IRIS 8.14-PTF-004 Release Notes.01.doc

SN / Description / CustomerName / Note
300046897 / Closings Reversal - Data area change / QBE Insurance (Europe) Ltd / The control and use of the Reverse all for Policy functionality in the Closing Reversal Enquiry is now controlled in the System Admin functionality. This can be set at either a Role or User Level.
300053367 / Updating in Codes Input / XL Services (UK) Ltd / Codes maintenance changes made to the "Event/Sub-Event (KMEVVD)" field are now correctly reflected immediately, if the code is set to Immediate Reflection. Previously, such changes would not be reflected until the next Codes Transfer.
300054642 / Locations-XS point/Excess not populated / QBE Insurance (Europe) Ltd / This enhancement allows rules in Business Customisation to be set up to default the policy Excess and XS Point (Deductible) on the Locations screen from those entered on the Policy. The user then has the option to overwrite these values if desired.
300056710 / ILLEREP Cash Posting - Bank Account item / XL Services (UK) Ltd / During the allocation of cash against ledger items, extra record sets were being generated on the ledger, including exchange differences and write-offs, even when allocation amounts matched exactly by currency. This has now been corrected.
300067719 / Auto generation of Dec Number for QBE / QBE Insurance (Europe) Ltd / This enhancement extends the existing declaration auto-numbering facility introduced in 8.14 to allow the System Administrator to determine whether or not a user or role is allowed to manually override the generated declaration number. A new System Admin setting has been added to control this functionality - 'Prevent Manual Entry of Declaration Number', with two values: 'Yes' or 'No', or the Role Default value.
300068104 / Peril Zones PML Amount and % / QBE Insurance (Europe) Ltd / The Peril Zones function in Policy Input has been enhanced. Two new input fields have been added to capture PML% and Comments, these fields have also been added to the Perils by Policy enquiry.
Three virtual calculated fields have been added to the Peril Zones screen to show: PML Amount, Our Share of PML Amount and Our Share of 100% Amount. In addition, certain Policy fields can be displayed on the Peril Zones screen these are: Written Line (POWLPC), Estimated Signed Line (POESPC), Signed Line (POSLPC), Broker Written Order (POPROZ), Broker Signed Order (POSGOZ), Limit (POTSHP) and XS Point (POXQHP).
All of the above fields are now configurable within Business Customisation as well as the existing Amount field. Behaviour of the Copy Peril Zones function is also controlled by Business Customisation. The method by which the Our Share PML Amount is calculated can be configured in Business Customisation by product.
Please note that configuration of Peril Zones in Business Customisation will be required in order to retain the existing Peril Zones functionality.
300070608 / Enquiry-Copy non Adjacent rows / REBUS IS / Non-adjacent rows on an enquiry grid can now be selected using 'Ctrl + Click' and copied. This data selection can then be pasted into an Excel spreadsheet. Previously non-adjacent enquiry rows failed to copy.
300071936 / ProductFunctionsNew-Deductions Not Popup / QBE Insurance (Europe) Ltd / The deductions ancillary function now operates to IRIS standards. An appropriate deductions entry in the Codes Database table, ProductFunctionsNew, will cause the function to pop up from new policy, policy copy, policy renewal, policy take up and add policy sequence. If the mandatory flag is set on an entry, then the record may not be saved without deductions being input.
300072118 / Add additional fields to Policy Deduction Enq / Tokio Marine Global / Tokio Marine Global customer config change. The following new Fields have been added to the Policy Deductions and Accounting terms enquiries:
VRTSSL: TSI in force @ current rate
VREISL: EPI in force @ current rate
VRXRC1: Current exchange rate for ccy1 to base
VRXRC2: Current exchange rate for ccy2 to base
VRXRC3: Current exchange rate for ccy3 to base
300072900 / Ancillary Objects not getting cleaned / REBUS IS / When creating a new policy and modifying ancillary objects e.g. Deductions, then saving the policy, the ancillary objects were not getting cleaned. This has been corrected.
300074152 / FAC R/I navigation tab on claims screen / QBE Insurance (Europe) Ltd / It is possible to include the FACRI flag on the statusbar to indicate whether facultative reinsurance is attached to the policy. When the flag is double-clicked in Policy Input the reinsurance function is started and a list of reinsurances attached to the policy is displayed. However, when the FACRI flag was double-clicked in Claims Input a failure occurred. This has now been fixed and the message 'This reinsurance list is only available from Policy Input' is displayed.
300074723 / Copying Business items/extensions / QBE Insurance (Europe) Ltd / An 'invalid procedure call' would occur when copying a policy that had business items attached, and the business extension was set to copy on a policy action (e.g. copy, renew, etc.). This has been fixed and the business items are now copied to the target policy.
300077261 / Account Enq to Cash/Jnl input nav / Great Lakes Services Ltd / Previously when an item was selected from Account Enquiry & navigated to Cash/Journal Input the amounts were being taken from the Original amounts, which was incorrect. This has been corrected so that the Remaining amounts are used (from IARH@O and IARH@A).
300077493 / Allocation Acc Enq error / Great Lakes Services Ltd / Account Enquiry returned the correct entries for the account but when the Allocation screen was selected the Allocation Account code was in error as the balance forward account was shown rather than the open item account. This problem has been resolved so when you enter the Allocation screen the Account Code is no longer shown in error.
300078279 / Desc of Alloc Code in Alloc Screen / Great Lakes Services Ltd / In certain circumstances, when the same broker code has been used across companies and ledgers for a number of different accounts, the Account Enquiry shows the Allocation Account Description correctly but when you entered the Allocation screen the incorrect Allocation Account Description was being shown. This has been rectified so that when you enter the Allocation screen the correct Allocation Account Description is displayed.
300078520 / Transfer Journals validation / Great Lakes Services Ltd / Validation has been introduced to ensure that the Rate of Exchange:
for the From side is within tolerance
for the To side is within tolerance
between the accounting currencies is within tolerance
If the accounting currencies are the same, then the amounts must be the same.
The sign of the From amounts must be the opposite of the sign of the To amounts.
300078698 / Create Group fields error Bus Cust / Great Lakes Services Ltd / When changes are made using Business Customisation, parameters in the master codes database are updated. These parameters are checked when a user logs in and if they are greater than the local parameter values, the changes are copied to the local codes database. When changes were made to Enquiry Group fields these parameters were not updated and, therefore, were not rolled out to users.
300079230 / Cash / Journals - sub account! / Great Lakes Services Ltd / GUI INCAS Input functions (Cash and Journals) were missing the Sub Account field. This field has now been added to all INCAS input functions.
300079465 / Closings Input - update outstanding problem / REBUS IS / While you could create outstandings while inputting a claim closing, it was not possible to update outstandings. This has now been corrected.
300079467 / Closings Input - online help problems / REBUS IS / IRIS help has now been correctly implemented for Closings in both Old and New Architecture. OCR/UPR input uses the help file OCR.chm and Closings Input uses the help file Closings.chm.
300080078 / Cannot process clm closing on o/w policy / St. Paul Specialist Services Ltd / The problem in Closings Input with the select screen displaying the correct policy/claim reference if selected via a right click from a Claims enquiry, and then displaying the correct details when the RI Transactions button is selected, has been resolved.
300080594 / IRIS Upgrade Imbalanced Trial Balance / Great Lakes Services Ltd / Incorrect Account Codes (blanks) were being created in certain circumstances during cash input. The problem occurred intermittently - methods were found to reproduce it and a coding fix has been applied. The account codes are now correctly populated in those circumstances
300081636 / Performance issues with suspend alloc ses / Great Lakes Services Ltd / Performance of the Allocations processes of selecting items, suspending a session and opening a suspended session have been improved. When processing large batches there should be a noticeable improvement.
It should be noted that when processing 700 items, the system failed after the allocation was processed due to reaching the limit of PC resources. This will depend on the spec of the PC.
300081836 / Bx Clos-Error not cleared / REBUS IS / When creating a manual Closing for a Lloyd's policy the mandatory rule was not working for fields C4PSRF, C4BXCD and C4DUDT. This has now been fixed so the above fields become mandatory when POSYC2 field (Bureau 2 char ID Code) = LL (Lloyds).
300081841 / Perils-Remove multiple Zones-Error / REBUS IS / When copying Peril Zones from one policy to another, zones that were zero on the source but contained an amount on the target, were being overwritten when the user selected 'Overwrite All'. A change has been implemented such that only records that contain an amount on the source with cause the target peril zones to be overwritten.
In addition, a run-time error occurred if multiple peril zone records were selected when the 'Remove Zones' button was pressed. This has been fixed.
300082095 / Commutation Status on Participants / QBE Insurance (Europe) Ltd / This SN relates to the validation of the Commutation Status. Previously where the Participant status is set to 'Commuted' the system would not allow the Policy Participant status to also be Commuted. This has been fixed to correct the validation & it is now not necessary to run a codes transfer to pick any change of Commutation status made through Reference Files.
300082133 / Stop crash with invalid dates in dataset / REBUS IS / Entering an invalid date in Closings Input caused IRIS to fail. This has been corrected and the invalid date is trapped and an error is displayed.
300082480 / ENH: Policy Schedule Report / Illium Insurance Group Ltd / A new report - Policy Schedule - is now available from Enquiries. The report can be run from Transactions Main or Closings Pending by right-clicking on a transaction. The report can then be saved as an Excel or PDF file.
300082485 / ENH: Claim Summary List / Illium Insurance Group Ltd / The Claim Summary List report is now available from a Policy Enquiry via the context-sensitive menu. The report is available in two formats: with Incident codes, and without. Both formats can be downloaded to an Excel or PDF file.
There have since been changes to the report format which will be incorporated in a later release.
300082564 / Business Extensions - recalculating / Illium Insurance Group Ltd / Business Extensions can now be saved to include features such as totalling
300083040 / Runtime Error on Redisplay of Superquery / REBUS IS / A problem was found with superquery processing that caused IRIS to crash. This only affected clients with very large code files that were marked for Immediate Reflection. If the superquery was interrupted while retrieving codes from the iSeries an automation error could occur leading to IRIS crashing. This is a problem with Visual Basic and there is no solution, however a workaround has been put in place that will minimise the time spent retrieving data from the iSeries and thereby minimise the opportunity for the automation error to occur.
The workaround involves a new setting - Immediate Reflection Threshold. If a file is marked for Immediate Reflection and the superquery has not been subset, then the total number of records in the file is compared to this threshold and if it is greater no records are retrieved from the iSeries until a filter has been applied.
Settings that affect Superquery processing
There are four settings that have an effect on the way that superqueries are processed:
Immediate Reflection
Immediate Reflection allows codes to be input and be immediately available to other users without having to do a codes transfer. There are currently two files marked for Immediate Reflection - UCCSREP (Assured/Reassured) and UCEVREP (Event Code). This is a system setting and is not changeable by clients. When the superquery button is pressed the file is checked to see whether it is marked for Immediate Reflection. If it is marked, the timestamp of the file on the iSeries is compared to that of the local codesDB and, if greater, the codes are retrieved from the iSeries.
Immediate Reflection Threshold
This is an environment level setting that can be changed using System Administration. It holds the superquery threshold value and is only applied when files are marked for Immediate Reflection and the user has not filtered the superquery by entering criteria and pressing Subset. If the total number of codes in the table is not less than the threshold a blank superquery screen is displayed with a warning similar to - 'Assured contains 46937 records - specify a subset to superquery'. When setting the Immediate Reflection Threshold the following needs to be considered. First, the value should not be higher than the calculated number of records for the Superquery Field Retrieval Threshold as this would mean that the system would retrieve more records than it was going to display. Second, the value is dependent on the speed of the iSeries and network. Slower machines and networks may require the value to be lowered until the response time is acceptable. If the threshold is left blank a value of 5000 is assumed.
Force Subset
Force Subset is a user-level setting that can be changed using System Administration. It is used in conjunction with the Superquery Field Retrieval Threshold. If the threshold is larger than the number of records to be displayed, then the records are displayed and no warning is given. If there are more records then in the threshold, then no records are displayed and a warning message similar to the following is displayed - 'Assured contains 46941 records - specify a subset to superquery'.
Superquery Field Retrieval Threshold
This is a user-level setting that can be changed using IRIS Settings. It holds a threshold value that is applicable to all superqueries including those marked for Immediate Reflection. If the requirement is for all codes to be displayed this threshold needs to be set to a high value. The value is not the number of records but is the record/criteria field combination. Each file potentially has a different number of criteria fields and can be calculated as the number of fields with which the superquery can be subset excluding the code itself and its description.
For example, Class Code has 8 fields with which the superquery can be subset therefore the number of criteria fields is 8 - 2 = 6. Codes are displayed in blocks of 100 records with a minimum of one block displayed. The number of records to be displayed for each file can be calculated as Threshold (1000) / Criteria fields (6) = 167 rounded up to nearest hundred = 200. In this case, if there are more than 200 class codes, the following warning message is displayed on the superquery screen - 'Additional Codes exist; use Criteria and Subsetting to display further Codes'.
300083086 / Closings Reserve Button Is Not Visible / REBUS IS / If a Closing was processed with Reserves and saved, when the Closing was reopened the Reserves tab was not available on the screen. This has now been fixed.
300083230 / Narrative Type - error message displayed / QBE Insurance (Europe) Ltd / Previously an error message was received when Company Narrative Type Superquery was selected in Reference files (in Company Type (UCNCREP)). This has been fixed so the Company Narrative Type codes are listed when the Superquery option is selected.
300083264 / Prob with input of a company master code / QBE Insurance (Europe) Ltd / In Reference Files Company Address (UCADREP) and Company Narrative (UCNCREP) records can now be set up with Company Master Code (UCCSREP) entries with a company type field other than "I"
300083343 / Error message in original Select policy / QBE Insurance (Europe) Ltd / Previously if a user tried to Renew a policy into the same year as the original and amended the sequence to a new value a message was received stating 'A Policy for this policy number, sequence & underwriting year already exists' (although it does not). This has now been corrected so this message does not appear (unless the policy number, sequence & underwriting year combination does already exist).