table in the center of, for 10 points, what work depicting the titular establishment in Arles, a work by Vincent van Gogh.
ANSWER: Night Café

15. This man's last short story collection begins with Woodrow Wilson going to heaven. Qurunfula, runs the titular cafe in one of his novels, and she is worried when three students, including her lover Himi disappears. Sa'id Muran is released from jail and seeks revenge by using the titular animals on his former best friend in another work. In addition to Karnak Cafe and The Thief and the Dogs, he wrote a work that includes the autobiographical Kamal along with Khadija, whose sons join the Muslim Brotherhood. The protagonist of that series is Al-Sayyid Ahmed. For 10 points, name this author of a Palace of Desire, Sugar Street, and Palace Walk, an Egyptian novelist.
ANSWER: Naguib Mahfouz

16. People performing this action now must cross a four-story bridge that has been the site of hundreds of deaths in the last decade. It is associated with a journey back and forth between two mountains which mark the spot where Abraham was instructed by God to leave his wife and son as a test of faith.One action performed during this event involves collectingpebbles at Muzdalifah and then throwing them at walls. Concluding with the four day Feast of Sacrifice, it reenacts the Stoning of the Devil,and includes drinking from thewell of Zamzam. For 10 points name this Pillar of Islam that every Muslim must complete at least once in their life, a ritualistic trip to Mecca.

17. Uemura plots are used to describe materials with this property, and asymptotic freedom was derived from noting that one property of these materials has a logarithmic dependence at low values of T. One early theory of these materials stated that the free energy of a material with this property can be described by an order parameter. It exhibits the Kondo effect and is described by Ginzberg-Landau theory. Another theory of this behavior explains the isotope effect and the fact that materials with this property expel magnetic fields. It can be explained by the binding of fermions into Cooper pairs by the BCS theory. For 10 points, identify this property that is the can be defined as the annihilation of electrical resistance in a material.
Answer: Superconductivity

18. One part of this poem notes that the speaker witnesses “suicide's” corpse with “dabbled hair,” and he “note[s] where the pistol has fallen” Another section sees the speaker claim that “I am the teacher of athletes.” This poem repeats the words “Twenty-eight” for three straight lines as the narrator describes a group of bathers. It sees the speaker claim that “...every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you” and that the speaker “contains multitudes.” It begins with the statement “I celebrate” the titular figure and ends with the speaker claiming that he “stop[s] somewhere waiting for you.” Also describing a "barbaric yawp," for 10 points, name this often-revised poem from Leaves of Grass, by Walt Whitman.

ANSWER: “Song of Myself”

19. This character questioned his identity so much during the Watergate scandal that he chose to give up his identity and become Nomad; prior to that, he had worked with The Falcon. After the events of the Civil War, this character opposed the mandatory registration of all superheroes and fought Iron Man, but was killed on the steps of a federal courthouse. This character became a superhero after he was bathed in the Super Solider serum, and he began fighting Nazis in Europe with the help of his sidekick Bucky. For ten points, name this super hero whose real name is Steve Rodgers and who is equipped with a vibranium shield, a founder of the Avengers and a frequent adversary of the Red Skull.