2013 - 2014
Multi-Hazard Emergency School Plan
and Recovery Guide
Berclair Elementary School
Principal Signature
Student/Staff/Count & Special Needs Chart
# students / # special needs students or adults / # wheel chairs / # office personnel / # custodial staff / # teachers / # of other staff / Total in your bldg.638 / 2 / 0 / 4 / 5 / 48 / 23 / 733
Multi-Hazard Emergency School Team Assignments
In general, Incident Command System (ICS) or Multi-Hazard Emergency School Team roles should be a logical, reasonable parallel to day-to-day work assignments. Complete the form below to reflect your school Multi-Hazard Emergency School Team assignments. Descriptions of roles and responsibilities for each assignment are provided in Appendix C of the Principal’s Multi-Hazard Crisis Response manual received at training.
Title / NameBldg. Location & Phone # / Alternate Name
Bldg. Location & Phone #
Incident Command:
Principal / Dr. Sam Shaw
61850 / Alyce King
Portable 149
Safety Official:
Security, Law Enforcement / Lauren Lerner
61855 / Anne Smith
Computer Lab
Public Information Official:
Media Liaison / Alyce King
Portable 149
68573 / Nikole Baker
Counselor’s Office
Liaison Official:
Liaison to Outside Agencies / Patricia Williams
Portable 309B
53515 / Margie Avis
Portable 149
No Phone
Situation Analysis / Nicole Dabbs
61857 / Clint Davis
AP Office
Student Accounting & Release / Nancy Neal
61852 / LaTasha Beard
Room 4
Facility & Environmental / Geraldine Davis
Portable 149
53542 / Genell Dotson
Portable 149
First Aid, CPR, Medical / Ronald Anderson
Portable 87
53509 / Tammie Chapman
Portable 87
Crisis Intervention & Response / Nikole Baker
Counselor’s Office
61862 / Mary Lou Stanton
Portable 237
Food, water, sanitation / Arrilia Pollion
61854 / Nadine Johnson
Communications / Megan Goddard
Annex 23
53501 / Elisa Bennett
Portable 149
No Phone
Supplies / Jennifer Rogan
Room 16
53533 / Jessica Clark
No Phone
Administration & Finance:
Documentation / Lisa Lowery
Portable 149
61861 / Linda Fisher
Protable 149
Students and Staff Needing Special Assistance
Using the information from individual Teacher/Staff Survey form (FORM #4 and 4a), the Multi-Hazard Emergency School Team maintains a master list of students and staff needing special assistance in the event of an emergency (make copies of this sheet as necessary):
A list of names are in the office.
Classroom and Building “Hazard Hunt” MASTER LIST (and Mitigation Plans)
Each Multi-Hazard Emergency School Team is required to identify circumstances unique to its school/campus/facility that present unique risks to persons or property. These may include materials used within the building, potentially troublesome evacuation routes, dangers due to geographic location, proximity to potentially hazardous buildings in the community, issues related to sharing a campus with another school, etc.
Using information from Classroom and Building “Hazard Hunt” forms, as well as insights from Multi-Hazard Emergency School Team members, list below any specific risks or potential hazards needing special consideration and plans to address them (copy form as needed):
Potential Hazards
/Actions to Mitigate
/Successful (Yes/No)
/Barriers to Intervention
Pre-K Students dismissal/arrival
/Parents will drop off/pick up in the cafeteria
/ /No fence around school grounds
/Staff monitors students whenever outside; Watchdogs
/ /Heavy traffic on streets around school
/Parents must stay in cars during dismissal; crossing guards in front/rear of school; police officer on Stratford
/ /Strangers loitering near school and on grounds
/Administration notified, if unsuccessful in getting stranger to leave police are called
/ /Assembly Area (Outdoors, for Standard Evacuation)
Use the following worksheet to plan for evacuation from the building to an on-site, or near-site Assembly Area (e.g., on-site football field). The Assembly Area should minimize exposure of students to dangers or hazards around the school.
1. Examine floor plans and maps for your school grounds and surrounding neighborhood. Determine primary and secondary exits for each room in the building. Consider factors such as: gas, sewer, power lines; chain link fences (electrical hazard); facilities containing toxic or radioactive material, water towers, multiple story buildings (vulnerable to collapse), transformers, balconies (which may fall from buildings), etc.
2. Designate each of the following in the Assembly Area: (Include an outside map with the assembly area)
Command Post North end of soccer field (closer to goal posts) by black top area
Access for emergency vehicles Parking lot on Stratford Road side
Student assembly areas (by grade level or team, etc.)
South end of soccer field, away from trees and wires
Grade levels will be grouped together – please see diagram
First aid area North end of soccer field (close to black top area)
Heliport landing area for air medical (if traffic gridlock prevents vehicular access
Center of soccer field______
Psychological first aid area North end of soccer field next to playground equipment
Student release Perkins Road side of soccer field
Media area On black top area next to parking lot
Potential morgue Left of Heliport on soccer field
K 1st 2nd
3rd 4th 5th
First Aid
Psychological Command Playground
First Aid Post Equipment
Communicate Student Accounting and Release procedures to parents.
(Please attach copy of letter to parents)
September 1, 2013
Dear Parents:
It is time to have our annual review of the Emergency Management Plan for Berclair. All parents need to be aware of the alternate building locations, as well as the student accounting and release information. The complete plan will be available for viewing at the November Family Night.
If the school building is evacuated, our primary location for student assembly will be on the open field area to the south of the building. A Student Release Check Out area will be located south of the playground equipment along the Perkins Road sidewalk. Parents will be required to report to this area in order to check out their child. Please do not go to the assembly area! Runners will retrieve individual students and bring them to the Check Out area for parents to sign a release check out form.
If it is necessary to evacuate the school campus, we have several alternate locations for assembly.
The alternate building locations within walking distance are:
Berclair Baptist Church – 4584 Summer Ave.
Grimes United Methodist Church – 4649 Summer Ave.
The alternate building locations that require transportation are:
Advanced Services, Inc. – 5865 Shelby Oaks Cir.
Gaisman Community Center – 4221 Macon Rd.
Students will be accounted for by using attendance records when they reach the alternate site. Parents would need to report to the Check Out station in order to pick up their child. Runners will retrieve students from the assembly areas and bring them to the Check Out station. Parents would sign a release check out before removing their child from the premises.
Our “GO” Kits, which include first aid and emergency supplies, are complete. HASA (Home and School Association) graciously provided all the necessary contents. Each homeroom class has one that will be taken out whenever the class evacuates the building.
Thanks for your continued cooperation in helping us be well prepared for any emergency situation. If you have any questions, please call the school at 416-8800 and speak with the principal, Dr. Sam Shaw, or call 416-1862 to speak with the school counselor, Ms. Baker.
Berclair Elementary School
El Plan de Evacuar
En El caso De Emergencia
Querido Padre/Madre:
Cada año repasamos el plan de evacuacion de la escuela en el caso de emergencia. Todos deben ser familirizados con este plan. Se puede ver el plan completo durante el reunión familiar de noviembre.
En el caso de evacuación, el lugar principal en donde nos reunimos es el campo que está al lado de la escuela. En el caso, cuando vienen a recoger sus hijos, deben firmar por sus hijos. Hacemos esto para que podamos estar seguros que todos los estudiantes están seguros. Por favor no recoja su hijo sin firmar y hablar con un empleado de la escuela.
Si tenemos que evacuar el recinto de la escuela, vamos a reunirnos en uno de estos lugares 9en este orden):
Primero: Berclair Baptist Church – (La Iglesia Bautista de Berclair) – 4584 Summer Ave.
Segundo: Grimes United Methodist – (Iglesia Metodista de Grimes) – 4649 Summer Ave.
Tercero: Advanced Services, Inc. – 5865 Shelby Oaks Circle
Cuarto: Gaisman Community Center – 4221 Macon Road
Maestras van a chequear la asistencia de cada estudiante cuando llegamos al lugar en donde reunimos. Otra vez, cuando vienen a recoger sus hijos, deben firmar por sus hijos. Por favor no recoja su hijo sin firmar y hablar con un empleado de la escuela.
Tenemos cajitas de primeros auxilios en cada clase que vamos a llevar con nosotros en el caso de emergencia. Gracias a HASA (Asociacion de Casa y Esuela) por preparando estas cajitas.
Gracias por su apoyo y ayudo en estar major preparados para una emergencia. Si tiene pregunta, nos puede llamar a 416-8800.
Alternate Building Location: Walking Distance
In inclement weather, it may be necessary to move students to an Alternate Building Location rather than using the typical Outdoor Assembly Area. Use the following worksheet to plan for evacuation from the building to an off-site building location within walking distance from the school. Coordinate your planning with Central Office, other schools, etc.
1. Examine maps and site plans for possible Alternate Building Location in the immediate vicinity of the school property.
2. Consider factors such as roadways, waterways, power lines, metal fences, utilities, etc., and select routes that minimize exposure to area hazards.
3. Coordinate planning with nearby schools, community centers, businesses, churches, etc. to establish relationships for Alternate Building Location.
4. Designate each of the following:
Alternate Building Location Name/Title & Phone Number
(Address) (Lead Contact)
Berclair Baptist Church Ray Scarbrough
4584 Summer Avenue
Memphis, TN 38122
Secondary Location Name/Title & Phone Number
(Address) (Alternate Lead Contact)
Grimes United Methodist Church Rev. Steve M. Ingram II
4649 Summer Avenue
Memphis, TN 38122
USE SPACE BELOW for any special planning needs, routes, alternate routes, or for coordinating your school’s plan with other schools or buildings on the same campus.
To Berclair Baptist: Students will exit buildings and proceed south on Perkins Road to the church. Assembly will take place in the church sanctuary or basement based on circumstance.
To Grimes United Methodist: Students will exit buildings and proceed south on Stratford Road and across Summer Avenue. Assembly will take place in the church sanctuary.
Alternate Building Location: Requiring Transport
Use the following worksheet to plan for evacuation from the building to an off-site building location requiring transport from the school. Coordinate your planning with Central Office, other schools, etc.
1. Contact the Director of Transportation in Central Office to coordinate and plan for transporting students and staff to an Alternate Building Location. Examine local area maps for primary and secondary roadways to transport students and staff to an Alternate Building Location.
2. Consider factors such as roadways (for potential traffic “gridlock”), waterways, power lines, metal fences, utilities, etc., and select routes that minimize exposure to area hazards.
3. Coordinate planning with other schools, community centers, businesses, churches, etc. to establish reciprocal relationships for Alternate Building Location (schools across town may serve as alternate site for each other).
4. Designate each of the following:
Alternate Building Location Name/Title & Phone Number
(Address) (Lead Contact)
Advanced Services, Inc. Jill Sullivan, Center Manager
5865 Shelby Oaks Cir.
Bartlett, TN 38134
Secondary Location Name/Title & Phone Number
(Address) (Alternate Lead Contact)
Gaisman Community Center Jerome Potts, Director
4221 Macon Road
Memphis, TN 38122
USE SPACE BELOW for any special planning needs or for coordinating your school’s plan with other schools or buildings on the same campus.
Student Accounting and Release
Each school needs to establish a specific plan for student accounting and release. Use the following worksheet to describe how your school will account for students and staff in the building in the event of an evacuation. Teachers must carry roll books, grade books, or student attendance sheets when exiting the building during an evacuation. A staff roster should also be available to take during an evacuation.
1. List below steps or procedures staff will take to assure student or staff accounting (i.e., teachers report to team leader, who reports to “Student Accounting and Release” member of the Multi-Hazard Emergency School Team, who reports to principal):
1) Roll is taken at assembly area by classroom teachers.
2) Grade level chairperson records attendance/number present/names of any students unaccounted for.
3) Attendance record will be collected by operations command/student accounting and release staff.
4) Updated attendance will be kept at student release post.
2. What procedures will be in place to release students to parents, guardians, or other designated adults during an emergency?
1) Classroom teachers check roll at assembly area.
2) Any missing or absent students will be reported to Nancy Neal.
3) Parents report to student check out station.
4) Runners retrieve students from classroom assembly area.
5) Teachers record release time of each student.
6) Parents, sign release check out sheet.
12. Orientation and Training Schedule [2013-2014]
Annually, each school should prepare a schedule of orientation and training events. Use the worksheet below to outline a schedule for training events, drills, etc.
Month / Training Event and Who is to be Trained / PersonResponsible / Comments
August / Review of Classroom Crisis Response Procedures
All Staff / Dr. Sam Shaw/
Nikole Baker/
Geraldine Davis
September / Review/Update
Emergency Management Plan / Dr. Sam Shaw/
Nikole Baker/
Geraldine Davis
October / Present revised plan to faculty
All Staff / Dr. Sam Shaw/
Nikole Baker/
Geraldine Davis
November / Review fire drill procedures
All Staff / Dr. Sam Shaw/
Clint Davis/
Geraldine Davis
December / Review tornado drill procedures
All Staff / Dr. Sam Shaw/
Clint Davis/
Geraldine Davis
January / Review earthquake procedures
All Staff / Dr. Sam Shaw/
Clint Davis/
Geraldine Davis
February / Review lock down procedures
All Staff / Dr. Sam Shaw/
Clint Davis/
Geraldine Davis
March / Review evacuation plan procedures / Dr. Sam Shaw/
Clint Davis/
Geraldine Davis
April / Review bomb threat procedures
All Staff / Dr. Sam Shaw/
Clint Davis/
Geraldine Davis
May / Review reverse evacuation procedures
All Staff / Dr. Sam Shaw/
Clint Davis/
Geraldine Davis
Drill Schedule and Log [2013 -2014]