Application for CCS Internship

Dear Applicant,

Please read the following information in its entirety before continuing with your application.

Researching Reality Internship is for college students and researchers who wish to apply social and economic principles to real-life problems through in-depth research projects. It provides interns with valuable training in areas of research, analysis, writing, and above all critical thinking. Interns study various agencies, boards, corporations, departments, schemes and programs of the state governments and Municipal Corporations; evaluating existing systems to recommend sustainable and long-term policy improvements in the functioning of government structures. The objective of the internship is to further citizens’ understanding of the workings of the government and encourage greater independent fact-based qualitative and quantitative research so that the next time citizens demand better governance, they can back their claims.

Researching Reality summer internship is a full-time internship under the guidance of an Internship Director, to work on individual research projects and participate in a series of workshops on research, public policy, and liberal philosophy. The program nurtures collective learning and individual discovery, culminating in working papers on thematic issues, each providing policy recommendations for efficient and accountable government functioning. Some of these papers and articles go on to be published in academic journals and leading newspapers. CCS does not require internship papers to be in line with any political philosophy, we require research papers to be scientific in spirit and content. The program is also an opportunity to interact with fellow interns, young thinkers from diverse fields representing various colleges within and outside India.

When filling out the form, please pay special attention to these qualities that we look for in an intern:

- Style of writing: spelling, grammar, punctuation

- You must provide citations of all sources used. (Follow the Chicago manual of style online quick guide:

- Clarity of thought: logic, organisation, and flow of arguments presented.

- Resourcefulness: linking ideas to examples, quality of sources used.

- Motivation and Initiative.

Eligibility: Applications are open to all researchers, college going students (both graduate and post graduate), recent graduates, and IB students in 11th and 12th standard. International as well as domestic applications are welcome.

Registration Fee: There is no fee for participating in the Researching Reality Internship, however, interns must make their own living arrangements and must cover their own travel and living expenses.

Stipend: We do not provide a stipend for interns. There is no stipend provided to interns. Also, interns are required to make their own arrangements for travel & accommodation. We can provide you assistance in finding accommodation in Delhi.

Please refer to the FAQ section on our website for further details.

Important Dates:

Application Deadline: Thursday, 30 April 2015

First list announcement: Monday, 4 May 2015

Interviews: Saturday-Sunday, 9-10 May 2015

Final list announcement: Monday, 11 May 2015

Internship dates: 5 June - 17 July 2015

For any queries, contact Sadaf Hussain: | | +91 99531 33868

Good luck with your application!

CCS Academy

* Required

Personal Information
Name: / Nick name:
Current Address:
City / Town: / State - Postal Code:
Permanent Address:
City / Town: / State - Postal Code:
Gender: / Date of Birth:
Education / Degree / Certificate / Year Passed / % / Institution
Class XII (10 + 2) / Previous:
Assignment I
Write an essay on one of the public policy issues (maximum length: 800 words): We want to judge if you can do research and can understand the sources you read: write an essay on one of the following questions. We are looking for a well-reasoned and well-researched argument, not mere opinion. Pick any one topic out of four (maximum length: 800 words, excluding citations and references)
  1. Role of Government in Education in India.
  2. Cutting taxes would stimulate the economy.
  3. Absolute freedom of speech is necessary for the existence of a marketplace of ideas.
  4. Keynesian economic principles are not a sound method of organizing an economy.
Please pay special attention to: Spelling, grammar, punctuation, and proper citation of all sources used.
Assignment II
Mention two topics of your research interest on education, livelihood or governance issues, and why you want to research them. (Note that this question is for us to gauge your research interests, and may not be the question that you will research if accepted)
Topic 1:
Topic 2:
Describe briefly the following:
Have you done any kind of research or fieldwork previously? If yes, please provide details:
What are your career goals and how do you plan to achieve them?
A list of three people or books that have influenced your philosophical or ideological thinking and a single sentence stating how each has influenced you.
About the Internship
How did you come to know about the Internship Program?
Have you attended a seminar/workshop conducted by CCS?
If yes, when and where?
I hereby attest that all information given by me in my application is my own work and is to the best of my knowledge accurate and complete.