Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education


Teacher’s Guide

(Unit 2- Week 12)


Department of Education

Republic of the Philippines

Mother Tongue Based Multilingual Education – Grade 1

Teacher’s Guide: Bikol

First Edition, 2013

ISBN: 978-971-9981-80-0

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  1. Objectives
  1. Use expressions appropriate to the grade level in classifying things, animals, objects, etc.
  2. Show love for reading by listening attentively during story reading and making comments
  3. Give/ Produce the beginning sound of letter/s in a given word
  4. Orally segment a two or more syllable word into its syllabic parts
  5. Give the new spoken words when two or more syllables are joined to form words
  6. Make one-to-one correspondence between written and spoken words
  7. Point out that spoken words are represented in written language by specific sequence of letters
  8. Give the letter that begins with the name of a given object/picture
  9. Identify specific letters in the alphabet, both upper and lower case
  10. Show relationship between sounds and written symbols
  11. Match words with pictures and objects
  12. Give the sounds of the specific letters in the alphabet
  13. Blend specific letters (n,a,i,g,o,s,k,m,y,u,t,b,l) to form syllables, words, phrases and sentences
  14. Understand that there is a correct way to spell words
  15. Spell and write words using phonemic awareness and letter knowledge
  16. Write upper and lower case letters in print using proper proportion
  17. Write words, phrases, sentences and paragraph correctly
  18. Observe some mechanics when copying/writing sentences; capitalization, white space between words and correct punctuation marks
  19. Draw on experiences to bring meanings to words in context
  20. Develop and use vocabulary of words that begin with the target letter (Ll)
  21. Predict what the story, legend, community events, and community issues
  22. Recall important details in community issues and events listened to
  23. Give the possible ending of the story and legend listened to
  1. Subject Matter
  1. Skills:
  1. Using expressions appropriate to the grade level in classifying things, animals, objects, etc.
  2. Showing love for reading by listening attentively during story reading and making comments
  3. Giving/Producing the beginning sound of letter/s in a given word
  4. Orally segmenting a two to three syllable word into its syllabic part
  5. Giving the new spoken words when two or more syllables are joined to form words
  6. Making one-to-one correspondence between written and spoken words
  7. Pointing out that spoken words are represented in written language by specific sequence of letters
  8. Giving the letter that begins the name of a given object/picture
  9. Identifying specific letters in the alphabet, both upper and lower case
  10. Showing relationship between sounds and written symbols
  11. Matching words with pictures and objects
  12. Giving the sounds of the specific letters in the alphabet
  13. Blending specific letters (n,a,i,g,o,s,k,m,y,u,t,b,l) to form syllables, words, phrases and sentences
  14. Understanding that there is a correct way to spell words
  15. Spelling and writing words using phonemic awareness and letter knowledge
  16. Writing upper and lower case letters in print using proper proportion
  17. Writing words, phrases, sentences and paragraph correctly
  18. Observing some mechanics when copying/writing sentences; capitalization, white space between words and correct punctuation marks
  19. Drawing on experiences to bring meanings to words in context
  20. Developing and using vocabulary of words that begin with the target letter (Ll)
  21. Predicting what the story, legend, community events, and community issues
  22. Recalling important details in community issues and events listened to
  23. Giving the possible ending of the story of the story and legend listened to
  1. Selection:An Makuapo ni Lola Lita

Sinurat ni: Sheilee Boras-Vega

  1. Reference:K+12 Curriculum, MTB-MLE Indicators
  2. Materials:box, ball, pictures, letter cards, short stories using the letters learned
  3. Theme:Taking care of each other (our home and surroundings, family)
  4. Value:Thoughtfulness
  1. Procedure

A.Pre-Reading Activities

  1. Unlocking of Difficulties

Unlock difficult words found in the story through pictures and context clues.

  1. matali – through context clue:

(Si Lina sarong mataling aki. Nanggagana siya pirmi sa pakontes.)

  • nagsulog – through action
  • nagbaklay – through action
  • nakigkig – through action
  1. Motivation

Nakaeksperyensiya na kamo na suguon kan saindong ina na magduman sa saindong lola?

Ano an ginibo nindo?

  1. Motive Question

Ano an nangyari ki Lina mantang siya naglalakaw paduman sa saiyang Lola Lita?

B.Reading the Story

Shared Reading

  1. Introduce the Shared Reading Story
  2. Teacher takes up the cover of the book.
  3. Mention the title, author and illustrator.
  4. Ask questions about the cover and encourage the pupils to think and talk about the topic of the story.
  5. Use a pointer in tracing the words.
  1. Following the Reading Plan
  1. Teacher reads the entire text to the pupils.
  2. (If the pupils cannot read the text themselves yet, but if they can already read it, skip the step.)
  3. Teacher reads the text with all the pupils.
  4. Teacher reads one part of the text with one or two pupil-volunteers.
  5. One or two pupil-volunteers read the part of the text by themselves.
  6. Teacher reads the entire text again with all the pupils.
  1. Read the story using the reading plan.
  2. Teacher reads the title of the story and asks 1-2 pupils to tell about their experiences related to the topic.
  3. Teacher opens the first page of the story, points out the main picture and then, reads the text for that page, moving the pointer smoothly under the sentence.
  4. Teacher does the same for each page, stopping 2 or 3 times and asks,
  • What do you think will happen next?

Ano sa paghuna mo an masunod na mangyayari?

  1. After reading the story, the teacher asks the pupils some questions. For example:
  • What happened in the story?

Ano an nangyari sa istorya?

  • Why do you think that happened?

Nata sa paghuna mo nangyari ito?

  • What part of the story did you like best?

Arin na parti kan istorya an namuyahan mo?

  • Why did you like that part best?

Nata ta namuyahan mo an parti na ito?

  1. Then, the teacher together with the pupils read the story following steps 2-5 of the reading plan, moving the pointer smoothly under the words.

An Makuapo ni Lola Lita
Sinurat ni: Sheilee Boras-Vega
Si Lina an matali na aki ni Nana Liya.
Amayon na aga, sulog ni Lina an lila na blusa. An lila na blusa ni Lina may laso sa laylayan.
Mabisita si Lina sa Lola Lita niya. Si Lola Lita yaon sa may tulay kan Ligao.
Binitbit ni Lina an alat na may laog na lima na lata nin gatas. Itatao ni Lina kay Lola Lita an lima na lata nin gatas.
Nagbabaklay si Lina bitbit an alat kan bigla na sana may lukton na luminukso sa laso na nasa laylayan kan blusa niya. Nakigkig si Lina kaya nabutasan sa tulay an alat na may laog na lima na lata nin gatas.
Kinua ni Lina an luyos na laya asin lubi-lubi. Iyo na sana ito an itinao niya kay Lola Lita katukal kan lima na lata nin gatas.

C.Post Reading

Answer the following questions:

  1. Ano an nangyari ki Lina mantang siya naglalakaw paduman sa saiyang Lola Lita?
  2. Siisay si Lina?
  3. Siisay an saiyang ina?
  4. Kansuarin si Lina naghali?
  5. Ano an sulog/sulot niya?
  6. Masain si Lina? Kiisay siya maduman?
  7. Ano an bitbit ni Lina?
  8. Ano an luminukso sa laylayan kan blusa ni Lina?
  9. Ano an nangyari ki Lina kan nahiling niya an lukton?
  10. Ano an nangyari sa saiyang bitbit?
  11. Ano an laog kan bitbit na bag ni Lina?
  12. Ano na sana an itinao ni Lina sa saiyang Lola Lita?
  13. Kun ika si Lina, ano an saimong gigibuhon? Tano?
  14. Ano kaya an namatian ni Lina kan siya nakigkig?
  15. Ano man kaya an namatian ni Lola Lita sa pag-abot ni Lina sa saiyang harong?
  16. Tano/Nata daw ta arog kaiyan an saiyang namatian?

Extender (Theme):

  1. Igwa ka man nin lola? Pano mo inaataman an saimong lolo asin lola?
  2. Ano an ginigibo mo?


  1. Sa irisay an mga tauhan sa istorya?
  2. Ano an pangaranan sinda?
  3. Pano mo dapat isurat an eksaktong pangaran?
  4. Isusurat kan maestro sa pisara an mga pangaran na nagpupuon sa dakulang letra.
  5. Ipapakopya man nin tama sa mga aki an mga pangaran.
  6. Apuwera sa pangaran nin tawo na nagpupuon sa Ll, igwa pa daw na mga tataramon na nabanggit sa istorya na nagpupuon sa Ll?
  7. Arin digdi an pangaran nin tawo? bagay? hayop? pananom?
  8. Magtao nin mga pangaran nin bagay, hayop, tawo na nagpupuon sa letrang Ll.
  9. Igrupo an mga ritrato kaini base sa itinaong katigorya.


Group pupils into four. Let each group draw the following:

  1. si Lina
  2. lila na blusa
  3. an lukton
  4. Lola Lita
  5. lima na lata nin gatas
  1. Review
  1. Who are the characters in the story?

Sisay an mga tawuhan sa istorya?

LinaLiya Lita

  1. How do you write proper names?

Pano nindo isinusurat an tunay na pangaran nin tawo?

  1. What is the beginning letter of the names?

Ano an kapinunan na letra kan mga pangaran?

  1. What other names begin with L? Give other names that begin with letter Ll?

Anong mga pangaran an nagpupuon sa letrang L?

Magtao nin halimbawa.

  1. Presentation
  1. Teacher presents pictures of things/objects that begin with letter Ll.
  1. Teacher names the pictures.

Ask: What is the beginning sound of the pictures?

Ano an kapinunan na letra kan mga ritrato?


  1. Introducing letter Ll and its sound /l/.
  1. What is the initial letter of the names of the pictures?
  2. What do you hear at the beginning of the names?
  3. Show letter card with Big and small letter Ll. “This is letter Ll. It gives the sound /l/. Teacher repeats the sound three times /l/ /l/ /l/.
  4. Teacher gives the names of the following pictures. Pupils repeat after the teacher.
  5. This is a picture of………/l/ /l/ /l/ lapis

Ini ritrato nin………/l/ /l/ /l/ lagadi

………/l/ /l/ /l/ lalaki

….…../l/ /l/ /l/ laso

….…../l/ /l/ /l/lukton

…..…./l/ /l/ /l/ laya

…..…./l/ /l/ /l/ liog

…….../l/ /l/ /l/ lata

  1. Let each pupils produce the sound /l/.
  1. Writing Letter Ll
  1. Teacher shows the letter card with letter Ll made of cut-out sandpaper.
  2. Teacher traces the cut-out letter with the finger while counting the number of strokes.
  3. Let all pupils trace the sandpaper letter and count the number of strokes.
  4. Let them practice writing big and small letter Ll on the air, palm, back of classmate, and on the desk using their finger.

D.Guided Practice

  1. Talaon an mga putol-putol na linya tanganing makagibo nin letrang Ll.
  1. Color the ribbon with letter Ll. Color them with violet.

Kuluran nin lila an ribbon na igwang letrang Ll.

E. Independent Practice

  1. Check the letter Ll inside the box.

Tsekan an letrang Ll sa laog kan kahon.

  1. Color the object inside the box that begins with the sound /l/. Listen as the teacher says the names.

Kuluran an mga bagay sa laog kan kahon na nagpupuon sa tanog na /l/. Magdangog sa paratukdo mantang pigbabasa an mga pangaran kaini.

Primer Track Lesson (Key Letter Ll)

  1. Review

Show pictures that begin with letter Ll. Give the initial sound before saying the name of each picture.

  1. Present the Key Picture and Key Word: lima

Ipahiling an tampok na ritrato asin an tampok na tataramon

  1. What does the picture tell?

Ano an ipinapahiling sa ritrato?

  1. This is a picture of a______.

Ini an ritrato kan______.

  1. Teacher points to the key word.

Ituturo kan paratukdo an tampok na tataramon.

  1. This is how we write the key word.

Arog kaini an pagsurat kan tampok na tataramon.

  1. Write the key word inside the box below the key picture.

Isusurat kan paratukdo an tampok na tataramon sa laog kan kahon sa baba kan tampok na ritrato.

  1. Read the key word 2-3 times with the pupils.

Babasahon an tampok na tataramon nin nagkapirang beses kasabay an mga aki.

  1. Syllable Box
  1. Teacher points to the key word and reads it at normal speed.

Ini an tampok na tataramon. An pagbasa kaini gana.

  1. Point to each syllable as teacher reads it distinctly.

Ini an mga silaba na nagbibilog kan tampok na tataramon.

Babasahon ko an kada silaba, li ma.

  1. Read each syllable again, clapping once for each syllable. Do this again and have the pupilsclap with the teacher.

Babasahon ko giraray an mga silaba asin sasabayan nindo ako sa pagpakpak mantang pigbabasa an kada silaba.

  1. Word Breaking
  1. Teacher writes the key word on the left side under the syllable box. Read it to and then with the pupils.
  2. Teacher writes the new letter directly under the new letter above. Read it to then with the pupils.
  3. Teacher continues writing each smaller part of the word and reading it to and with the pupils.
  4. Teacher writes the new letter directly under the new letter above. Read the new letter to and with the pupils.
  5. Teacher reads the whole Break-the-Word column with the pupils.




  1. Word Making
  1. Teacher writes the new letter to the right of the Break-the-Word column and reads the new letter with the pupils.
  2. Teacher writes the part of the word with the new letter so the new letters are in a straight column, then, reads the parts of the word with the pupils.
  3. Follow the pattern using as many steps as in the Break-the-Word Activity.
  4. Finally, write the entire word so the new letters are in a straight column and read the word with the pupils.
  5. Pupils read the key word, syllable box, break the word and make the word together. Volunteers read alone.




  1. Big Box

la / li / lo / ba
bi / bo / ta / ti
to / ya / ma / na
sa / yi / yo / ka
  1. Pupils read letters/syllables as teacher points to each box.
  2. First, move the pointer across each row of the Big Box as pupils read.
  3. Then, move the pointer down each column as they read.
  4. Next, point to different letters or syllables randomly.
  5. Volunteers read each letter or syllable as teacher points to it.
  6. Teacher makes necessary corrections, if mistakes are committed.
  1. Finding the words in the Big Box
  1. Pupils generate other words using letters and syllables in the Big Box.
  2. These may be words they previously learned or other words they have not learned/introduced by the teacher.
  3. Read the words with the pupils as they identify them.
  4. Ask the pupils, “Is the word correct?” If yes, read it with the pupils. If not, another pupil points to the correct letters.
  5. Write each new word on the chalkboard.
  6. Pupils read all the generated words in the word list together.
  1. Teacher chooses from among the generated words a word that he/she may use in a sentence.
  1. Sentence Breaking




la / li / lo / ba
bi / bo / ta / ti
to / ya / ma / na
sa / yi / yo / ka

Lila an tasa ni Tita.

Lila an tasa ni

Lila an tasa

Lila an


  1. Teacher writes the Sentence Making Word (lila). Points to it and reads it with the pupils. Tell the pupils that the word will be used to make a sentence.
  2. Teacher writes the whole sentence under the Big Box on the left side.
  3. Teacher moves the pointer under the sentence as he/she reads it with the pupils.
  4. Teacher writes the part of the sentence with the sentence-making words directly under the same word above.
  5. Teacher uses the pointer and reads every part of the sentence with the pupils.
  6. Teacher writes the next smaller part of the sentence.
  7. Teacher uses the pointer and reads every part of the sentence with the pupils.
  8. Teacher writes the sentence-making word directly under the same words in the rows above and reads it with the pupils.
  1. Sentence Making




la / li / lo / ba
bi / bo / ta / ti
to / ya / ma / na
sa / yi / yo / ka