This Day in Canadian History


THE MISSION: You and a partner are to design a This Day in Canadian History Calendar, complete with at least 100 daily occurrences and monthly historical images. The events should all be based on theme such as First Nations, Sports, Politics, Canadian Inventions, or any other school appropriate theme of your choosing. Just remember all events MUST be Canadian.


·  Find a calendar template. If you have Microsoft Word or Works you can likely locate one in the software.

·  Research daily events from the Canadian past. The web-site I would recommend as a starting place would be: though this will take some work. You may NOT use Wikipedia or any other encyclopedia!

·  Choose a theme for your calendar some possibilities include: First Nations, Sports (be specific), Inventions, Music. The choice of theme is entirely yours just remember that the information MUST be Canadian!

·  Take notes as to possible events you might include on your calendar. Make sure to record where you got the information as well as the month and day of the item. To assist you I have provided research sheets – USE THEM!

·  When you’re ready to write these on the calendar, try to compress the information into one or two short sentences. Do NOT just tell me someone was born or died on this date tell me why they are important!

·  Include a page for each month of the year 2010 and aim to have a minimum of 100 events spread fairly evenly throughout the year listed on the appropriate day. I encourage you to have more events, in fact to get 100% you will need more.

·  Find 13 interesting images to include for each month and the cover page. Places to find images include the following: or

·  Please keep in mind that all facts and images used should be school appropriate. Also remember that images must be related to a fact given in that month and have a label that identifies the image.

·  At no time may you use commercially made this day in history calendars, anyone doing so will be considered to be cheating and receive a mark of ZERO.

·  You MUST use at least THREE different sources.

HAVE FUN WITH THE ASSIGNMENT: Don’t worry if the finished calendar doesn’t look like it’s going to be a Chapter’s bestseller. I am looking for evidence of research work but realize that not all, myself included, have the skills of the graphic designer. Do make sure you check the back of this sheet for how you will be graded.

Marking: For specifics on how you will be graded please see the back of this sheet. Please make sure to hand in the marking rubric with your notes and calendar. As far as effort marks go you chose your partner so I will not be assigning any marks for how hard one person worked opposed to the other.

Names: ______

Excellent / Good / Average / Below Average / Poor
Theme / 10
*Is clearly Canadian and recognizable by anyone as such
*Is very specific topic
*Requires a greater degree of research than average / 8
*Is clearly Canadian and recognizable by anyone as such
*Is very specific topic
*Requires a somewhat greater degree of research than average / 6
*Is clearly Canadian
*Is a specific topic / 4
*Is only partially clear how it relates to Canada
*Topic is not specific
*Requires little to no research / 2
*Unclear how it relates to Canada
*Is no clear topic, just a collection of random facts
Research / 50
*Has completed all sections of each research page handed in
* Notes cover all of the facts used in your calendar
* You have used at least 4 different good sources / 40
*Has completed almost all of each research page handed in
*Notes cover all of the facts used in your calendar
*You have used at least 3 different sources / 30
* Has completed some of each research page handed in
* Notes cover all of the facts used in your calendar
* You have used 3 sources but one or two was an encyclopedia / 20
* Have only provided web address or title on research pages
* You have used only 2 sources or 3 or more encyclopedias
* Some facts in your calendar are NOT in your rough notes / 10
* You have used only 1 source
* Some facts in your calendar are NOT in your rough notes
*Has not completed research page at all
Facts / 50
* Has 110 or more well written, significant facts related to your theme
* Any facts requiring explanation have one / 40
* Has 100 well written significant facts related to your theme
* Most facts requiring explanation have one / 30
* Has 100 facts related to your theme
* Some of the facts are either poorly written, not very significant, or require further explanation / 20
* Has fewer than 100 facts but more than 50 facts related to your theme
* Many of the facts are either poorly written, not very significant, or require explanation / 10
* Has 50 or fewer facts related to your theme
* Majority of the facts are either poorly written, not very significant, or require explanation
Pictures / 20
* Has 1 relevant image for the front of the calendar
* Has 1 image for each of the 12 months
* Images for each month are related to at least 1 fact given that month
* Each image is neatly labeled / 16
* Has 1 relevant image for the front of the calendar
* Has 1 image for each of the 12 months
* All images are related to your theme
* Each image is neatly labeled
* At least one image is not tied to a fact given in that month / 12
* Missing an image for the front of the calendar
* 1 image in the calendar is NOT related to your theme
* 1 image in the calendar is missing


* 1 image is missing a label / 8
* Calendar is missing an image
* 1 image is NOT related to your theme
* Calendar is missing 2 to 6 images
* 2 to 6 images are NOT related to First Nations


* 2 to 6 images are NOT labeled / 2
* Calendar is missing 7 to 12 images
* 7 to 12 images are NOT related to your theme
* 7 to 12 images are NOT labeled
Excellent / Good / Average / Below Average / Poor
Bibliography / 30
*Precise bibliography done in APA style with NO errors / 24
* Bibliography demonstrates some minor errors / 18
*Bibliography shows some errors in style / 12
*Bibliography has repeated errors in style; or not in APA style / 6
*Bibliography, if completed, contains numerous errors
Attractive / 20
* There are NO corrections on the assignment
* Text is easily read
* Month and date can be read from a short distance away
* Pictures are attractive
* Pictures are clear and of an appropriate size for your calendar
* Calendar is in proper order
* Calendar has been put together in a neat and logical fashion / 16
* There are 3 or fewer corrections on the assignment
* Text is easily read
* Month and date can be read from a short distance away
* Pictures are attractive
* Pictures are clear and of an appropriate size for your calendar
* Calendar is in proper order
* Calendar has been put together in a neat and logical fashion / 12
* There are 5 or fewer corrections on the assignment
* One of the other requirements has not been met / 8
* There are 6 or more corrections on the assignment
* Two of the other requirements have not been met / 2
* There are 6 or more corrections on the assignment
* Three of the other requirements have not been met
Spelling & Grammar / 10
Few or no spelling or grammar errors including informal English / 8
Some spelling or grammar errors including informal English but does not impact on reading / 6
A large number of spelling or grammar errors including informal English but does not impact on reading / 4
Spelling or grammar errors including informal English are having a noticeable impact on reading / 2
Spelling or grammar errors including informal English are make it very difficult to read

MARK: ______/190

Research Notes

Name of book or web page: ______

Name of author (first and last): ______

Date book was published or website was updated: ______

Web address: http://______

Name of book’s publisher: ______

City book was published in: ______

Month / Day / Year / Fact

Research Notes

Name of book or web page: ______

Name of author (first and last): ______

Date book was published or website was updated: ______

Web address: http://______

Name of book’s publisher: ______

City book was published in: ______

Month / Day / Year / Fact

Research Notes

Name of book or web page: ______

Name of author (first and last): ______

Date book was published or website was updated: ______

Web address: http://______

Name of book’s publisher: ______

City book was published in: ______

Month / Day / Year / Fact

Research Notes

Name of book or web page: ______

Name of author (first and last): ______

Date book was published or website was updated: ______

Web address: http://______

Name of book’s publisher: ______

City book was published in: ______

Month / Day / Year / Fact

Research Notes

Name of book or web page: ______

Name of author (first and last): ______

Date book was published or website was updated: ______

Web address: http://______

Name of book’s publisher: ______

City book was published in: ______

Month / Day / Year / Fact

Research Notes

Name of book or web page: ______

Name of author (first and last): ______

Date book was published or website was updated: ______

Web address: http://______

Name of book’s publisher: ______

City book was published in: ______

Month / Day / Year / Fact

Research Notes

Name of book or web page: ______

Name of author (first and last): ______

Date book was published or website was updated: ______

Web address: http://______

Name of book’s publisher: ______

City book was published in: ______

Month / Day / Year / Fact

Research Notes

Name of book or web page: ______

Name of author (first and last): ______

Date book was published or website was updated: ______

Web address: http://______

Name of book’s publisher: ______

City book was published in: ______

Month / Day / Year / Fact