04.03 Travel Journal

Objectives for this lesson:

  • Describe the location and physical features of Athens and Sparta
  • Explain the important characteristics and achievements of Athens and Sparta
  • Explain how people lived differently in Athens and Sparta
  • Describe how Athenians and Spartans interacted with other Greeks

-How was the geography of Sparta similar to the geography of Athens? How was it different?

Specific questions to answer:

  1. In what region was Athens located?
  2. In what region was Sparta located?
  3. Based on paragraph #3 of this page, why could the people of Athens not raise enough crops to support themselves? What did they have to end up doing?
  4. What items did the people of Athens trade for?
  5. Based on paragraph #4 of this page, why did the Spartans not have to rely on sea trade?
  6. What is an acropolis?
  7. What is an agora?
  8. Did both Athens and Sparta have an acropolis?

-Who were the ancestors of the Athenians and Spartans?

Specific questions to answer:

  1. Based on paragraph #2 of this page, who were the ancestors of the Athenians?
  2. Based on paragraph #2 of this page, who were the ancestors of the Spartans?
  3. Based on the “interactive slideshow” what were some of the Dorian contributions to art and architecture?

-How was life different for men, women, and children in Sparta compared to Athens?

Specific questions to answer:

  1. Who were the only people considered citizens in Sparta?
  2. Even though women in Sparta were not citizens, what freedoms did they have?
  3. What was the fate of “unhealthy” children in Sparta?
  4. What happened to boys in Sparta when they turned 7 years of age?
  5. Why were girls provided physical training as well?
  6. How was Athenians citizenship different compared to Sparta?
  7. Did men in Athens have to become soldiers like in Sparta? Why or why not?
  8. Did boys in Athens have to go to military training? Why or why not?

-What were some Spartan values?

Specific questions to answer:

  1. Based on paragraph #1, what evidence can you provide to explain what the Spartans valued?
  2. If you were a Spartan citizens, could you leave the city without permission?
  3. What is a hoplite?
  4. Why was the phalanx a great military tactic?

-What did Athenians value?

Specific questions to answer:

  1. Based on paragraph #1, what were the most important things to the people of Athens?
  2. Did all men have to join the military? Why or why not?
  3. What is a “Golden Age?”
  4. Based on the “interactive slideshow” what were some of the greatest structures built during the Golden Age of Athens?

-What were the social classes in ancient Sparta?

Specific questions to answer:

  1. Based on paragraph #1, why were the Spartans afraid of the non-citizen classes?
  2. How would you describe the “freemen” of ancient Sparta?
  3. What was life like for the “helots” of ancient Sparta?