“Integrated Science, Studies and BusinessCenter Development in Vilnius – Cloning the Silicon Valley in Lithuanian Way?”

Andrius Bagdonas, Workshop 09B09

Integrated Research, Study and Innovation Centres (Valleys) would be complex infrastructures that shall realize and re-enforce the strengths of regionally concentrated, sustainable research and innovation networks with clear and long-term commitments by universities, state institutes and companies. A pre-condition for a valley is that the major research activities of the participating institutes must be concentrated locally. Public support will focus on specific infrastructure as well as project support for new forms of sustainable strategic and operational science – industry co-operations. It is intended to combine resources of EU Structural Funds (a major parts of the SF budget earmarked for research and innovation), the state and municipal budgets and institutions themselves, with additional business funds once the valley are up and running. The overriding aim is to create conditions for a more effective interaction of scientific capacities with business and reinforcing its international competitiveness. The nucleus for a Valley shall form a research university (-ies) and research institutes together with research-intensive businesses.

The programs for the development of individual valleys shall match with national integrated programs developing break-through sectors of the economy which will most likely be created in collaboration with existing Technology Platforms. The current concept states that the Ministry of Education and Science and the Ministry of Economy coordinate the implementation. For the evaluation of development visions and development programs for Valleys a Valley Development Commission will be formed of scientists and the representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Economy, the Ministry of Finance, local authorities, associations and business organizations. Experts of Lithuania and foreign countries shall be invited to join the evaluation of such visions and programs. Thus the governance and implementation structure would also mean an innovation in collective policy-making following innovation systems logic.

In 2007-2013 the Government of the Republic of Lithuania envisages creating up to three knowledge economy centers on the regional basis: two centers (SunriseValley hi-tech and Santariskes biomedicine valleys) in Vilnius on the base of two biggest universities and one centre in Kaunas on the base of Kaunas University of Technology. This work would involve the development of engineering infrastructure of the area and establishment of the physical infrastructure of scientific research (transfer and renewal of institutes, acquisition of laboratory equipment), technology parks and incubators as well as development of technology transfer, IPR exploitation mechanisms and access to finance (including VC funds).

Sunrise Valley (formally incorporated as a public non-profit entity in May 2003) is the first and the most successful initiative of hi-tech cluster development in Lithuania bringing together higher education, science and research, government authorities and industry to develop a business support infrastructure (at the Saulėtekio (Sunrise) campus in Vilnius.SunriseValley is being developed as part of the broader strategic plans of the two biggest Vilnius universities. There are plans to transfer a number of universities faculties from central Vilnius to the Saulėtekio site in order to rationalize geographically dispersed buildings located across central Vilnius and also to support and stimulate SunriseValley’s development by moving relevant scientific centers and faculties (IT, electronics, chemistry, engineering, etc.) to the site.

Sunrise Valley is developing the high quality sites and premises that are suitable for high value creating, technology-driven businesses. 2.4 hectares (two land plots of 0.6 and 1.8 ha) have been allocated in Sunrise (Saulėtekio) campus for the development of new business support infrastructure as well as office space for domestic companies and foreign investors (building potential - up to 60.000 sq m). One-stop shop services will be provided not only to companies in the science and technology park but also to regional businesses and research institutes under business, innovation support and funding programs covering a wide range of services designed to meet the needs of businesses or university units at different stages of their lifecycle – from product idea to business development in international markets. In 2006-2008 Sunrise Valley is implementing three EU structural funds supported projects – Technology transfer center and Sunrise Entrepreneurship school development as well as first’s Science and technology park building construction – in order to be able to provide the most demanded services in-house.