Instructions for Incoming Portable Tenants

1)From the Home Tab, Select ‘Initiate Incoming Portability Record’. This will open the ‘Initial Incoming Portable Wizard’.

a)Search for Tenant,or Create new > NEXT

b)Enter Voucher information found on HUD form 52665 sent from the Initial HA along with their most recent 50058 > NEXT

c)Enter tenants Last Examination Date, and check the box if the tenant is a current program participant. If not, Enter Annual Income. > NEXT

d)Select Initial Housing Authority from Drop down Menu. > NEXT

e)Select Initial Billing Due Date. And Admin Fee. > Next

f)Enter Submission Date. (default is today’s date) > Next

g)Review and finish Wizard.

This will create a Household record for the Port-in Tenant.

2)From the tenants household screen, click on the ACTION button at the top of the screen.

a)Select ‘Start Portability Move-In’ for a tenant who has already been housed at another housing authority.(This sends a 4 to PIC)

b)Select ‘Start New Admission – Incoming port’ for a tenant who is porting in but has never been housed. (This sends a 7 to PIC)

3)Walk through the Begin Certification Wizard.

4)Follow certification steps to complete the Portability Move In / incoming port Certification. Including

a)Issuing the Voucher with same dates on your 52665

b)Issuing the RFTA

c)Receiving the RFTA

d)Entering Unit information (performing Rent Reasonableness test if necessary).

e)Approving / Rejecting the RFTA

f)Line 2H ‘Date of Admission’ must not be blank.

g)Line 12B ‘Family Moving Into Unit’ must be checked for Yes.

5)Complete Initial Contract

a)From the Certification screen, under the ‘Section 8 Voucher Information’ panel, Click ‘Incoming Portability Record’

b)From the tenant’s Portable screen, Look under the Activity form and on the Contracts line item, click the ACTION button.

c)Select ‘Complete Initial Contract’

d)Walk through ‘Incoming Portability Wizard’

i)Initial Housing Authority will be auto-populated NEXT

ii)Select option 1., 2., or 3 for the Incoming Contract Options. NEXT

iii)Select Effective Date. Enter HAP Contract Number. NEXT

iv)Submission Date auto-populates today’s date. Select contacts. NEXT

v)Enter Monthly HAP Amount due and Admin fee (12s.). NEXT

vi)Enter any prorated HAP, or other One-Time Billing Amounts. NEXT

vii)Review Information entered into wizard. NEXT

viii)View and Print HUD-52665


6)Finalize your In Process Certification.

Finalizing the Certification created a HAP Contract that begins the same day of the Effective date of your certification. You will need to Execute this HAP Contract in order to change the status from Pending to Executed.

7)Execute the HAP contract

a)Click Contract ID # hyperlink

b)On the HAP Contract detail page, enter the ‘HAP Contract Sign Date’.

c)Click the checkered flag EXECUTE button at the top of the screen

d)This will begin the ‘Execute HAP Contract’ wizard. Enter the Prorated HAP amounts if any. Click EXECUTE

This takes the Incoming Portable status from INITIATED to ACTIVE.