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The information you provide is personal and is protected by the provisions of the Personal Data Protected law. AUBG is obligated to keep and use the documents for admission and academic purposes only.


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The information you provide is personal and is protected by the provisions of the Personal Data Protected law. AUBG is obligated to keep and use the documents for admission and academic purposes only.

Family First Middle

Write an essay in one or two pages, which will help the AUBG Admissions Committee become acquainted with you, understand your motivation to attend AUBG, and determine how well you can express yourself. The essay should be on one of the following topics:

A.  Choose an intellectual or creative experience (for example- community involvement, a summer program, a unique project, travel abroad, etc.) from your high school years that you have enjoyed and highlight how you have grown personally because of the knowledge gained.

B.  Provide examples of how democratic and ethical leadership can serve the needs of your country and the world. How is academic excellence, diversity and respect important for developing such leadership?

The essay will be evaluated on the basis of clarity, creativity, completeness of response, sentence structure, paragraphing, spelling, grammar, and style.

The American University in Bulgaria is committed to a policy of non-discrimination and equal opportunity in all of its endeavors and affirms a commitment to diversity in both its employees and its student body.

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The information you provide is personal and is protected by the provisions of the Personal Data Protected law. AUBG is obligated to keep and use the documents for admission and academic purposes only.

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The information you provide is personal and is protected by the provisions of the Personal Data Protected law. AUBG is obligated to keep and use the documents for admission and academic purposes only.

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The information you provide is personal and is protected by the provisions of the Personal Data Protected law. AUBG is obligated to keep and use the documents for admission and academic purposes only.