Contract between Co-ordinating Supervisor and Candidate:

Supervision for the British Psychological Society’s

Qualification in Sport and Exercise Psychology (Stage 2)

The British Psychological Society and the contract's original author accept no responsibility or liability for circumstances arising from its use or misuse.

A contract is a mandatory obligation for candidates and Co-ordinating Supervisors, but this sample is available for those who would like to use it to formalise the relationship between Candidate and Co-ordinating Supervisor. Supervisors may have their own contracts.

Contract of Supervision of Training

Contract: Supervision of Training for

TheBritish Psychological Society’s Qualification in Sport and Exercise Psychology (Stage 2)

This contract is made on the _____ day of the _____ month 20XX, between FULL NAME, hereafter known as the Co-ordinating Supervisor, and FULL NAME, hereafter known as the Candidate.

Co-ordinating Supervisor’s signature
Witness signature
Candidate’s signature
Witness signature

Nature of the Contract

The Co-ordinating Supervisor agrees to provide supervision of training as defined in the Candidate Handbook for the Qualification in Sport and Exercise Psychology (Stage 2) and the Regulations for the Society’s Postgraduate Qualifications and any approved subsequent amendments.

Standards of Conduct

Both parties agree to be bound by the Code of Ethics and Conductand the Professional Practice Guidelines published by the British Psychological Society.

Payment of Fees

The following arrangement has been agreed for the Candidate to pay the Co-ordinating Supervisor:

In the case of failure to pay, the Co-ordinating Supervisor may terminate the contract or withhold supervision of training until such time as payment is made. The Co-ordinating Supervisor reserves the right to increase the fee in the second year of training (or in subsequent years if appropriate) in line with any recommendations made by the British Psychological Society and in keeping with any relevant economic factors such as inflation.

The Candidate will be expected to meet with the Co-ordinating Supervisoreverythree months (face to face), to be held usually at a place convenient to the Co-ordinating Supervisor. The Candidate will meet the cost of his/her own travel on all occasions. It is advisable that regular contact is maintained in between face-to-face meetings by telephone, email, and/ or fax.

Illness, Disability or Death

In the case of a medically certificated long-standing illness or disability which prevents either party from continuing with this arrangement, the contract shall terminate. In the case of either incapacity, or death, of the Co-ordinating Supervisor the candidate is advised to contact the Chief Supervisor to discuss locating a new Co-ordinating Supervisor. Incapacity of the Candidate will result in either a temporary suspension of the contract or in termination of the contract, to be decided by the Candidate depending upon his/her circumstances. In all cases, fees paid will be non-refundable.

Limitation of Liability

The Co-ordinating Supervisor shall provide supervision of training in keeping with the terms of the Candidate Handbook for the Qualification in Sport and Exercise Psychology (Stage 2) and the Regulations for the Society’s Postgraduate Qualifications. The responsibility for performing to the required standard in all assessments associated with this Qualification, remains that of the Candidate. The Candidate is responsible for seeking the Co-ordinating Supervisor’s approval and signature on paperwork specifically detailed in the Candidate Handbook for the Qualification in Sport and Exercise Psychology(Stage 2) and the Regulations for the Society’s Postgraduate Qualifications.

The Candidate is responsible for securing and maintaining employment/client work conducive to achieving the competences required to satisfy the assessors for the Society’s Qualification in Sport and Exercise Psychology (Stage 2). However, the Co-ordinating Supervisor is expected to monitor the suitability of the workplace setting. In addition these arrangements are overseen by the Chief Supervisor in the Plan of Training Update which forms part of the Candidate’s progress submissions.

Ethical Clearance and Insurance

The Candidate is solely responsible for obtaining appropriate ethical clearance for all work undertaken under the auspices (whether joint or otherwise) of this contract and the Qualification in Sport and Exercise Psychology (Stage 2). In addition, sole responsibility for obtaining professional indemnity insurance rests with the Candidate and his/her employers (where appropriate) and not with the Co-ordinating Supervisor.

The Candidate has obtained the following:

Enhanced criminal records check
Professional Indemnity Insurance

Additional factors agreed by both parties

Further additions to this contract have been agreed by both Candidate and Co-ordinating Supervisor as detailed below: