The Catcher in the Rye – Movie Poster

J.D. Salinger has finally agreed to sell the rights to The Catcher in the Rye!

Ok, not really, but let’s pretend.

As a new employee of Universal Studios, your boss wants you to design a movie poster for the film. .

You don’t want to give away too much of the movie on the poster because you want potential viewers to be intrigued. Therefore, you decide to take a more abstract, analytical approach instead of simply summarizing the plot.


·  Must use some sort of image. You may draw or print this image. The image(s) should be symbolic. Can be:

·  One image that incorporates multiple elements of the film OR

·  Multiple images that work together to convey one message

·  Just as Salinger predicted, studio execs in Universal Studios are taking some creative license. They have decided to change the name from The Catcher in the Rye to something else. Include the new title (obviously something of your own creation) on your poster. Your title should relate to the content of the novel, but it should not be a literal interpretation.

·  Example of a figurative title (acceptable): Beyond the Green Light: A Lover’s Tale

·  Example of a literal title (unacceptable): A Man Who Saves Lots of Money to Impress the Woman He Loves

·  The poster must be in color. If you choose to stick with black and white for a specific, analytical reason, include an explanation on the worksheet.

·  Pick one actor to play Holden. It may be a well-known actor.

·  Your poster must reflect effort. Stick figures are only acceptable if they are thought out and still show a good deal of work and effort.

·  Your work should be neat.

·  Include a rating (PG, PG-13, etc.) and explain why it should be rated at that level.

·  Write a tag line for the movie and add it to the poster.

·  Example tag lines (from

§  71% of the Earth's surface is covered by water. That's a lot of space to find one fish (Finding Nemo)

§  The greatest fairy tale never told (Shrek)

§  Your time will come... (The Island)

·  Include one comment about the movie from a reviewer’s point of view

·  Example: One of the year’s best films! –The New York Times (avoid being as generic as that one)

·  Complete the following questions to explain your poster.

  1. Explain your image. What is the symbolism behind your choice?
  2. What message are you conveying with your image?
  3. Explain the meaning behind your title.
  4. Explain the meaning behind your tag line.
  5. Explain why you gave your film the rating that you did.
  6. Explain why you selected the actor that you did.

Grading Criteria:

Criterion / Points Possible / Points Received
Includes an image or group of images that conveys a message relating to Catcher / 10
Includes a figurative title that relates to Catcher / 5
Includes a creative tag line / 5
Includes the actor who will play Holden – choice for actor makes sense / 5
Would entice potential viewers to watch the film / 5
Includes MPAA rating (G, PG, PG-13, or R [no NC-17, please]) / 5
Includes one catchy reviewer’s comment, include reviewer’s name (person or organization) / 5
WOW factor – neat, reflects effort (not graded on artistic ability) / 10
Answered questions – use complete sentences / 10
Total / 60