Summary Notes

February 5, 2004

Present: Minou Spradley, Dotti Cordell, Salley Deaton, Bill Grimes, Cassie Morton, Winston Butler, Jo-Ann Rossitto, Helen Elias, Majeda Nasrawi and Dee Oliveri, Lijuan Zhai, Berta Harris

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Frame / Evaluation
December Summary notes / Attendee list amended to include Dee Oliveri and Majeda Nasrawi for our Dec. meeting and Dec. summary notes corrected per request. / December notes in public folder reflect these corrections. / NA / NA / NA
January 26, 2004
Affairs Academy / Minou presented a 1-hour class on SLOs’ and assessment with follow-up hands-on departmental work in small groups. There was also an appeal at this meeting for input to our drafted Institutional SLO’s. / Good work done at this session with excellent discussion and interchange. The topic of General Education came up, as did the topic of those instances of a small number of courses being carried in particular programs. Other topics addressed included those courses primarily being completed for transfer to four-year institutions. These were topics that we addressed, as you recall when Pres. Burgess was here last month. We addressed the fact at this academy that at times, the SLO’s may be more appropriately addressed at the course, rather than at the program level. It was reinforced that there is rarely a wrong approach, as together we are all working towards programmatic improvement in this SLO work. / IAC / 04-05 / Education conducted, input rec’d
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January Flex Session on Assessment and SLO’s / Another FLEX session also taught in January after the Academic Affairs Academy. This was a didactic session followed by small group departmental hands-on work on SLO’s and assessment. /

Input received to our “Institutional SLO’” DRAFT:

1.  The FLEX attendees pointed out that these Institutional SLO’s were not written as SLO’s. They were written as phrases, “basket” terminology, very global, in terms of the ways we wish to see students change after 2+ years here at City. We speak in terms of global awareness, critical thinking, etc. Students in the FLEX asked us why this column in the model looked so differently from the Program Level SLO column, which is written very strictly as an SLO. They suggested we term this column-- INSTITUTIONAL COMPETENCIES. This was presented to the committee today and we agreed that this better reflects what we meant institutionally, and is less confusing in terms of the entire SIX-Column Model.
2.  Secondly, the class had input that to inject the verb VALUING into the competencies was confusing. So our new list of Institutional Competences now reads:

Communication/Interpersonal Skills

§  Reading
§  Active and attuned listening skills
§  Speak and write effectively for personal/academic/career
Critical thinking/Analyses/Computation
Cultural Sensitivity/Global Awareness
Information Management/Information Literacy
Personal Responsibility
§  Motivation/continuing to learn/adaptation to change
§  Value one’s own skills, abilities, ideas, art
§  Taking pride in one’s work/ Managing personal health and safety
§  Civic and environmental responsibility

Institutional Assets and Resources

/ IAC / Ongoing input into the list of Institu-tional Comp-etencies / Eventually a final list of City Competencies that the faculty if both aware of and supports.
Website / Dotti and Minou met with Adam Bogage to inquire about website options, costing, etc.
Goal is get charter on this site, SLO working draft, minutes, template, links, definitions of assessment, committee membership, and who to contact for assistance, links, and perhaps eventually a tutorial for creating a SLO. / Time spent with Adam was very helpful.
Will explore options for funding this website—perhaps ASP funds? / Minou to explore ASP thru Diann Ludwick / Mid sem-ester 04 / Assess-ment Website in place, user friendly, well utilized
Timeline for Departments to have SLO’s / Discussed need to know status of departments with respect to SLO work / Dotti to attend Dept. Chairs meeting in Feb. to distribute a short survey to assess whether the discussion of departmental SLO’s has occurred, if not when the discussion is scheduled and whether the departmental chair would like an IAC rep to come to help facilitate the discussion.
Minou and Dotti to create survey for distribution at the Chairs Council. / Dotti / Feb
23 / Survey to achieve status report on departments with respect to SLO development and a means to ascertain which departments would like IAC reps to assist in SLO work
Topic / Discussion /


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Frame / Evaluation
/ It is clear from the various trainings that there is a good deal of confusion and questions in regards to rubric development.
It would be an enhancement to our SLO and faculty development to offer training in rubrics. / Dotti and Minou will research having a subject matter expert come to instruct in rubric development. / Dotti
Minou / Spring 04
Fall 04 / Faculty development in rubrics
Formalized input into Institutional Drafts
/ Need to schedule Institutional Competencies on the agendas for
1.  VP Manzoni’s Instructional Council
2.  VP Brown’s Council
3.  Carol Dexheimer
To obtain formal input from these groups / Dotti / ASAP / Obtain formal input from these groups, documented
Next meeting / Our next meeting is next month March 4th
2:15-4 in D121A