Minutes of a Meeting

10.00am onThursday 8th October 2015

Gwynne Holford Room

Present: / Mr Edward Keene (EK) (Chair)
Ms Ingrid Barker (IB)
Mrs Rosamund Blomfield-Smith (RBS)
Mrs Barbara Buck (BB)
Mr David Crawford (DC1)
Mr Nick Gallagher (NG)
Mr Sean Lynn (SL)
Mr Russell Marchant (RM)
Mr Chris Moody (CM)
Mr Graham Papenfus (GP)
Dr John Selby (JS)
Mr David Seymour (DS)
Mr Graham van der Lely (GvdL)
Mr Charles Whitehouse (CW)
In Attendance: / Mr Alfred Morris (AM)
Professor Ron Ritchie (RR)
Mr Graham Ledden (GL)
Mr Luke Rake (LR)
Mrs Rosie Scott-Ward (RSW)
Mrs Lesley Worsfold (LW)
Apologies: / Ms Rebecca Geldart
Ms Jo Midgley
Minutes: / Mr Rob Lee
97/15 / The Chair welcomed Mr S Lynn and Mr N Gallagher to their first meeting as Staff and Student Governors respectively. The Chair also welcomed Mrs B Buck to her first meeting as a Governor rather than as Staff Governor and advised that we were expecting Mr A Morris, the College President, to also join us particularly for the later presentation by Eversheds after this Board Meeting.
The Chair also advised that the tour of the Student Zone planned for part of this meeting will now be available after the Eversheds Presentation for those who are available. EK explained that this was due to a very full agenda.
Apologies were received from Ms R Geldart and Ms J Midgley.
98/15 / Declaration of Interest. Paper C98/10/15
The Clerk advised that members’ interests would be taken as those disclosed in the Register of Members Interests. There were no declarations of members interests for agenda items.
99/15 / Minutes of the Last Meeting. Paper C99/10/15
Minutes of the meeting held on the 9th July 2015 were agreed to be a true and accurate record and signed by the Chair.
100/15 / Matters Arising
100.1. (77.1, 55.2, 36.1) Update on Link Governor for Student Union.
RM advised that there had not been a meeting as yet of the Student Council this academic year but the matter will be discussed at their first meeting.
The next meeting will be updated.
100.2. (78.1) A Level results were circulated to governors by email on the 17th August 2015.
100.3. (78.2) Internal Auditors will review the Strategic Planning process and reference to this can be found in the draft Audit CommitteeMinutes 15th September 2015 included with Board papers.
100.4. (78.3) Finances of the Innovation, Careers and Enterprise Centre were discussed by the Finance and General Purposes Committee 17th September 2015 and reference to this can be found in the draft minutes included with Board papers.
100.5. (80.2) The paper on Scholarship and Pedagogical Effectiveness was sent to governors by email on the 21st July 2015.
100.6. (82.0) The Principals paper on UWE relationship options is Agenda item 101.2. / RM / 10/12/15
101/15 / Discuss Principals Report.
101.1. Principals Report on outcomes 2014/2015. Paper C101.1/10/15.
RM advised that this is the first Principals Annual Report produced in this way and forms part of our new strategic cycle.
RM advised that it had been a challenging year for FE. RM explained that in recognition of the poor results in 2011/12 and 2012/13 we downgraded our SAR to an overall “Good” from previously “Outstanding”. An Ofsted inspection in March, triggered by the fall in the quality of our results, confirmed our self-assessment grade of good and this was disappointing.RM advised that Ofsted highlighted concerns over A Level performance and our strategies to tackle English and Maths. Improving A Level performance to levels significantly above national average remains a major objective for FE, as does generating significant value added. RM advised that the results for English and Maths is mixed. Students resitting GCSEs in English achieved a very impressive 50% pass at C or above. Whereas in Maths 0% achieved a C pass or above. RM confirmed that actions had been put in place to improve these areas. RM advised that the biggest issue was the failure to recruit the numbers required and therefore the recruitment process for 2015/16 has to be judged to have failed. RM explained that the exact causes are underinvestigationbut we can expect to be up to 10% down on numbers and with poor progression of first year students from last year into second year courses we can expect to lose up to £750,000 in 2016/17 due to the lagged funding model. RM advised that there will be an impact on this current year due to empty bedrooms. GL advised that this shortfall could be exasperated by the Spending Review.RM confirmed that there has already started an urgent review of what went wrong in the recruitment process for 2015/16, the launch of a new recruitment process linked to the new Student Management System and that he will undertake a review of the FE operation the results of which will be shared with the Board at the next meeting. In response to RR RM advised that he did not want to pre-judge the outcome of his investigation into the recruitment process and RR advised that he would welcome to see the results of this. GvdL advised that we must acknowledge the quality of our results also and RM agreed that BTEC and English were outstanding.
RM advised that HE had had a strong year which started with an outstanding result from the HER carried out in July 2014 and this was confirmed by the increase in the percentage of good honours degrees achieved. NSS scores have continued to improve as our focus on student experience has continued. RM explained that recruitment in HE has been a success due to recognising the deficiencies of our recruitment process two years ago and developing an effective in house system as a result. RM advised that the past year has been one of significant changes in academic staffing structures and personnel which has left us in a stronger position with a better balanced structure to address our quality and scholarship needs. RM confirmed that the achievement of TDAP remains the major aim of our HE activity.
RM advised that the financial result is very good and explained that the development of the budget for 2014/15 required a balance to be made between continuing to develop budget holders across the College, awarding a significant pay rise for the first time in a few years and achieving a significant surplus.Performance through the year has enabled us to achieve all three goals and a surplus that is significantly greater than originally planned. RM also believes that the adoption of a save and spend strategy for future capital developments has enabled the development of a clear financial strategy going forward.
RM outlined the physical development of the campus with the opening of the FE Learning Centre and the new Student Zone.
RR wondered whether a future report should contain some information relating to equality and diversity and the awards achieved as well as the outcomes in this area from the Ofsted Report. RR also thought that in leadership terms the report should cover governance and cover such areas as transition to new chair. EK also suggested that we could include our sporting achievements, some of which governors may not know, and this adds to the “Hartpury Brand”. RBS welcomed this self-critical report targeted at governors and EK thanked RM for this straight forward and honest assessment of the previous year.
101.2. Discuss paper on future options for relationship with UWE. Paper C101.2/10/15.
RM advised that he was asked to update his earlier report on this area and confirmed that he had shared this paper with the Vice Chancellor of the University of the West of England (UWE) who will be joining us at our December Meeting. DC questioned whether we had an understanding of what type of relationship the VC would want in the future. RM responded that UWE had been very helpful and positive and believed that they do want an ongoing relationship. GvdL advised that he had discussed this matter with the VC who was very enthusiastic about our plans and believed it may give UWE greater visibility. In response to BB RM advised that the UWE experience with Bath Spa had been a long time ago and was not sure how relevant it would now be. EK advised that these discussions will continue at the next meeting when the VC is present.
102/15 / FE Report
102.1. Discuss Vice Principal (FE) Report to include review of enrolment and performance against student number targets. Paper C102.1/10/15.
LR advised that RM had already outlined some of the challenges. As already mentioned recruitment data shows a reduction in numbers year on year but there has been good progress in most areas on quality of results. LR advised that the BTEC grades are the highest we have ever achieved and believed that they will be the highest in our sector. LR advised that there had also been improvements in overall A Level Grades with value added performance also improving with students achieving in line with their peers. LR explained, as already outlined by RM, English and Maths showed very different pictures. In response to DC LR advised that it was very clear that schools have raised their game but we are reviewing the recruitment process and we need to be quicker, change the way we interview and make offers. DC noted that the major areas of shortfall were Animal Management, down 21%, and Outdoor Adventure, down 20%, and that in his experience very few schools do these curriculum areas. EK questioned whether we were falling behind our competitors and was there a need for capital investment in these areas GvdL stated that these recruitment figures clearly came as a surprise and believed that we are living in a different world and need to react. RR agreed and believed there should have been alarm bells and LR confirmed that there had been some concerns on the process but this had not been acted on and this was an error. In response to RBS RM confirmed that it was not his intention to wait and report to the Board on what needs to be amended in our recruitment but will be acted on now. In response to CW LW advised that we currently have 19 empty bed spaces and explained that the waiting list had disappeared prior to enrolment week. In response to GvdL LW advised that occupancy rate is currently 98% which is within budget but GL warned that this figure will not improve but drop. RR wished to raise the subject of the A Level results in science which have not been flagged but he believed are of serious concern and not acceptable and seem to be glossed over. LR advised that this was not his intention but his report to the Board gave an overall picture but QuESt will see the detail and the Self-Assessment Report (SAR). LR further added that overall A Levels went up and ALIS shows that we are average and our students get the grades expected. DC believed that we need to be more aspirational and not be satisfied we achieving the same grades as other colleges. NG stated that he had not heard about the quality of the students and questioned whether we were recruiting the wrong people. LR advised that we will have a challenge getting the brightest students locally and those recruited nationally will often come with sporting commitments and these would not necessarily be the best students academically. LR continued that setting up A Level Department had been a strategic decision by the College and added that in Ofsted terms this area could be dropped. In response to NG DC believed that it was important that we looked at each individual and be sure that they have a good chance of succeeding in their subjects and should not be setting up students for failure. NG agreed and stated that we need a higher proportion of students going to Russell Group Universities. In response to DS LR confirmed that changes had been put in place relating to English and Maths after the Ofsted inspection and the English result was very good but changes should have better affect this year. CM believed that the teaching of English and Maths was a challenge and questioned whether we were integrating or separating the subjects from the main curriculum. LR confirmed that we have specialist teaching but also have vocational integration of maths. RM confirmed that English and Maths form part of the Hartpury Certificate. In response to CM LR confirmed that there was specific CPD for staff development in this area. In response to DS LR advised that 41% of BTEC students were progressing to HE a rise of 2% on the previous year with roughly half staying here. Most A Level students’ progress to university.
102.2. Review Key Performance Indicators for 2014/2015. Paper C102.2/10/15.
LR advised that there was still some need for the data to be cleaned but this should not make a dramatic difference to the results outlined on the KPIs. In response to EK that the KPIs should give us early warnings RM advised that he was not happy with the historical data and will look how this can be improved.
103/15 / The Student Voice
103.1. Student Governor verbal reports on enrolment and induction.
NG felt that using the FE Centre instead of the instead of the Sports Hall was a much more appealing and attractive environment although maybe a bit small. There were some issues over waiting but overall it was well run and efficient. GP advised that he had attended enrolment with his daughter and thought it was extremely well run.
104/15 / HE Report
104.1. Discuss Vice Principal (HE) Report to include review of enrolment and performance against student number targets. Paper C104.1/10/15.
RSW introduced her Report by outlining the key areas.RSW advised that application data illustrates increases on last year across the provision and that HE is predicting a surplus of £166,220. RSW advised that enrolment data indicates targets are likely to be met and that we are still recruiting.Transitional activity continues to progress in line with expected milestones with significant movement on the transition to Moodle. TDAP scrutiny continues. RSW explained thatcurriculum development aims to maximise on the removal of student number control, although resource implications will be monitored carefully. In response to GvdL RSW advised that the latest data suggests we have a headcount of 1455, which is the highest we have ever had, and a first year intake of 488. RSW advised that the TDAP scrutiny was progressing well and there was now a focus on management. In response to DC RSW advised that there are no concerns relating to the TDAP process and RR confirmed that he sits on the transitional group which is extremely focused. RR advised that the design, development and implementation of the Quality Enhancement Framework is a big project and will impact on HE from curriculum design to graduation. In response to JS RSW agreed that the National Student Survey results were a key area and there will be a full report going to QuESt. RSW added that there are challenges within timetabling relating to start and finish times that impact on the scores. RM advised FE timetabling has limited flexibility due mainly to our transport system and this is what gives a challenge to HE timetabling.
104.2. Review Key Performance Indicators for 2014/2015. Paper C104.2/10/15.
RSW outlined the key areas but advised that there was still some data outstanding. In response to GvdL RSW confirmed that we will be close to 515 new enrolments and there did not seem to be an impact of our £9K fees. GL advised that we have struggled to use the whole of the bursary fund. RSW advised that the overall NSS satisfaction score had increased by 2% to 86% and GvdL felt that this was excellent achievement as there were many universities around the 84/85% mark. RR agreed that this was a remarkable story over time and should be celebrated.
105/15 / Finance Report (GL)
105.1 Discuss the year end July Accounts to include performance against Key Performance Indicators 2014/2015. Paper C105.1/10/15
GL presented the end of year accounts which he explained were subject to audit and before FRS 17 adjustments for pension liabilities. GL advised that the operating result for the year ending 31st July 2015 is a surplus of £839K compared to a budgeted surplus of £443K and a May reforecast of £571K. GL outlined the headline results with income exceeding budget by just over £1m and direct costs exceeding budget by £342K and pay costs exceeding budget by £381K. GL outlined the outcomes of the Key Performance Indicators. GL advised that the operating surplus as a % of income was 2.99% just missing the 3% Governor KPI. GL advised that cash generated was £1m less than budgeted due to the opening position being different than expected and how capital expenditure has been phased. GL outlined the performance of our commercial activities and advised that the Farms performance of making a loss of £220K was very disappointing and was majorly due to stock adjustments. CW advised that at the Farm Meeting on the 24th June 2015 there was no mention of this. RM advised that the end of year valuation process was very poor and not acceptable and he has asked Velcourt for a report. GvdL advised that at the June Farm Meeting the inference was that the budget would be met and that stock could be positive. In response to EK GL advised that the figures are always late and very often wrong and help had been offered but not taken. This delays the Management Accounts every month. RBS believed that we should focus on getting the monthly accounts correct, and not just focus on the year end, and this should be the responsibility of Velcourt. EK thanked GL and his team for this good result particularly when most of the sector are making losses.