Word Within the Word

Stems List 4b

Do you know these words?

Stem / Stem Definition / Examples
PICK ONE TO DEFINE! / Part of Speech / Definition
dox / opinion / orthodox, indoctrinate
amphi / both / amphibious, amphitheater
magn / great / magnificent, Magna Carta
eu / good / euphony, euphemism
endo / within / endoplasm, endothermic
phobia / fear / acrophobia, agoraphobia
ortho / straight / orthopedics, orthodox
put / think / reputation, dispute
ver / true / verify, veracity
ject / throw / eject, projection
mega / large / megaphone, megaton
pop / people / population, popular
sangui / blood / consanguinity, sanguinary, sanguine
Assignment / Due Date
HW 1 - Complete Context Clues on worksheet
HW 2 - define words
HW 3 - define words
HW 4 – Visually illustrate at least 3 words in one picture OR illustrate at least 3 separately

HW 1: Context Clues. Using you knowledge of stems, select the word that best fits in the blank. Write the circle letter and fill in the blank. Do not use a dictionary for this section!!!

1. The ______sentences confused the class because they could have two meanings, depending on how one read the statements.

a. amphibolous b. orthogonal c. beneficial d. popular

2. Even though it looked real, I had to question the ______of the documents because I was not sure that they were real.

a. matrimony b. verisimilitude c. eugenics d. conjecture

3. The ______candidate, a favorite of the SCMS voters, won the position of Student Council President.

a.  phobianic b. heterodox c. megaton d. popular

4. The dog on the twenty-third floor has______, and he is frightened to go out on the balcony.

a.  sanguinary b. orthopedics c. acrophobia d. protection

5. The cheerleader used her ______to make her voice larger, so the noisy crowd could hear the cheer and chant along.

a.  population b. megaphone c. endoplasm d. retroactivity