Cobb CountySchool District

Human Resources


Local School Selection Process

By February 22Eligibility requirements distributed to staff

February 22-March 5Nominators complete a Nomination Form *

Completed Nomination Form submitted to School Principal to certify that potential applicant meets all eligibility requirements (See Eligibility Requirements below)

School principal notifies nominees and provides Nominee Form

Nominee completes the Nominee Form and returns to the Principal *

All eligible voters receive a copy of the completed Nomination Form and completed Nominee Form for each nominee

March 7Voting Begins

March 18Voting Ends

By March 25Principal sends name of winner and alternate to Tyler Gwynn, Human Resources, using the Local School Selection Form * Begin verification by HR for eligibility

By April 15HR will notify schools of verified eligibility

By May 6CCSD Application Packets given to local School TOTY Winners for District Review and Selection (upon verification) and Faculty Meeting Announcement Completed

By May 31Local school Teacher and Certified Employee of The Year completes CCSD Applicationand submits to Tyler Gwynn, Human Resources *

TBDTOTY Celebration Meeting

Teacher and Classified Employee of the Year District Selection Process

By April 18Select Committee for Elementary, Middle and High School—Invitations sent

June 3Committee invited via email to interview level winners

June 9Committees review candidates from their respective categories * Onecandidate is selected from each level

July 28TOTY Only:Committee members interview level winners * Winner Chosen

SeptemberTOTY Only: Final winner announced

December 1TOTY Only: Application due to state for GA Teacher of the Year



  1. Has been a CCSD employee* a minimum of thirty six consecutive months within the districtas of today
  2. Is employed at a local school (School Level) or is non-school based (Central Office Level)
  3. Is employed as a 50% or more employee with CCSD

(3.75 hour/day based on 7.5 hour/day position, 5 hour/day based on 8 hour/day position, except Food Service Assistants. A Food Service Assistant working a 4 hour/day based on 8 hour/day position is eligible for CEOTY.)Please reference 2014-2015 Salary Schedule Book for position daily hours worked. (Temporary positions: Substitute Teachers, Supply Teachers, Tutors, After School Program, Lunchroom Monitor, Food Service Substitutes, Clinic Substitutes, Bus Driver Substitutes, Bus Monitor Substitutes, Crossing Guards and other non-benefitted positions are not eligible to participate in CEOTY)

  1. Has not been documented for poor performance or misconduct in the previous twenty four months

*An employee is defined as working a regular, non-temporary position.

5. Is not your current school/department CEOTY.


A minimum of 3 years teaching experience

A minimum of 3 years teaching experience in Cobb County Schools

A minimum of 3 years of teaching experience at the local school from which the teacher is selected (Count the current school year)

The nominee cannot currently be on a remedial Professional Development Plan

The nominee cannot have disciplinary documentation for the previous two school years

The nominee cannot have been the school Teacher of the Year the previous year

* Forms available on P.A.S.S.

For additional information and questions, contact Tyler Gwynn at 770-590-4506.

(Revised January 2016)

Classified Employee of the Year – School Level

Cobb County School District

Election Process


HIGH SCHOOLS ONLY – Building Engineers are not local school employees; therefore, they are not eligible for the School-based Classified Employee of the Year nomination. Please send the names of building engineers whom you would feel should be considered for special recognition to Anne Fussell in Maintenance to be considered for Central Office Classified Employee of the Year.

ALL SCHOOLS – Technology Support personnel are not local school employees; therefore, they are not eligible for School-based Classified Employee of the Year nomination. Please send the names of technology support personnel whom you feel should be considered for special recognition as Central Office Classified Employee of the Year to Gloria Stevens in Technology Services.

Any CCSD employee may nominate an eligible employee at theirschool. Eligibility information is included on the nomination form.

A Classified Employee of the Year (CEOTY) Nomination Form must be utilized.

*Nominating one’s self is not a valid nomination. Nomination forms must include nominee’s name.

The completed form is then submitted to the Principal.

The Principal verifies that the employee meets the eligibility requirements.

The Principal then notifies the nominee and gives him/her a Classified Employee of the Year Nominee Form. The Nominee Form is returned to the Principal.

The Principal attaches the Nominee Form to the Nomination Form and distributes copies to all eligible voters along with a ballot to determine the school’s representative for CEOTY.

Eligible voters for this process are all 50% or more certified and non-certified employees at the local schooland 50% Food Service Assistants. This process differs from the Teacher of the Year (TOTY) program in which only certified personnel vote for TOTY. It is felt that certified personnel are uniquely qualified to observe and evaluate the performance of non-certified personnel.

The person receiving the highest number of votes cast is the winner. In case of a tie, a run-off between those who have tied will take place. An alternate should also be determined based on the person with the second highest amount of votes. The alternate will assume the CEOTY position should the winner leave the school. Each department should have 1 winner and 1 alternate. If you have a tie for winner, the person with the least number of votes in the run-off is your alternate. If you have a winner with a tie for alternate vote, you must have an alternate run-off. The person with the most votes in this run-off will serve as your division’s CEOTY alternate.

Once a CEOTY and alternate are selected, the CEOTY WINNER FORM, include both winner and alternate name, should be emailed to Tyler Gwynn by Friday, March 25, 2016. No faxes please.


The individual chosen as the CEOTY can elect to participate in the district-wide selection.

A winner for each level (ES, MS and HS) will be selected by a panel of administrators.

If the individual chooses to participate in the district-wide selection, as indicated on their Nominee Form, the Principal completes a Principal Form and sends the completed packet via emailto Tyler Gwynn, HR. No faxed packets accepted. They are often illegible when we copy them.

 The packet consists of the following:

All Nomination Forms for the individual

The Nominee Form

The Principal Form

The previous two year’s evaluations

If your School Winner selected to participate for the School District Wide CEOTY, the Winner’s completed packet should be emailed

no later than Tuesday, May 31, 2016 to Tyler Gwynn, HR.

If the alternate is interested in the district wide nomination, their packet should be completed as well, but held at the local school. Alternate packet will be requested at a later date, if needed.

Although it is not mandatory that the CEOTY participate in the District Wide process, it is mandatory to select a CEOTY to recognize the Classified Employees at your school.

Classified Employee of the Year – School Level

Nomination Form


(To be completed by person making the nomination and returned to the Principal.)

School Employee nominated:
/ School:
Name of person making the nomination, required:

Any non-certified employee who meets the following criteria is eligible to be nominated for Classified Employee of The Year.

The employee:

  • must be currently employed in a non-certified position at a local school
  • must be employed as a 50% or more employee

*5 hour/day based on an 8 hour/day position, with the exception of Food Service Assistants. A Food Service Assistant working 4 hour/day (50%) is eligible to participate in Classified Employee of the Year

*3.75 hour/day based on a 7.5 hour/day position

  • must have been employed in the Cobb County School District for 36 consecutive months as of today
  • must not be on a current remedial plan or have been documented for poor performance during the previous 24 months.
  • Current school year CEOTY not eligible to participate.

When making the nomination, keep in mind the individual’s knowledge and skills for the job as well as performance that goes above and beyond expectations. Please complete the following statement which will be made available to all faculty members.

I nominate for Classified Employee of the Year because:
Tell us how this person has helped the students of CCSD:

Classified Employee of the Year – School Level

Nominee Form


(To be completed by nominated employee)

Congratulations! You have been nominated for Classified Employee of the Year from our school. In order to be eligible for this honor, you must complete this form. Please return it to the Principal or have the Principal assist you in completing it. This information will be shared with members of the faculty.

Name: / School:
Current Position: / Date: Click here to enter a date.
Previous positions in the CCSD (please include dates):
Extra training (list workshops and dates):
School and Community involvement (list only those things that directly involve the Cobb County School District or its students)
Are you interested in being considered for the district-wide nomination? (A “NO”
response to this question does not eliminate you from being considered for Classified Employee of the Year at your school. However, by selecting “YES”, you’ll have an opportunity to be awarded prizes and to receive special recognition as the District Wide School Level winner at the Classified Employee Luncheon).
Yes No (Forms completed after the initial process are not eligible for District Wide Nomination)
Is there any other information you would like your colleagues to know about you?

Classified Employee of the Year - School Level



Each school should complete this form and return via email to by:

Friday, March 25, 2016

After completing the voting process, the following person has been selected as our Classified Employee of the Year and alternate.
I. CEOTY Winner
Please provide a one sentence comment from the nomination form, supervisor form or evaluation regarding the employee’s performance. This comment will be displayed on our Power Point presentation for all to view.
Is this individual interested in being considered in the district wide nomination?
Yes* No
II. CEOTY Alternate
Please provide a one sentence comment from the nomination form, supervisor form or evaluation regarding the employee’s performance. This comment will be displayed on our Power Point presentation for all to view.
Is this individual interested in being considered in the district wide nomination?
Yes* No

*If Winner is interested in the District Wide Nomination, the completed packet should include the items listed below via email to Tyler Gwynn, HR, by Tuesday, May 31, 2016.

*HR will request alternate district wide nomination packets, if needed.

Principal Form / Nomination Form
Previous 2 years Evaluation Forms / Nominee Form

Classified Employee of the Year – School Level

Principal Form


Principal should complete and attach previous two years evaluations, Nominee, and Nomination forms then send via email, no faxes please.

TO: by:

Tuesday,May31, 2016

Employee Name: / Employee Position:
Number of years in this position: / Number of years in CCSD:
  1. Describe employee’s current duties and responsibilities:

  1. Give an example of how employee uses customer service skills in current position:

  1. Give an example of how employee strives to continually improve in the job:

  1. Briefly explain why you think the committee should select this employee for this honor.


Principal’s Name: / Date:
Principal’s Signature:
(Email attachment of this completed form sent by Principal or Assistant Principal is acceptable for signature.)
Please check forms attached:
1. Previous two years evaluations
2. Nomination Form(s)
3. Nominee Form
4. Principal Form