NAME: ______DATE: ______PERIOD: _____

Updated: 10-30-13WEK


Oxford Area High School

Lesson 9

Modeling Treads – External

For your 17th part, you will recreate the “Two Sided Threaded Shaft” shown below. You will use the “Revolve Process” to draw it from a line drawing of it. You will use what you have learned to create this object and the previous drawings to make the part a 3D model made up of the basic features and then make a dimensioned 3-View drawing of it.


You will begin this lesson by creating the new part.

1.  Click New , Click Part., Click OK.

Next: Set up measurement units to be in “inches” – 3 Decimals (ANSI)

1.  Click on “Options” icon.

2.  Click on “Document Properties” tab.

3.  Now click “Units”.

4.  Under “Unit system” click on “IPS”. Hit


1.  Click on the “Features toolbar” tab. Then click on

Extruded Boss/Base icon.

2.  Move the pointer over the FRONT plane to highlight it, then select it.

The display changes, so that the FRONT plane is facing you.

Your sketch opens on the: FRONT plane.

1. Sketching the revolve profile:

1.  Click or select Insert / Sketch.

2.  Sketch the profile as shown on the next page using the Line tool.

3.  Place the horizontal centerliine on the point of orgin to start this. Then line up the left vertical end line with the point of orgin as well.

4.  Add the dimensions to fully define the sketch.

Note: You may place your dimensions in several ways. For this

place them using the , Horizontal and Vertical Ordinate

style. Click on the down arrow under smart dimension.

Please see the below example. This is new to you,

so you may need to explore how this works.

Horizontal and Vertical Ordinate style.

Saving the Part

1.  Click Save on the Standard toolbar.

-  In the dialog box, type “BASE FEATURE” , add your initials and today’s date, for the File name. Example: BASE FEATURE, WEK 1-25-14

2. Revolving the Base feature:

1.  Click on/select the center line.

2.  Click (Features Tab) or select Insert / Base / Revolve.

3.  Revolve Direction: One Direction.

4.  Revolve Angle: 360º.

5.  Click OK,

6.  Select: “Zoom to fit”

Add your information and Print your “BASE FEATURE”

1.  Go to “Insert”, down to “Annotations”, insert/click “Note”, add a text box to your drawing. Add the below information.

Drawn By: (Your Name)


Date: (Today’s date)

Period: (Your class period)

Score: ____/100

2.  When the text box is complete clickto exit.

Try to center the image and print in Landscape Layout.

Always look at the “Print Preview” image before printing!!!

Print to the CADDLAB or IPC006 printer.

Click Save to save with text.


Begin this by opening up the “BASE FEATURE” and then clicking, Save As on the Standard toolbar. In the dialog box, type “THREAD CREATION”, add your initials and today’s date, for the File name,

Example: THREAD CREATION, WEK 1-25-14

1. Creating the Sweep path: Select


1.  Select the face indicated as sketch face.

2.  Click or select Insert / Sketch.

3.  Select the edge as indicated.

Sketch face

4.  Click Convert Entities, the selected edge is

converted into a circle and brought onto the front

face at the same time.

2. Creating the Helix:

1.  Click or select Insert / Curve / Helix Spiral.

2.  Defined by: Pitch and Revolution.

* Pitch: .125 in. *Start Angle: 0.00º

*Revolutions: 11.00 *Reverse direction: Enabled.

3. Click

The resulting Helix (sweep path)

4. Sketching the Sweep profile:

1.  Select the TOP plane from the FeatureManager Tree.

2.  Click or select Insert / Sketch.

3.  Sketch a Triangle with the line tool and dimension as shown.

Place all at same point Virtual Sharp


Step 1 Step 2 (Trim top) Step 3 Even up the center line.

Place your Triangle to the left, of the soon to be threaded object.

Please Note: To place a dimension for the angled lines, click on each angled line to get this.

4.  Adding a Pierce Relation .

-  On the completion of the Triangle, Click on the down arrow, then click on .

-  Now click on the center line and horizontal triangle line mid point dot. (**, above).

-  Next click on or near the end of the last revolution of the Helix line going around the object.

-  Follow this up by clicking on the icon. This should result with having the triangle lining up to the helix start point.

5.  Exit the Sketch or click .

4. Sweeping the profile along the path.

1. Click or Select Insert / Cut / Sweep.; Features Tab.

2. Click in , then select the triangular profile

(Drawing), this is the “Sweep Profile”.

Next Click in , then select the helix ,

this is the “Sweep Path”.

You should now see the 1st. threaded end as shown below.

Click .

Add your information and Print your “THREAD CREATION”

1.  Go to “Insert”, down to “Annotations”, insert/click “Note”, add a text box to your drawing. Add the below information.

Drawn By: (Your Name)


Date: (Today’s date)

Period:(Your class period)

Score: ____/100

2.  When the text box is complete clickto exit.

Try to center the image and print in Landscape Layout.

Always look at the “Print Preview” image before printing!!!

Print to the CADDLAB or IPC006 printer.

Click Save to save with text.


Begin this by opening up the “THREAD CREATION” and then clicking, Save As on the Standard toolbar. In the dialog box, type “Two Sided Threaded Shaft”, add your initials and today’s date, for the File name.

Example: Two Sided Threaded Shaft, WEK 1-25-14

1. Using the Mirror Bodies option:

1.  To best view what you are doing is to use the Trimetric view.

2.  Select the “Features Tab” and then click on “Mirror”. This will open up the information box.

3.  Next you need to select , then click on the face (center) of the object.

4.  Now expand and click in area, then

click on the circumference of the object.

5.  Now click the .

Before clicking After

The 2 halves are joined as one solid. Additional features can be added to either half, but changes to the mirrored half cannot be passed onto the original.

8. Adding chamfers:

Select these 4


1.  Click the down arrow then select


2.  Enter .050 in. for the Depth

3.  Enter 45º For the Angle

4.  Select the 4 edges as indicated.

5.  Click

6.  Click Save

9. Saving the finished threaded part.

Add your information and Print your “Two Sided Threaded Shaft”

3.  Go to “Insert”, down to “Annotations”, insert/click “Note”, add a text box to your drawing. Add the below information.

Drawn By: (Your Name)

Title: Two Sided Threaded Shaft

Date: (Today’s date)

Period:(Your class period)

Score: ____/100

4.  When the text box is complete clickto exit.

Try to center the image and print in Landscape Layout.

Always look at the “Print Preview” image before printing!!!

Print to the CADDLAB or IPC006 printer.

Click Save


You have completed your lesson.

Modeling Treads Page 1 of 7