Minutes of the Annual Meeting

of the

Southern Independent Booksellers Alliance

September 19, 2014

Norfolk, VA.

Meeting was called to order at 7:58 AM.

President Jamie Fiocco welcomed members to SIBA14, the thirty-ninth annual trade show. This show is dedicated to the memory of Matt Bibb. Recognition was given to sponsors for their generous support.

Roll of stores attending SIBA14 was called. Stores competed for most raucous response.

Introduction and recognition of current board members was given.

Minutes of previous meeting approved by voice vote.

Health check of stores was performed and a clear majority of stores in attendance self-reported that they are doing better this year than last year. Stores doing about the same or doing worse than the previous year were encouraged to talk to the stores doing better for ideas and inspiration.

State of SIBA report given by President Jamie Fiocco. Reported that SIBA membership is up and the state of the organization is good.

Recognition of new board members: Linda-Marie Barrett, Malaprops, Asheville, N.C., was elected by the membership during the 2014 annual election to succeed Tom Lowenburg in the Lafcadio Hearn seat. Erica Merrell, Wild Iris Books in Gainesville, FL., was elected to succeed Jeff McCord in the Flannery O’Connor seat, and was recognized in absentia.

Executive Director’s report: Wanda Jewell reported that this is her twenty-fourth SIBA trade show. Announced that a front line SIBA scholarship will be presented in honor of outgoing board members Tom Lowenburg and Jeff McCord, as is customary. She explained the Bibb Pick Award. All stores which were registered for SIBA14 by September 1 are eligible to win, and authors will vote for the winner at the trade show. Winner will be announced on the show floor on Sunday at 11:45AM.

ABA’s Oren Teicher brought greetings from the American Booksellers Association. Good news of continued renaissance of independent bookstores all across the country. Mentions Indies First effort. Booksellers can get better terms from publishers. Winter Institute will be in Asheville, N.C. in January, 2015. Registration opened yesterday.

No further business.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:24 AM.

Respectfully submitted,

Jeff McCord

Board member