St Austell, St Blazey and China Clay Area Regeneration Plan - Consultation Summary Table


Consultee / Summary of Comments Received / CC Comment / Action
RSPB Cornwall Office / ·  General concern expressed about lack of focus on the environment and that the plan would mean the loss of the opportunity to deliver the re-creation of a heathland landscape in this post-mining environment / Reference to environment should be made within any context provided. However, the natural and historic environment receives significant protection through existing national, euro- and supranational legislation and designation and policy. This plan will not remove these considerations this position should be clarified in the final text. We do consider that the plan has lost its focus and strength with regards to the low carbon agenda and local distinctiveness which should be amended. / Text amended to highlight environmental legilsation and strengthen key principles in terms of low carbon focus.
Natural England / ·  Supports the Plan’s aspirations / No comment / No change
CPRE Cornwall / ·  Welcomes and supports the preparation of this plan for the area, although feels its presentation could be improved.
·  Objects to the sequencing of the plan in advance of, and its status as an interim document until the Core Strategy is adopted. It is felt that the plan’s status and democratic validity would be questionable at best. / The Regeneration Plan (RP) was presented plainly due to time constraints and to ensure consultees focused on the content. The final version will be subject to in-house design. It is considered appropriate to prepare an interim plan given the context to what is happening in the area however, the weight attributed to the plan will only increase if its policy is supported through the Core Strategy process. / Design of Plan amended and weight attributed to the plan to be clarified.
Carlyon Parish Council / ·  Concerned re the lack of public finance for the regeneration, and the Plan’s relationship to Parish Plans. / There is some grant funding being spent in the area and this information should be highlighted in the supporting evidence base.
Parish Plans are material considerations to planning decisions. The aim is to help deliver their objectives however; we accept there will be circumstances where there may be a clash or Parish Plans may be silent on a particular issues. The proposed policy requires developer to engage with communities and achieve broad community support. / Evidence base to be amended to include information on public funding.
Cornwall Develop-ment Company / ·  The enabling of regenerative development in the Plan area is time-critical, and cannot wait until the Core Strategy is in place. Accordingly CDC fully supports this enabling document as a matter of principle. / No comment / No change
Robert Rowett, local resident / ·  The plan requires enhanced publicity and consultation via a range of media, due to its potentially major impact locally / The RP has been consulted on widely and subject to press notices and coverage. Any proposals that come forward would also be subject to statutory consultation. / No change
St Austell Town Council / ·  “Generally there was a lot of support for the document,” and the Town Council submitted a number of minor suggestions for revised wording. / Minor changes acknowledged and amended where relevant to final draft. / Text amended where relevant.
Barton Willmore planning agents, acting for
Mercian Develop-ments / ·  The weight to be attributed to the Plan should be clearly articulated; and its targets clearly linked back to national planning guidance, the saved local plan and the emergent Core Strategy. / The adopted RP will be a material consideration and its weight will increase as its principles become part of the emerging Core Strategy.
Given the impending replacement of existing local plan policy and national planning policy, circulars and guidance with the National Planning Policy Framework it was not considered wise to specifically reference existing policy and guidance as we want the plan to have sufficient longevity. In the RP preparation reference was made to Core Strategy Issues Papers and also RP Review papers were produced to examine existing policy. It may however be appropriate to produce a supporting statement which makes direct policy references when the RP is adopted. / Text to be amended to clarify plan status
Consider producing guidance note referencing policy when RP adopted.
CPRE Cornwall / ·  The plan is not currently fit for purpose. Without alterations, and if it were a DPD, it would be deemed unsound. / Comments acknowledged and plan redrafted to provide greater clarity. / Plan amended to provide greater clarity.
Goonvean Ltd, China Clay and Aggregates Producer / ·  Supports the overall objectives of the Plan and much of its detail. / No comment / No change
St Stephen’s Residents Assoc. / ·  The Plan is yet another document of words without substance, that fails to instil the confidence that Cornwall Council can ever get anything right. / No comment / No change
CSJ planning consultantson behalf of
Amy Property Develop-ments Ltd. / ·  The Plan suffers in being too general and not offering any certainty to prospective developers. Clear direction and a proposal map would help. / The plan was prepared to be a timely response to the opportunities represented by Convergence and existing development pressure. Taking into account the time constraints and the wide range of issues over a large area an open criteria based policy was considered the best possible approach. It is our intention to continue to work on the spatial implications of the plan and as the Core Strategy emerges greater certainly should also evolve. / Plan amended to provide greater clarity.
Savills on behalf of Devonshire Homes / ·  The status of the plan and its relationship to the Development Plan should be clarified, in order to reduce the potential for legal challenge. / The adopted RP will be a material consideration and its weight will increase as its principles become part of the emerging Core Strategy, this should be clarified. / Text to be amended to clarify plan status

Big Picture

Consultee / Summary of Comments Received / CC Comment / Action
Clerk Luxulyan Parish Council / ·  Queried how the boundary was decided – Luxulyan Parish not included although it has China Clay workings. / The boundary used replicated that of the Strategic Investment Framework for the area. / No change
Cllr Bain / ·  Querying why Luxulyan has been excluded. / The boundary used replicated that of the Strategic Investment Framework for the area. / No change
Cllr Bull / ·  Querying why Luxulyan has been excluded and requesting its inclusion. / The boundary used replicated that of the Strategic Investment Framework for the area. / No change
Head-teacher of Penrice Community College / ·  Broad agreement with the big picture and suggestions of the Plan / No comment / No change
Natural England / ·  Specific reference should be made here to the following: the implications of climate change for development to be delivered under the plan; the environmental values of the area; the role of green infrastructure in delivering development that is truly sustainable; and a study of the best way of improving the existing network of trails and pathways in the Plan area. / Area based review papers were produced which examined environmental issues however reference to environment should be made within any context provided. The natural and historic environment receives significant protection through existing national, euro- and supranational legislation and designation and policy. This plan will not remove these considerations, and this position should be clarified in the final text. We do consider that the plan has lost its focus and strength with regard to the low carbon agenda and local distinctiveness which will be amended / Text amended to highlight environmental legislation and strengthen key principles in terms of low carbon focus.
Robert Rowett, local resident / ·  Questioned the extent of genuine local need for more dwellings / The driver for the RP is not housing rather to facilitate economic growth, jobs and infrastructure, however it is accepted that it is likely housing will be needed to make schemes viable. Overall growth is a decision for the Core Strategy, evidence within people and housing issues papers (Core Strategy and RP) indicate the need for new housing both affordable and open market in the future. / No change
RSPB Cornwall Office / ·  Disappointed that the ambitions of the plan for the natural environment are so slight.
·  Maps should be included to highlight areas of environmental constraints / Area based review papers were produced which examined environmental issues however reference to environment should be made within any context provided. Constraint mapping was produced for the area and is part of the evidence base. The natural and historic environment receives significant protection through existing national, euro- and supranational legislation and designation and policy. This plan will not remove these considerations this position should be clarified in the final text. We do consider that the plan has lost its focus and strength with regards to the low carbon agenda and local distinctiveness which should be amended / Text amended to highlight environmental legislation and strengthen key principles in terms of low carbon focus
David Bloxham, private individual / ·  The plan would inappropriately usher in an overprovision of housing / The driver for the RP is not housing rather to facilitate economic growth, jobs and infrastructure, however it is accepted that it is likely housing will be needed to make schemes viable. The policy states that schemes will only be acceptable if they deliver positive change to the area and unlimited numbers of new housing would not meet this. The Core Strategy will establish growth levels up to 2030 and provide a growth target however, it is acknowledged there is a period of time between now and Core Strategy adoption end of 2012 where Cornwall is in a difficult position with respect to housing numbers. Large developments take a long time to plan before they even reach planning application stage and the risks of large-scale delivery in this intervening period is low. / Text reviewed to strengthen position in relation to housing.
CPRE Cornwall / ·  Supports the statement that: “ the driver for this plan is regeneration not housing.” / No comment / No change
Goonvean Ltd, China Clay and Aggregates Producer / ·  Contrary to the inference in this section, the Cornish clay industry is more than the fortunes of the largest company involved. Significant reserves remain, many jobs have simply been outsourced and the industry will continue to provide permanent, long-term, non-seasonal employment for many years. / Comment acknowledged paragraph should be changed to accommodate this information if appropriate in final draft. / Text amended to reflect outsourcing of China Clay jobs
Terence O’Rourke planning agents, on behalf of Eco-Bos ltd / ·  The Plan should make it clear that speculative and mediocre proposals will not be allowed to prejudice longer-term regeneration projects. / The plan aspires to deliver the highest quality developments which should be delivered through a range of sources. Each case will be judged on its own merits. / No change
Head-teacher of Penrice Community College / ·  Mr Parker used his consultation response as an opportunity to outline his aspirations to relocate the school to the north of St Austell - as part of a wider scheme whereby developers Wainhomes would then develop the existing school site for housing. / The opportunities at Penrice School are noted. / No change
Robert Rowett, local resident / ·  There is no mention of horse-riding, which is very popular locally. / Reference to horse riding is a detailed consideration it is considered that it is part of a general aim of improving access. Reference to horse riding and provision of bridleways should be made in the final plan or evidence base. / Ensure plan or evidence base includes reference to bridleways along with cycleways
St Stephen Parish Council / ·  Wish to flag up that given that the Parish has been subject to extensive housing development over the last 20 years – both open market and affordable – there is concern that the proposals of the plan could lead to a further intensive round of housing development and associated problems. / Concern is noted. The driver for the RP is not housing, rather sustainable economic growth, jobs and infrastructure, however it is accepted that it is likely housing will be needed to make schemes viable. The policy states that schemes will only be acceptable if they deliver positive change to the area and unlimited numbers of new housing would not meet this. The area has a 5 year land supply against the Structure Plan. / Review Plan to clarify position with regards to housing and land supply
St Austell Bay Parish Council / ·  Welcomes the document, especially the recognition of wider transport infrastructure problems and the A390. / No comment / No change
Carlyon Parish Council / ·  The Plan is no more than a wish-list / The plan does establish high level aspirations. / No change
The China Clay Community Network / ·  Concern expressed that existing infrastructure provision under-run should not be continued by development encouraged by the Plan
·  Suggested that the Plan be more specific in its statement of infrastructure requirement projects, and be more detailed – i.e. in the manner of the Town Framework Plans currently being developed for towns elsewhere in Cornwall. / The RP wants to deliver infrastructure but the lack of public funding means we are not in a position to meet all the needs upfront. We will strengthen the infrastructure requirements where possible. The Town Framework methodology seeks to identify locations for urban extensions it is therefore not necessarily directly relevant to smaller scale villages. Alongside this document we are produced cell based appraisals of the areas and known opportunities this will continue to be developed after the RP is adopted to feed into the Core Strategy. / Further spatial work will be undertaken to feed into the Core Strategy.
Geoffrey White, local resident / ·  The Plan seems to be blind to the existence and needs of older people.
·  Developed areas have lower life expectancies than rural ones – therefore major development in this area (as encouraged by the Plan) could reduce life expectancy. / Best practice guidance requires developments to take into account a range people. It is considered that life expectancy takes in a range of factors, with no evidence that well designed new developments would have a negative impact on life expectancies. / No change
Barton Willmore planning agents, acting for
Mercian Develop-ments / ·  The Plan should acknowledge the disparity caused by the focus of recent growth and expansion being on the east side of St Austell, and specifically seek to encourage development on the west side. / Comment acknowledged at this stage it is not the intention to go to this level of detail however, this may be an argument for supporting development to the west of St Austell. Further spatial work will be undertaken to feed into the Core Strategy. / No Change
Alan Coode,
private individual / ·  The rationale for the Plan area boundary should be stated in the document / The boundary used replicated that of the Strategic Investment Framework for the area. / Text amended to highlight reason for boundary
Peter Wyper,
private individual / ·  The Plan’s efforts to encourage the creation of jobs must take into account that the area has a large pool of unskilled labour. / Comment acknowledged the plan should seek to enable a range of jobs. / Ensure Plan and evidence base acknowledge full range of jobs
Jo Hudson
private individual / ·  The Plan should focus on business stimulation; housing should follow. / Concern is noted the driver for the RP is to facilitate economic growth, jobs and infrastructure and not housing. However, housing is likely to be needed to make schemes viable. / Review Plan to clarify position with regards to housing and land supply

Vision and Key Principles