REGION (please tick): Eastern Division

London Division

Northern and Yorkshire Division

Northern Ireland

North West Division

Scottish Division

South East Division

South West Division

Trent Division

Welsh Division

West Midlands Division

AGE (please tick): <30 SPECIALTY (please tick): General Adult

30 - 39 Old Age

40 - 49 CAMHS

50 - 59 Forensic

60+ Learning Disability




The attached questionnaire forms part of a consultation process looking at the acceptability and feasibility of methods to be potentially used in recertification. The questionnaire should be read together with the Information about Revalidation for Psychiatrists sheet. Please indicate your agreement with each of the statements set out on the scale of 1 to 5. The key issues being raised in the questionnaire are to seek your views on:-

i)  Use of the appraisal process for revalidation.

ii)  The use of knowledge based assessments for recertification.

iii)  The use of work place based assessments for recertification.

iv)  There is the opportunity for free text as to how you wish the College to support the recertification process and the opportunity to provide additional comments that will assist the College in implementing the changes.

Dr Laurence Mynors-Wallis

Associate Dean Lead for Revalidation


Please note your response to each question:

/ Strongly Disagree
1 / Disagree
2 / Neutral
3 / Agree
4 / Strongly Agree
5 /
1. / The current appraisal process is sufficiently robust to be used as a framework through which revalidation occurs
2. / I support the following measures to increase the reliability and validity of appraisal:
i.  The use of Standardised Audit Measures
ii.  The use of Clinical Outcome Measures
iii.  The use of Assessments of Clinical Performance
iv.  The use of standardised methods for reviewing complaints and serious untoward incidents
3. / Please give your opinion on the following questions about appraisal:
i.  I support compulsory training for appraisers
ii.  I support accreditation of appraisers
iii.  I believe that appraisal should be through line management arrangements
iv.  I believe that an appraiser should be from outside the organisation in which I work
v.  I believe that an appraiser should be someone from within my own sub-specialty
4. / I think that the standards set in Good Psychiatric Practice should form the basis for Recertification.
5. / I support the use of written knowledge tests as a way of demonstrating adherence to College standards
6. / I support the use of on-line assessment modules with questions as tests of knowledge.
7. / I support the use of a form of case-based discussion as a way of demonstrating adherence to College standards.
8. / I support the use of direct observation of practice as a way of demonstrating adherence to College standards
9. / I support the use of a two stage process in assessing clinical skills – a simple process for all and a more detailed assessment if concerns are raised.
10. / I support the use of an OSCI process to assess clinical skills for recertification.
11. / I support the use of actors simulating patients to assess clinical skills for recertification.
12. / I support the use of Multi-Source Feedback from patients as a way of demonstrating adherence to College standards
13. / I support the use of Multi-Source Feedback from multidisciplinary colleagues as a way of demonstrating adherence to College standards.
14. / Please rank in order 1-9 your support of the methods below in assessing clinical skills for recertification (1 = most important, 9 = least important) / Rank
1. Written tests of knowledge e.g. MCQs, short answer
2. On-line modular assessment tests
3. Case-based assessments
4. Directly observing practice: ward rounds/CPA meetings
5. Directly observing practice: outpatient clinics
6. Anonymous feedback from service users, carers and colleagues
7. Reviewing case notes
8. Audit of practice against guidelines (e.g. NICE standards)
9. Outcome measures
What support do you think the College should provide for Recertification?
Other comments

C:\Simone C\Website pages\Katie - Robert\RECERTIFICATION QUESTIONNAIRE.doc